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81. Albania: Main Page - World Sites Atlas A collection of general and tourist information, plus web links, maps, and photos. http://www.sitesatlas.com/Europe/Albania/albmain.htm | |
82. ART HISTORY RESOURCES: Part 16 Asian Art Professor, Department of Art history, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Asian Art general; Afghanistan; Burma / Myanmar; Cambodia; China; India http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks3.html | |
83. Norway: Main Page - World Sites Atlas A collection of general and tourist information, plus Web links, maps, and photos for places in Norway. http://www.sitesatlas.com/Europe/Norway/normain.htm | |
84. Organisations: Ukraine Society of the Ukrainian Native Faith's webpage providing book resources, a mission statement and some general Ukrainian Pagan information. http://www.wcer.org/members/europe/Ukraine/ | |
85. World History Compass Home Page Provides categorized links to hundreds of history sites on the Web. The CAI Web site is divided into a public tier, which contains general information http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/ | |
86. Auto Fuel STC, Petersen Aviation, Inc. Frequently asked questions about using automotive fuel in general Aviation airplanes. Covers North America and continental europe. http://autofuelstc.com/ | |
87. MainMarineMaritime Home Page This gallery contains photographs of Tall Ships and Sailing. Most of the shots hae been taken in the UK and some from europe. It also contains some photograghs of barges and general maritime shipping. http://www.mainmarinemaritime.com/ | |
88. RTC Hiking Club In The Netherlands Hiker club in the Netherlands. Find membership information, many photos, and general hiking tips for europe. http://home-2.tiscali.nl/~rtc/index_en.html | |
89. CNN - NATO Arrests Senior Bosnian Serb General Wanted For Genocide - December 2, CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9812/02/bosnia.arrest/index.html | |
90. Eighteenth-Century Resources -- History general European history. The Ryhiner Project Catalogue of the extensive early modern map collection. Home Page Bibiena I Bibiena Una famiglia europea http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/history.html | |
91. Economic Forecasts, Economic Calendars, Financial Forecasts And Market Analysis independent London based research unit providing bespoke services on market strategy and economic analysis. Baseline economic and market forecasts for the US, Japan and europe are updated regularly for general access. A forward events calendar, links to official websites and a longterm international chronology is available. http://www.macro-dev.com/ | |
92. Slovakia Travel Guide - Including Information About Bratislava Hotels And Cottag Includes general information, news, useful resources, guides, and articles about Slovakia. http://www.slovakia-slovakia.com | |
93. Index Of /home/BB/forum The community is a group of tight knit snowboarders. Started from BC Canada, going all the way to europe, they discuss snowboarding, and anything in general. http://members.igosite.com/home/BB/forum/ | |
94. George S. May International Company - About Us Management consulting firm provides general management consulting services throughout the US, Canada and parts of europe. The Quality Management Systems department specializes in ISO 9000 and QS 9000. http://www.georgesmay.com/ | |
95. CV Beauvais Nicolas Resume, Presentation, Collaboration, Creation ! Sales director experienced in IT B2B sales looking for a new position as general Manager in an international software or computer company, preferably one that is either startingup or expanding in europe. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/beauvais.informations/ | |
96. General Histories And Chronologies The Longman Handbook of Modern European history, 17631997. The Cold War reference guide a general history and annotated chronology, with selected http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/history/european/eurobib/genhist.htm | |
97. Index Of / general information on the condition, and its management. Also includes study results. http://www.asthmaineurope.co.uk/ | |
98. Sullair Europe : Leader In Rotary Air Screw Technology - Welcome. Specializes in equipment incorporating rotary air screw technology. Manufactured products include industrial and portable compressors, pneumatic tools, and vacuum systems for construction and general manufacturing industries. http://www.sullaireurope.com/ | |
99. Psychology Association Of Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Psychologies (Europe) Combats homophobia in general and in the field of psychology, stimulates and supports gay/lesbian/bisexual affirmative approaches in psychological science, in psychotherapy, and in all other psychological areas of work. http://www.psychologie.uni-trier.de/projects/ALGP/algphome.html |
100. Animal Pictures At Animal Trial View wildlife animal pictures with general facts. Covers animals ranging from North and South America, europe, and Africa. http://www.animaltrial.com/ | |
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