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121. NCFR Annual Conference Information family Policy Debra L. Berke, CFLE, Messiah UniversityGrantham, PA Â familyScience Kevin L. Allemagne, CFLE, Seton Hill University http://www.ncfr.org/conference_info/index.asp | |
122. Protein Structure Central To Cystic Fibrosis Solved Scientists have obtained their first threedimensional look at a member of a large family of proteins that play a central role in the development of cystic fibrosis, can block the therapeutic effects of medications, and are also involved in a wide range of vital biological processes. The structure of this representative protein was solved by a team at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California at Berkeley (UCB). http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/abc-cystic-fibrosis.html | |
123. Chevron - Community Engagement - Family Science Launched in 1991, the family science program encourages children of diversebackgrounds to pursue careers in the sciences fields critical to the global http://www.chevron.com/social_responsibility/community/programs_family.asp | |
124. Domestication's Family Tree | Economist.com DNA is revealing that taming animals was not a simple process. http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=587270 |
125. Johnston Family Enterprises: Web Site Index Unit studies about creation science and music. http://jfamilyenterprises.com/ | |
126. Having-a-baby.com: Pregnancy, Baby, Fertility, Postpartum, Preconception: Parent Ann Douglas' book for older siblings when a baby comes into the family as well as for adults. http://www.babyscience.com/ | |
127. BYU - Brigham Young University Home BROWSE CATEGORIES, A Z index Route Y family, Home, and Social Sciences Fine Arts and Communications Graduate Studies http://home.byu.edu/webapp/home/index.jsp |
128. Default Describes activities supporting and representing family and consumer sciences teachers in the state. http://www.fcstat.org/ | |
129. Bethany House Publishers - Christian Fiction, Nonfiction, Children's Books Christian fiction and nonfiction books in categories including historical and contemporary fiction, science fiction, Christian living, family, devotional, classics, theology and teen/children's. http://www.bethanyhouse.com/ | |
130. Families Northwest Nonprofit organization advocating a healthy environment for marital and family life. Features calendar of current events, radio addresses audio, and resources for reporting ongoing social science research. http://www.familiesnorthwest.org/ | |
131. Index Of /policies/p2520.13/Family And Consumer Sciences index of /policies/p2520.13/family and Consumer Sciences 15Aug-2003 120749k family and consumer master.doc 15-Aug-2003 1207 796k http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2520.13/Family and Consumer Sciences/ | |
132. Untitled Document Provides information in agriculture, dairy, forestry, 4H, family and community development, marine science, and watershed management. http://extension.oregonstate.edu/tillamook/ |
133. NicheUSA, L.L.C: The Home Of The ZoomerOne Family Besides the science Topics Web Links section listed here, Librarians Indexto the Internet (http//lii.org/) Their motto is Information You Can http://nicheusa.home.att.net/link2science3-6.htm | |
134. NAU Department Of Nursing Department of Nursing. Bachelor of science in nursing, registered nurse to bachelor of science in nursing bridge program and master of science in nursing with streams in rural health settings, advanced nursing practice, and/or as a family nurse practitioner are offered. http://www.nau.edu/~hp/dept/nurse/ | |
135. VeggieTales At Kidz On Earth Offering videos and audio tapes on a variety of topics including sharing, family and science. http://www.kidzonearth.org | |
136. EXPLORIT Science Center - Programs The Ultimate family science Night of handson science in your multi-purpose room.Health In Your World. A hands-on a family Health Night at your facility http://www.explorit.org/programs.html | |
137. CoralRealm - Reef Fish, Sharks, Rays & Invertebrates Coral Realm is all about coral reef marine life. Site features a database of more than 1000 reef fish, sharks and rays searchable by common, science or family name. Travel logs and dive travel planning are also part of Coral Realm. http://www.coralrealm.com | |
138. Adoption History : Adoption Studies/Adoption Science Index Page basic scientific questions about development, nature and nurture, and familynorms. Further reading about Adoption Studies and Adoption science http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~adoption/studies/ | |
139. SSRN-Custody And Couvade: The Importance Of Paternal Bonding In The Law Of Famil Article addressing fathers' roles in abortion decisions, mentioning that about 82.5% of wives confide in their husbands. Author is Geoffrey P. Miller. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=201056 |
140. ::welcome To Sgupta.cjb.net:: Personal site profiling self and family and talks of his interests in science and Hinduism. http://www.geocities.com/urssekhar/intro/intro.html | |
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