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41. Picture File By Thesaurus Term (A - M) || Syracuse University Library american history, US history. american Indians, Native americans. Amish, Amish fairs and expositions, fairs and expositions. fairy tales, fantasy http://libwww.syr.edu/information/finearts/picturefile/pfthesaurus1.htm | |
42. 3.3 Exhibition Theory Philadelphia 1997 National Museum of american Jewish history/Center for Judaic *Waters, Honeric William history of fairs and expositions Their http://www.tu-cottbus.de/BTU/Fak2/TheoArch/Wolke/eng/Bibliography/rechts7.htm | |
43. Clements Library Collections Africanamerican history (especially the antislavery movement); american Revolution;Cookery; Crime; Education; fairs and expositions; history of the family http://www.clements.umich.edu/Collections.html | |
44. Ivan Steen CV fairs and expositions, 18511988. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, ExternalReviewer, american history College Proficiency Examination, New York State http://www.albany.edu/mumford/About_us/SteenCV.html | |
45. Making Culture Visable THE PUBLIC DISPLAY OF PHOTOGRAPHY AT fairs, expositions, AND EXHIBITIONS IN THE and at the National Museum of american history Library in Washington, http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/2001-07/culturevisable.html | |
46. The Enduring Seminoles : From Alligator Wrestling To Ecotourism - A Book From Th They participated in fairs and expositions in Chicago, New York, and Canada. curator of North american ethnology, National Museum of Natural history, http://www.upf.com/Fall1998/west.html | |
47. Reader's Companion To American History - -WORLD'S FAIRS The Reader s Companion to american history. WORLD S fairs. american internationalexpositions, like their counterparts in other countries, http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_093900_worldsfairs.htm | |
48. Review Of World's Fairs And Expositions Defining America And The World, 1876-191 A quarterly online journal of fulllength reviews of Web sites that present history. http://www.publichistory.org/reviews/View_Review.asp?DBID=47 |
49. Filipinos At World's Fairs And International Expositions Document displays of Filipinos at World's fairs held in the United States (18981916), their influence in shaping american racial attitudes, and both Filipino and anti-imperialist opposition to the displays. http://www.boondocksnet.com/expos/wfe_filipinos.html | |
50. World's Fairs And International Expositions Resources on the world's fairs held from 1876 to 1916 focusing on how they shaped american culture by presenting idealized visions of the past and future that often ignored minority viewpoints. http://www.boondocksnet.com/expos/ | |
51. SIL | Smithsonian Institution Libraries | National Museum Of American History Li National Museum of american history Library The World s fairs and Expositionscollection is a collection of published international exposition and http://www.sil.si.edu/libraries/nmah-col.htm | |
52. San Francisco History By Subject - Museum Of The City Of San Francisco Early history of California Schools by Will C. Wood. San Francisco  fairsexpositions.Celebrating the Centennial  1876 An Invitation to Prison  1912 http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist1/index0.1.html | |
53. Development Of The Industrial United States 1878-1899: Sports And Recreation Stu fairs and expositions. Along with spectator sports, amusement parks, and circuses As they had throughout their history, Americans celebrated holidays to http://www.bookrags.com/history-industrial-united-states-sports-and-recreation/ | |
54. World's Fairs And Expositions In Washington State 1962 Century 21 Exposition An overview of the 1962 Seattle World s Fair as well as Spokane World s Fair A history Lesson The University of Washington s http://seattle.about.com/od/worldsfairs/ | |
55. University Of Delaware: FOUR DECADES OF LIBRARY SUPPORT history has been a longstanding collecting focus of the University of DelawareLibrary and Special material culture, and worlds fairs and expositions. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/udla/history.htm | |
56. BooksRecommendedby2005Speakers John Bodnar, The Transplanted A history of Immigrants in Urban America Southeast; Historical Dictionary of World s fairs and expositions) show that http://www.csc.vsc.edu/TAH/BooksRecommended2005Speakers.htm | |
57. Gilded Age And Progressive Era World s fairs and expositions Defining America and the World, The NewImmigration and Urban America. Immigration Ethnic history Society http://www2.tntech.edu/history/gilprog.html | |
58. The Worlds Fair And Exposition Information And Reference Guide African Americans at the World s fairs and expositions Palace of Fine Arts A Brief history of the Exploratoriums Home http://www.earthstation9.com/general5.htm | |
59. Worlds Fairs And Exposition Guidebook The Great american Fair The World s Columbia Exposition and american Culture A Hundred Years of Heroes A history of the Southwestern Exposition and http://www.earthstation9.com/worlds_b.htm | |
60. National History Day 2003 How to Use this Lesson for history Day Entries. The World s Fair itself could be World s fairs expositions Defining America and the World, 18761916. http://nationalhistoryday.org/03_educators/2003curbook/16-worldpower/worldpower. | |
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