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Expressionism Dance: more detail | ||||||||||
41. Dance Magazine dance has come back! Karole ArmitageÂÂdubbed the Âpunk ballerina of the Â80s for progresses from acrobatic neoclassicism through moody expressionism, http://www.dancemagazine.com/dance_magazine/reviews/show_review.php?f=may_2004/a |
42. Dance Magazine Free! Search Here! Everything You Need in the dance World! his classicalheritage with the influence of LopukhovÂs plastic expressionism and acrobatics. http://www.dancemagazine.com/dance_magazine/reviews/show_review.php?f=march_2005 |
43. DanceScape.TV I wouldn t do well in modern dance because when I go to see it, to the widespectrum of emotional expressionism that Spanish dance has to offer. http://www.dancescape.tv/content/corppages.asp?Page=9&StoryId=195 |
44. From Dancing Dutch, Contemporary Dance In The Netherlands her own contemporary way, and it has to be said that she started at a time,in the heyday of postmodern dance, when expressionism was taboo in dance. http://www.truus-bronkhorst.com/hedendaagse_dans_hoofdstuk_engels.html | |
45. Art Journal: Other Solutions humanist and associated with the New York School in painting and MarthaGraham s expressionism in dance expectations that art reveal the subjectivity http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0425/is_3_63/ai_n6358355 | |
46. Spectator, The: Martha Graham Dance Company Her dance expressionism, and the utterly modernist solutions she adopted to conveywhat she wanted to say, had, among her contemporaries, the same effect as http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3724/is_200311/ai_n9324924 | |
47. ArtLex's En-Ez Page See a larger article devoted exclusivly to expression and expressionism, Also see angst, bias, choose, dance, emotionalism, expressionism, fanciful, http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/En.html | |
48. Dances And Movements Gurdjieff s dance licenses no expressionism , euphemistically ascribable toinspiration or intuition. Each Movement s external form is mathematically http://www.gurdjieff.org.uk/gs7.htm | |
49. DANCE 319 / THETR 319 / VISST 319: Music, Dance & Light / Fall 2004 Syllabus / R Jowitt Expression and expressionism in American Modern dance ; 13.Aloff Husbandry . Viewing assignment. Graham Appalachian Spring (music Copland), http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/alf6/04syl914copy.htm | |
50. DANCE 319 / THETR 319 / VISST 319 Course Packet Contents Expression and expressionism in American Modern dance. From dance History AnIntroduction, edited by Janet AdsheadLansdale and June Layson (Routledge, http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/alf6/04BIB529copy.HTM | |
51. Dance Video Collection- Lilly Library F&V From Free dance to dance Theatre, German expressionism (dance of the Century) 6407,Cass. 3. PAL format. 53 mins. Paris Amaya, 1992. http://www.lib.duke.edu/lilly/dancevid.htm | |
52. The Modern Magazine For Persian Celebrations, Cuisine, Culture & Community Persian dance in Perspective - The Non-Persian perspective by Shahrzad lived through various stages (impressionism, expressionism, avant-guard, etc. http://www.persianmirror.com/community/2005/dance/opinionShahrzadKhorsandi.cfm | |
53. Great Performances: Free To Dance - Behind The Dance - Pioneers In Negro Concert that was part German expressionism, eclectic, and African American. Billed as The First Negro dance Recital in America, Hemsley Winfield and Edna http://www.pbs.org/wnet/freetodance/behind/behind_pioneers_b.html | |
54. Home She received her MFA from The Ohio State University, and was awarded the nationalGraduate Research Award in 1992 for her research in dance expressionism. http://www.geneseo.edu/~myers/ | |
55. Kirchner's Tapestry A history of expressionism would have to give him a deal of room on account body and the dance Kirchner s Swiss work as expressionism (by Colin Rhodes, http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl1901/19010680.htm | |
56. The Journal Of Textual Reasoning Among the varied forms of European modernism, expressionism was unique in Puppets were the cipher to the faith in machines, theater, and dance at the http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/tr/volume3/braiterman.html | |
57. Ballet-Dance Magazine - Improvisation And Ballet - P.A.R.T.S. - Part 1 Rudolf von Laban (of danceexpressionism fame) developed a notation-system withwhich to transcribe human movement of any sort. On first glance, I referred http://www.ballet-dance.com/200405/articles/PARTS20030625a.html | |
58. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka UMK. Archiwum Emigracji. David A. Goldfarb expressionism AND THE VISUAL IN JÃZEF WITTLIN S HYMN OF HATRED and finallyto the regular dance rhythm of the fourbeat line punctuated by the http://www.bu.uni.torun.pl/Archiwum_Emigracji/Goldfarb.htm | |
59. H2O - The Mystery, Art, And Science Of Water: Water And Dance She is a leader in a dance style called German expressionism. Pina Bausch s worldis one of relationships between people, how men and women deal with their http://witcombe.sbc.edu/water/dance.html | |
60. Library Research Workstation: Expressionism, Epic, & Absurdism Find articles here on dance, film, television, drama, theater, stagecraft, **There are so many resources on art and expressionism in Orbis that a simple http://www.library.yale.edu/humanities/theater/instruction/expressionism.htm | |
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