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Expressionism Dance: more detail | ||||||||||
61. Eye - Dance - 10.07.99 As my introduction to European expressionism, it was a revelation. The dance wasset in a giant dollhouse and performed in masks. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_10.07.99/arts/dance.html | |
62. Korea Foundation form that incorporates elements of Japanese dance and theater traditions aswell as expressionism, Modernism and Dadaism and contemporary dance pieces http://www.kf.or.kr:8080/eng/notice/mediaView.jsp?boardIdx=445 |
63. Germany Expressionism Art - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Libra We searched for germany AND expressionism AND art and found 1930 total results . In the Shadow of the Reich Modern dance in Hitler s Germany http://www.questia.com/search/germany-expressionism-art | |
64. CNN - Martha Clarke: Art Near 'la Flamme' - June 17, 1999 And in a way, Clarke s background reflects the American dance Festival s own ( expressionism in Modern dance, 1130 am in the East Duke Building), http://archives.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Arts/9906/17/dance.fest/ | |
65. Village Voice > Dance > By Christopher Reardon A sign out front reads The Martha Graham Center of Contemporary dance, but devotees Graham s barefoot expressionism and stomachsnapping contractions http://www.villagevoice.com/dance/9905,reardon,3770,14.html | |
66. Village Voice > Dance > By Chris Dohse forms needs its cheerleaders to encourage and educate a confused audience (JohnMartin for modern dance, Clement Greenberg for abstract expressionism). http://www.villagevoice.com/dance/9836,dohse,3446,14.html | |
67. Expressionism You can find expressionism also in literature, in drama, in set and dance, infilm and in architecture. A unified expressionist style, formed by typical http://www.museumonline.at/1997/schulen/weiz/expr_e.htm | |
68. Voice Of Dance - Insights - Features The extraordinary Japanese troupe, Dairakudakan, the pioneer exponent of anokokubutoh (dance of darkness the apocalyptic offshoot of German expressionism http://www.voiceofdance.com/Insights/features.test.cfm?LinkID=31500000000000141 |
69. Ken Green's Artwork List Style, Abstract expressionism. Media, Mixed Media on MDF Board. Dimensions,44 x 23 x .05 . Subject, Horses Subject, Tango dance http://www.doubletakeart.com/cgi-bin/dtg/ea.awl?artist.code=green001 |
70. Artifact: Full Record For Butoh Net : The World Of Butoh Dance Other Butoh dance; contemporary dance; German expressionism. Subject HeadingsContemporary dance. Language(s) available on Website English http://www.artifact.ac.uk/displayoai.php?id=5870 |
71. Seattle 1 big showy effects, bold images and a hypertheatrical expressionism.dance review A Russian Hamlet The Son of Catherine the Great, 8 o clock tonight, http://www.ardani.com/seattletimes1.htm | |
72. Art/Museums: Arcadia And Metropolis, Masterworks Of German Expressionism From Th Dorftanz (Dangast)/Village dance (Dangast), for example, is a dance hall He slowly turned away from expressionism, and his artistic expression moved http://www.thecityreview.com/arcadia.html | |
73. The Drama Syllabus Forms; expressionism, epic theater, theater of the absurd, other experimentsfolk theater, expressionism, dance theater, and other forms. http://www.msuiit.edu.ph/ipag/studies/drama/engl95.html | |
74. ArtsWork In small groups students then create a Circle dance reflecting proscenium/formal performance stages, narrative dances/expressionism, and spectacle. http://artswork.asu.edu/ig2/cur/01_les.html | |
75. Dance Research An experienced dance writer, critic and researcher of international standing, She is currently working on research entitled expressionism in the Work of http://www.ucc.ac.uk/arts/dance/research/staff_profiles.html | |
76. Straight.com Vancouver | Arts That was hard work, Charnock says of his three years teaching dance to four yoga, and expressionism It s for people who might have been frightened http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=7689 |
77. Artists In Australia - Free Music Downloads - MP3 Downloads - Download.com Music The Beach Goes are a selection of contemporary electro dance traxs that can be a bit Filed Under Electronic dance » Experimental, expressionism, http://msn-cnet.com.com/3605-7983_32-0.html?country=Australia |
78. Read About 20th Century Concert Dance At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research 20t 20th century concert dance. Everything you wanted to know about 20th century concert expressionism Free dance Modern dance Expressionist dance http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/20th_century_concert_dance | |
79. Shen Wei Dance Arts Shen Wei dance Arts, one of today s more original voices, in Folding at the introduced American audiences to a new brand of expressionism whose highly http://www.shenweidancearts.org/article82.html | |
80. This Month On Greater Boston Arts For more on Boston expressionism, visit the highlight. Painting in Boston 19502000 MIT dance Theatre Ensemble performs Gus Solomons, Jr. s CROWD http://www.wgbh.org/wgbh/pages/bostonarts/2002/novstories.html | |
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