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161. Twin Falls R&E Center Major research and extension programs are conducted on agriculture, natural resources, youth, family, community, and environmental issues. Undergraduate degrees offered Agriculture science and Technology or Plant science. Website offers links to extension and research programs. http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/twinfalls | |
162. Farmpark A family oriented science and cultural center devoted to agriculture, farming, and country life. http://lakemetroparks.com/HTML/LFP/farmpark.html | |
163. 1999 Photo Index.html He says he s a great believer in the role of families in human happiness and Watkins Center Purdue food science Professor Bruce Watkins and graduate http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/newspix.index99.html | |
164. Wright Adger Practicing in banking, finance, business, commercial, constitutional, criminal, family, probate, science and technology and taxation law, divorce, drunk driving defense, estate planning, litigation, and personal injury. http://wrightadger.lawoffice.com |
165. Technology Roadmap For Productive Nanosystems For more information about The Waitt family Foundation and its related institutes Battelle is a global leader in science and technology. http://www.foresight.org/roadmaps/ | |
166. Fatherwork Promoting generative fathering, or working to meet children's needs; by two BYU family science students. http://fatherwork.byu.edu/ | |
167. Family Mephitidae Information and images of four North American species. http://sciweb.onysd.wednet.edu/academics/science/subjects/zoology/mammalia/skunk |
168. Botanical Garden Of Nijmegen Botanical Garden Of Nijmegen Holds the Dutch national collection of plants in the Solanaceae family. Includes checklist and images. http://www.bgard.science.ru.nl/ | |
169. Parasitic Plant Connection - Scrophulariaceae family description, distribution map, list of genera, and extensive information on the parasitic plants in this family, with images. http://www.science.siu.edu/parasitic-plants/Scrophulariaceae/ | |
170. Parasitic Plant Connection - Viscaceae Includes family description, range map, list of genera, many images, and articles, including information on the life cycle of Arceuthobium (dwarf mistletoe) and tips on controlling mistletoes (Phoradendron species). http://www.science.siu.edu/parasitic-plants/Viscaceae/ | |
171. AAFCS - Home Page National organization representing family and consumer sciences professionalsacross practice areas and content specializations. http://www.aafcs.org/ | |
172. Family & Consumer Sciences Extension service offering educational programs delivered by county extensioneducators, and focus on the strengthening and sustaining families within the http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/ | |
173. WVU Extension Service: Helping People Put Knowledge To Work Offers educational programs and research in the areas of community development, agriculture and family and consumer sciences to people and communities throughout West Virginia. http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/ | |
174. Family & Consumer Sciences - University Of Kentucky, College Of Agriculture, Coo Home Page for Kentucky s family and Consumer Sciences Extension State office . family Consumer Sciences, 206 Scovell Hall, University of Kentucky, http://www.ca.uky.edu/fcs/ | |
175. Management Sciences For Health - Home A private, nonprofit international organization working in public health areas to strengthen health care management and improve access to critical health care services worldwide, including maternal/child health and family planning. http://www.msh.org/ | |
176. College Of Health And Human Sciences At Oregon State University The Department of Human Development and family Sciences (HDFS) examines humandevelopment within the context of families, schools, work, communities, http://www.hhs.oregonstate.edu/hdfs/ | |
177. Gerontology | HHS | OSU College of Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University. College ofHealth Human Sciences. Human Development and family Sciences http://www.hhs.oregonstate.edu/gerontology/ | |
178. Family, Career And Community Leaders Of America News, information, programs, and officer information relating to family and consumer sciences education. Also includes information on the stop the violence project. http://www.fcclainc.org/ | |
179. Document Sciences - Just Add Content, Dynamic Content Publishing Solutions Develops, markets and supports family of document automation software products and services used in high volume electronic publishing applications. (Nasdaq DOCX). http://www.docscience.com/ | |
180. Ohioline Access to factsheets, bulletins and other educational materials covering subjectssuch as agriculture, natural resources, family and consumer sciences, http://ohioline.osu.edu/ | |
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