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101. Cryptozoology.com The statement euclid s geometry is an accurate description of the real But euclid s geometry itself only says that IF euclid s axioms are true in a http://www.cryptozoology.com/forum/topic_view_thread.php?tid=11&pid=241027 |
102. KEGP According to Kant, therefore, euclid s geometrical system is a transcendental abstraction from actual experience, and only because of this factnot because http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ppp/srp/arts/KEGP.html | |
103. Saccheri S Solution To Euclid S BLEMISH euclid s flaw . The discovery of these two geometries resulted from a (euclid Freed of Every Flaw A geometrical work in which are established the http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/jmac/sj/sacflaw/sacflaw.htm |
104. Euclid Book I of 1847; David Joyce s Java edition of euclid. Elizabeth Tuttle s wonderful guide to reading reading euclid in Greek; The Perseus project s Greek text of http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/Euclid/ | |
105. Greek Mathematics And Its Modern Heirs euclid s Optics is the earliest surviving work on geometrical optics, and is generally found in Greek manuscripts along with elementary works on spherical http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Greek_math.htm | |
106. Non-Euclidean Geometries, Discovery History of the dicovery of noneuclidean geometries. So Riemann modified euclid s Postulates 1, 2, and 5 to. Two distinct points determine at least one http://www.cut-the-knot.com/triangle/pythpar/Drama.shtml | |
107. Adventures In CyberSound: Euclid euclid s The Optics is the earliest surviving work on geometrical optics, and is generally found in Greek manuscripts along with elementary works on http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/EUCLID_BIO.html | |
108. NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software Applet NonEuclid is a software simulation offering straightedge and compass constructions in hyperbolic geometry. http://math.rice.edu/~joel/NonEuclid/ | |
109. People In The History Of Astronomy Short biographies of Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Halley, Einstein, and Hawking. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/4515/HISTORY.html | |
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