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121. MIT 6.891 Computational Evolutionary Biology - Lecture Distinguish transformational and variational evolution. How are changes in an ensemble different in biological evolution than in stellar evolution? http://web.mit.edu/6.891/www/lecture.html | |
122. Trinity College Biology Department Courses emphasizing the molecular nature of living systems as well as courses treating cell biology, genetics, development, plant and animal morphology and function, ecology, field studies, and evolution. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/biol/ | |
123. Phylogeny And Comparative Biology Of Wrens Summarizes the phylogeny of these birds, discusses the evolution of their social and vocal behavior, and provides photos. Includes related links. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~barke042/Wren.html | |
124. Duke University Primate Center (DUPC) Research on prosimian biology, conservation needs, and primate evolution are the primary activities. Extensive amount of information on lemurs. http://primatecenter.duke.edu/ | |
125. Welcome To The Ecology And Evolutionary Biology Web Site! The ecology and evolutionary biology faculty at the University of NebraskaLincoln began a initiative (IEEA) in 1999 to foster research and graduate http://ecology.evolution.unl.edu/ | |
126. Ecology And Evolution At Bucknell Information on learning and research opportunities in conservation biology, ecology, and evolution at Bucknell University, a comprehensive liberal arts university in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/biology/eeb.htm | |
127. Animal Evolution And Ecology Muenster - Welcome To Our Department 27/04/04, Introductory meeting of the BCourse Evolutionary biology; 20/04/04, Beginning of the seminar Evolutionary biology (14-16, Seminar room) http://www.uni-muenster.de/Biologie.EvoEco/Evolbio/ | |
128. The American Naturalist A peerreviewed publication in ecology, evolution, and population and integrative biology research. Archived tables of contents and other information. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/AN/ | |
129. Index Of /~jebaker Meiofauna are tiny organisms (such as protozoa) almost all of the living things you can see with a basic microscope (at least 40X magnification) but not with the naked eye. Site discusses their potential uses in biology education and research on evolution and ecology. http://www.flash.net/~jebaker/ | |
130. How Brains Think Online text of a book by W. H. Calvin. Outlines his view of the evolution of higher cognitive functions and the circuitry that supports them in the neocortex, drawing on anthropology, evolutionary biology, linguistics, and the neurosciences. http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/bk8 |
131. Talk.Origins Archive: Exploring The Creation/Evolution Controversy Archives and FAQs from Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of creation, evolution, and related topics on the origin of life, geology, biology, catastrophism, cosmology and theology. http://www.talkorigins.org/ | |
132. 'Evolution, Biology And Psychology From A Marxist Point Of View' 50k This article is largely historical, but the issues remain timely. http://human-nature.com/rmyoung/papers/paper46.html | |
133. The Euglenoid Project: Euglena, Euglenida, Euglenophyta, Euglenozoa, Algae, Prot A comprehensive database of the taxonomy, structure, evolution, and general biology of the euglenoid flagellates (Euglenophyta or Euglenida). http://bio.rutgers.edu/euglena/ |
134. Biologie Des Orques | Killer Whale Biology, Orcinus Orca Provides an overview of general biology, taxonomy, ecology, evolution, behavior and physiology within the species. The site available in English and French. http://www.orca.online.fr/ | |
135. Organismic Biology, Ecology, And Evolution Department Describes majors and graduate programs and courses, faculty, and links to related institutions, UCLA centers, and life sciences sites. http://www.lifesci.ucla.edu/bio/ |
136. Department Of Biology Covers a broad spectrum of study and research including cell biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, neuroscience, physiology and systematics. Features details of courses and degrees, research programs, and online course material. http://www.bio.psu.edu/ |
137. Physiological And Molecular Plant Pathology Print and online journal on all aspects of molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, ultrastructure, genetics, and evolution of plantmicrobe interactions. Includes content search, abstracts (1993 to present), sample issue, author guidelines with manuscript submission form, subscription information, and list of editors. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0885-5765 | |
138. Integrative Biology: Home Focuses on structure and function in the evolution of diverse biological systems organismal morphology and physiology, development, genetics, animal behavior, biomechanics, ecology, systematics, extinct life forms and paleoenvironments, and the evolution of life. Includes details of courses, research programs, support services, and directories. http://ib.berkeley.edu/ | |
139. BioMed Central | BMC Evolutionary Biology Welcome to BMC Evolutionary biology published by BioMed Central. BMC Evolutionary biology publishes original research articles in all aspects of molecular http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcevolbiol/ | |
140. Introduction To Evolutionary Biology A mustread for anyone who wants to participate in talk.origins. This article lays out the land for evolutionists and creationists alike, presenting the http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-intro-to-biology.html | |
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