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         Ethiopia History:     more books (100)
  1. Ethiopia (Modern World Nations) by Carol Ann Gillespie, 2002-11
  2. Ethiopia, the United States, and the Soviet Union by David A. Korn, 1986-10-01
  3. Revolution & Religion In Ethiopia: Growth & Persecution Of Mekane Yesus Church (Eastern African Studies) by Oyvind M. Eide, 2000-12-01
  4. History of the City of Gondar by Solomon Addis, 2004-01
  5. Ras Alula and the Scramble for Africa: A Political Biography : Ethiopia & Eritrea 1875-1897 by Haggai Erlich, 1996-12
  6. Ethiopia and the United States (The Season of Courtship, Volume 1)
  7. Glorious Past : Ancient Egypt, Ethiopia, and Nubia by Earnestine Jenkins, 1994-07
  8. Executive Report on Strategies in Ethiopia, 2000 edition (Strategic Planning Series) by The Ethiopia Research Group, The Ethiopia Research Group, 2000-11-02
  9. Class and Revolution in Ethiopia by John Markakis, Nega Ayela, 1986-08
  10. Survival and Modernization, Ethiopia's Enigmatic Present: A Philosophical Discourse by Messay Kebede, 1998-09
  11. The Beta Israel: Falasha in Ethiopia:From Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century (Falasha in Ethiopia : from Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century) by Steven Kaplan, 1995-01-01
  12. The Hyena People: Ethiopian Jews in Christian Ethiopia (Contraversions: Critical Studies in Jewish Literature, Culture, and Society, 13) by Hagar Salamon, 1999-12-07
  13. "Ethiopia from the Heart" by Andarge Asfaw, 2007

81. Ethiopia (08/05)
history ethiopia is credited with being the origin of mankind. Bones discovered in eastern ethiopia date back 3.2 million years. ethiopia is the oldest
Bureau of Public Affairs Electronic Information and Publications Office Background Notes
Bureau of African Affairs
August 2005
Background Note: Ethiopia

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Area: 1.1 million sq. km (472,000 sq. mi.); about the size of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico combined.
Cities: Capital Addis Ababa (pop. 2.6 million). Other cities Dire Dawa (237,000), Nazret (189,000), Gondar (163,000), Dessie (142,000), Mekelle (141,000), Bahir Dar (140,000), Jimma (132,000), Awassa (104,000).
Terrain: High plateau, mountains, dry lowland plains.
Climate: Temperate in the highlands; hot in the lowlands. People
Nationality: Noun and adjective Ethiopian(s). Population (2003 est.): 70.5 million. Annual growth rate: 2.7%. Ethnic groups (est.): Oromo 35%, Amhara 30%, Tigre 6.3%, Somali 6%, Sidama 6%, Gurage 4%, Wolaita 4%, Afar 2%, other nationalities 6.7%. Religions (est.): Ethiopian Orthodox Christian 45%, Sunni Muslim 40-45%, Protestant 5%, remainder indigenous beliefs. Languages: Amharic (official), Tigrinya, Arabic, Guaragigna, Oromigna, English, Somali.

82. Ethiopia-Islam And Middle East
information on the rise of Islam in ethiopia and Modern ethiopian history and culture. Visit ethiopiaSite containing Information on ethiopian history,
SITE COUNTRIES SITE CATEGORIES Links on this page: Culture ... Economy
Map from CIA World Factbook 200
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Do you have a link to contribute? Please use this online form to submit your suggestions.
Family Life: A good website on family life in Ethiopia. Focuses on the changing demographics of marriage, including average age of marriage and financial factors affecting marriage in the poverty-ridden country. Explains how this factor of the culture is changing Ethiopian Culture A good link page on Ethiopian culture. Provides links in the main categories of art, facts and info, food, language, literature, music, people, and religion. The art page in particular provides many good links. History and Change: A fantastic web-page detailing the history of Ethiopia and the cultural changes. Great information on the rise of Islam in Ethiopia and Modern Ethiopian history and culture. Visit Ethiopia: Site containing Information on Ethiopian history, culture and environment. Information on Culture includes festivals, ethnic composition, religious composition, common foods, and literature. Also includes information on the major cities of the country. This is also a tourism site.

83. Ethiopia's Money - Ethiopia: Travels Of A Youth
A history of ethiopia in Pictures. Addis Ababa, ethiopia Oxford University Press, 1969. Bibliography of Ancient and Medieval ethiopian history.
This bibliography lists works that reference various aspects of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Use them for your research and enjoyment of the history and times of Ethiopia and Eritrea.
  • Journal of Ethiopian Studies , VI, No.2 (July, 1968), pp. 1-5. This article lists the Axumite Kings according do conclusions based on its coinage. Some of this chronology has been revised by Munro-Hay and others. No one chronology is generally accepted yet. (in French)
    Buston, David. The Abyssinians . New York: Praeger, 1970. A historical work. David is using an old word Abyssinian to refer to what has since the second World War been called almost exclusively Ethiopia. The names are interchangeable.
    Travels in Ethiopia. New York. Travel Book Club, 1950. This book includes many pictures from all over Ethiopia including some of the things on top of Debra Damo.
    Cerulli, Enrico. La Literatura Ethiopica . 3rd ed. Milan: Sansoni-Accademia, 1968. An extensive listing and discussion of Ethiopian literature. (in Italian)
    Fiore, Giacinto.

84. Memory Of The World Register - Treasures From The National Archives And Library
It is considered as the first printed publication in Ethiopian history. (original). h) Fetha Negest (Nomocanon) The manuscript is written on vellum in two
Memory of the World Register - Nomination Form Ethiopia
Treasures from the National Archives and Library Organization of Ethiopia Abstract Part A - Essential Information Identity and Location Legal Information Identification Management Plan ... Nominator Part B - Subsidiary Information Assessment of Risk Preservation Assessment Abstract
Ethiopia has rare, precious and priceless manuscripts written in its own alphabet in form of verse and prose which reflect its indigenous civilization. The nominated documents are but a few highlights : Homily and Gospels written on vellum in the XIVth and XVth centuries ; letters from King Tewdros to Queen Victoria of Britain, from King Menelik II to Nicolas Cesar II, from King Sahlesselassie of Shoa to the Queen of Britain ; the first printed publication in Ethiopian history (1513) ; manuscripts written on vellum in the XVIIth, XIXth and XXth centuries, relating Ethiopian history...
Identity and Location
Name of the Documentary Heritage:
Treasures from the National Archives and Library Organization of Ethiopia - Homily of the passion of our Lord and services for passion week
- St. Paul's Gospel

An extensive and large site on the history of the Ethiopian monarchy.
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Their Imperial Majesties, Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen with their children and grandchildren at the time of the 20th Anniversary of their Coronation November 1950, all dressed in national costume. This Page commemorates the Ethiopian Monarchy and the Imperial House of the Ethiopian Empire. The Solomonic Dynasty of Ethiopia reigned with few interuptions from it's founding by Menelik I, son of the Biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, untill the fall of Haile Selassie I in 1974. This page is not directly affiliated with any political or monarchist organization, nor is it connected to any religious or ethnic group or party. It is meant simply as a point of interest for those looking for information on the Ethiopian monarchy. It is not the official webpage of the Imperial Family of Ethiopia or any of it's members. The Imperial Crest of the House of Solomon The above Crest is the Official Coat of Arms and Seal of the Ethiopian Monarchy, and is displayed on this website with the gracious permission of the Ethiopian Crown Council.

history During the Middle Ages, ethiopia was famous for being the home of The 20thcentury history of ethiopia is dominated by the figure of Haile
[english] [françâis] [español] [deutsch] ... Home / Ethiopia / History and Government Ethiopia Information Hotel Reservations Car rental Contact Addresses General Information ... Camping Ethiopia - History and Government
History :
The EPRDF continued to experience resistance in some parts of the country, mainly from elements of Ethiopia's ethnic patchwork (Afar, Issa and Gurgureh, as well as ethnic Somalis) and from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which seeks independence for their province in the west of the country. Of greater long-term significance was the decision of the northern province of Eritrea ? previously independent until 1952, when the United Nations merged it into Ethiopia ? to secede from Ethiopia. The Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF), the dominant force in the province and previously allied to the EPRDF, declared independence in May 1993. The Ethiopians acquiesced in the decision, despite the loss of their entire coastline. Relations between the two were initially good and a number of economic and security agreements were signed. It was not to last.
By May 1995, the transitional administration and a short-lived constituent assembly, both of which were dominated by the EPRDF, had agreed a new constitution and were ready to hold national elections. The EPRDF won a massive victory ? including all 92 seats in Addis Ababa ? in elections for the new Council of People's Representatives; Meles Zenawi took over as Prime Minister. The result was repeated at the most recent poll held in August 2000: Meles Zenawi was endorsed to serve a second term as premier, while the presidency was assumed by Girma Wolde Giorgis.

87. Ethiopia
Chronologically lists events relating the world to the ItaloEthiopian War.
1935-1941 The Ethiopian Crisis and Ensuing Wars October 3, 1935 Italian troops invaded the independent African nation of Ethiopia
  • facist onslaught
  • Ethiopian army poorly equipped and not prepared for this intruision along Etritrean border 100,000 Italian troops in columns of three crept into Abyssinian (Ethiopian) territory
  • troops crossed muddy stream called Mareb River
October 1935 Indian doctors and nurses sent to Ethiopia to help provide medical assistance September 1935 Mayor of Bombay had a public meeting and the result was to make a committee that would handle the collection of money for the Ethiopian Red Cross Calcutta 15,000 rupees and a lot of medicine was sent to the fallen Ethiopia from here May 1936 black monarch formally annexed to Italy's African empire
  • the royal family had been driven into exile
  • Emperor Haile Selassie was ruler in Ethiopia before invasion
  • Ethiopia's regular forces had been routed
1936 Secretary fo the Ethiopian Research Council William M. Steen was amazed at the effectiveness of the African crisis at raising American awareness
  • Americans were ignorant about what was going on in Africa moreless Ethiopia controversy between Ethiopians distinguishing themselves from African-Americans
  • do not know whether rumors that Ethiopians did not want to be linked to Blacks in America
  • Ethiopian crisis drastically changed American perception of Ethiopia
  • Emperor of Ethiopia
  • name became widely known in American

88. The Falashas, A Short History Of The The Ethiopian Jews David
Kessler discusses Ethiopian history with remarkable erudition and clarity. And he is just as ernest in his ignorance as his inclinations
The Falashas, a short history of the the Ethiopian Jews David Kessler is 90 years old and has published the third edition of The Falashas. It is available in the US (he is English) from Frank Cass, c/o 5803 N.E. Hassalo St, Portland Oregon 972213-3644 for $19.50 plus shipping. Tel 503-287-3093. The book is very meaningful to me since I read the first edition about 10 years ago and it helped launch my wife, Diane, and me into the efforts to give Ethiopian Jewry their well deserved and long overdue recognition in the modern Jewish world. It is a recognition that has been given begrudgingly and very incompletely by many eurocentric Jews. The Ethiopian Jews of Falasha origin who remain in Ethiopia who want to go to Israel number about 20 thousand souls. There is a quota between the Ethiopian government and the government of Israel to the effect that only a thousand Jews a year may leave for Israel. With what other country does Israel have such a quota? Why? The official reason is that Ethiopian Jews left behind in Ethiopia are being "checked" for their authentic Jewishness, one by one, by the ministry of Interior. However there are extensive and very accurate demographic lists obtained by an Ethiopian aliyah organization, South Wing to Zion, that are available to the government, both the current and the previous one. The present government is supposed to be more sympathetic. It may be, but not in deeds, so far. The Labor Meretz crowd (previous government) knew exactly how to mutilate the Falashas: call them Christians. Who wants Christians? It worked except for the chief rabbinate which has recognized the so called Feres Moura as returning (t'shuva) Jews, not as Christians.

89. BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Ethiopia Rivals Agree Poll Pact
Never before in Ethiopian history has there been such an open debate. EU observer Tim Clarke. Election fever. The opposition Coalition for Unity and


... Newswatch LANGUAGES Last Updated: Thursday, 12 May, 2005, 09:37 GMT 10:37 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Ethiopia rivals agree poll pact In the capital, some feel able to show their opposition support A non-violence pact has been reached between Ethiopia's two main political parties to ensure peaceful voting on Sunday in parliamentary elections.
It was agreed after donor countries and the opposition expressed fears about possible problems, the government said. Earlier, European Union (EU) poll observers expressed concern about intimidation of opposition supporters. The poll is being monitored by more than 300 international observers in the third poll under Meles Zenawi's rule. He took part in the guerrilla campaign against Mengistu Haile Mariam's communist regime and took over as a transitional head of state in 1991. Mr Meles was re-elected by parliament for a second five-year term in October 2000 as prime minister, following the first multi-party elections in 1995. Welcomed "In order to ensure that the process of the elections is smooth, we have agreed to sign a non-violence pact," Information Minister Bereket Simon and campaign manager for the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) said, AFP reports.

90. Gondarlink | Links | Website Links
GondarLink and our Guide to ethiopia . News Room Africa, ethiopia Gondar A country explored from history to culture Traveller s Guide
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... GondarLink and our 'Guide to Ethiopia' News Room
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from history to culture
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Ethiopia on the web
Website supported by
Y ou've already been looking at the best Ethiopian site on the World Wide Web But just in case you want to know more, here are a few links that we believe are also excellent. We'll develop this list more substantially in the near future. *** For Ethiopian news from the country itself, go to the Addis Tribune newspaper at
*** For a very thorough complete book on Ethiopia in all its aspects , with some pictures, have a look at " Ethiopia - a Country Study
*** An excellent site which deals with all African countries , the " Africa Guide " is a practical and stunningly comprehensive site for travellers - it's also where you can see more of GondarLink's superb Ethiopian photos!
*** If you're quite happy to wade through some heavier facts about the Ethiopian economy, trade, politics, etc. then the CIA's World Factbook pages on Ethiopia are certainly worth the study

91. History Of Northern Ethiopia
Includes King Zara Yaqob, Ottoman occupation of Massawa, lands of the Bahr Negash, and the beginnings of the Era of Princes.
Civic Webs Virtual Library History of Northern Ethiopia - and the Establishment of the Italian Colony or Eritrea Dr. Richard Pankhurst First published as an article in the Addis Tribune newspaper in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 19 February 1999. Dr. Richard Pankhurst Published in the Civic Webs Virtual Library under permission from Dr. Richard Pankhurst. Table of Contents Ancient Times Aksum The Later Middle Ages Emperors Tewodros and Yohannes Ras Alula, Dogali, and Adwa The Rise of Fascism The Fascist Invasion, and Occupation The Post-War Settlement And what of the future? 1 Ancient Times Since time immemorial the area which is now called Eritrea played an important role within the framework of the wider region which we now know as Ethiopia. The coastal area represented the external door and the window of much of the Ethiopian region. The area lay off the Red Sea coast, one of the major trade routes of ancient times. Recent Egyptologist studies suggest that the area was probably the celebrated Land of Punt, to which Queen Hatshepsut and other ancient Pharaohs despatched their memorable naval expeditions; and that Puntite seafarers before long were themselves travelling up the Red Sea to Egypt, to participate in international trade. The coastal area was later likewise visited, shortly before the Christian era, by Ptolemaic naval expeditions, which came in quest of elephants, aptly termed the tanks of the ancient world.

92. Ethiopia: The Political Economy Of Transition (University Press Of America, 1995
Six years later, at a crucial time in Ethiopian history, its timelessness has brought the rapt Later chapters continue to track Ethiopian history.
Ethiopia: The political Economy of Transition (University Press of America, 1995) by Dr. Ghelawdewos Araia. By Dr. Teodros Kiros A Review
The Political Economy of Transition is original, provocative, serious and beautifully written. When this book appeared five years ago, it commanded the readership of the American public. Six years later, at a crucial time in Ethiopian history, its timelessness has brought the rapt attention of the Ethiopian/African readership, for whom, it is a pleasure to review.
This is one of the central theses of the author, a thesis that gives the book its seminality and prophecy. From this point onwards, the author follows the red thread of crisis in the modern Ethiopian state. Ghelawdewos observes, " a country with no democratic tradition, students were to shoulder a mammoth historical task and advocate the cause of the masses. The Government, aware of the student opposition and better organization attempted to curtail their activities by outlawing demonstrations (P, 62)."
Students supported the Eritrean question, for example, as a dimension of their activities. In student publications, the question of nationalities was examined. A student, Walelign Mekonen, wrote a widely read and sophisticated article, in which he argued that all nationalities have a right to self-determination, "up to and including cessation of oppressed nationalities (P, 63)." From the very beginning, ESM fought for the fundamental rights of the people, as exemplified in its defense of the rights of nationalities. These commitments to freedom shook the fragile foundation of the Ethiopian state, concludes Ghelawdewos.

93. OneWorld Magazine - Ethiopia Women In Power
WOMEN OF POWER IN ETHIOPIAN LEGEND AND history by Rita Pankhurst lovely is the first woman in Ethiopian history, indeed in the history of the world.
OneWorld Magazine presents WOMEN OF POWER IN ETHIOPIAN
by Rita Pankhurst "Highly placed Ethiopian women, who combined worldliness, politics and religion are seen again and again in Ethiopian history. Rita Pankhurst recalls how women have been as important and influential as any man." Lucy, alias Dinknesh - literally "you are lovely" - is the first woman in Ethiopian history, indeed in the history of the world. She was a dainty little person, an intrepid walker who came down from the trees some three million years ago in the Afar region of eastern Ethiopia. An American - French team of physical anthropologists led by Donald C. Johanson found 40 per cent of her skeleton in 1974, and named her Lucy after the Beatles song - though her Ethiopian descendants prefer to call her Dinknesh. The extent of her influence or power will forever remain a mystery. Whereas Lucy's fossilised bones are real nothing is known of her story. But when it comes to the Queen of Sheba there is a great story yet no concrete evidence to support it. Do not deny her existence in Ethiopia, however. One eminent Ethiopian historian, who referred to her at a public lecture in Addis Ababa as a legendary figure, was soon in trouble with the indignant audience.

94. Emperors Of Ethiopia
With all the political upheaval in the recent history of ethiopia, it is perhaps surprising that something like this hadn t happened already.
Emperors of Ethiopia,
Menelik I legendary son of Solomon
Ezanas I c.250 AD Endybis c.270 AD Aphilas Uzana/Ousanas Wazeba Ella Amida (I,II,III?) end of 3rd century AD Ezanas II c.303-c.356 Frumentius first Coptic Bishop
of Ethiopia, c.305; stela erected
overthrown? 355 Shizana c.328-c.370 Ella Abreha c.356 Ella Asfeha Ella Shahel unknown number of Kings Agabe Levi Ella Amida (IV?) Jacob I David Armah I Zitana Jacob II Caleb, Ella Asbeha 514-542, or
c.500-534 At Roman urging, Ethiopians install
a Christian king in Yemen Beta Israel 542-c.550 Gabra Masqal c.550-564 Anaeb Alamiris Joel Israel Gersem I Ella Gabaz Ella Saham Armah II c.625 traditional King who welcomed
Muslim refugees from Mecca Iathlia Hataz I Wazena Za Ya'abiyo Armah III [unknown] Hataz II Gersem II Hataz III Zagwe Dynasty Mara Tekle Haimanot Tatadim Jan Seiyoum Germa Seiyoum St. Yemrehana Christos St. Harbe St. Lalibela St. Na'akuto Le'Ab Yetbarek Mairari Harbe II alternative list Marari Yemrehana Krestos Gebra Maskal Lalibela 1172-1212, or
c.1185-1225 Na'akeuto La'ab Yitbarek (Yetbarak) Solomonic Dynasty Yekuno Amlak

95. H-Net Review: Charles W. McClellan
Modernizing ethiopia. Students of history will be aware of latenineteenth- and Social reformersethiopiahistory20th century.

96. Project MUSE
The history of Islam and the role of Muslims in ethiopia have been neglected because, according to Professor Hussein, bias has manifested itself in both
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Login: Password: Your browser must have cookies turned on Hassen, Mohammed "Islam in Nineteenth-Century Wallo, Ethiopia: Revival, Reform and Reaction (review)"
Northeast African Studies - Volume 7, Number 2, 2000 (New Series), pp. 147-151
Michigan State University Press

Northeast African Studies

[Access article in PDF] This book is the first to be published on Islam in Ethiopia since the publication of John Spencer Trimingham's Islam in Ethiopia in 1952. The author, Hussein Ahmed, professor of history at Addis Ababa University and an emerging authority on Islam in Ethiopia, is also the author of several articles on the subject. The history of Islam and the role of Muslims in Ethiopia have been neglected because, according to Professor Hussein, "bias has manifested itself in both the neglect and a priori distortion of Islam and in certain prejudices which have formed an integral part of the ideological panoply of the Christian dynasts" (190). In Islam in Nineteenth-Century Wallo, Ethiopia: Revival, Reform and Reaction

97. Ethiopia Travel Information | Lonely Planet Destination Guide
Comprehensive facts and advice for traveling along with background material on the culture and history of this African country.
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Once an icon of misery, Ethiopia is coming out of the shadows.
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Aksum is the holiest city in Ethiopia. According to the Orthodox Church, the original Ark of the... more >
WORLDGUIDE Introduction See Image Gallery Transport Money Essential Info RELATED Thorn Tree Forum Postcards Travel Links Travelling in Ethiopia won't be everyone's cup of chai: there's not much tourist infrastructure here, and checking your email rivals carrier pigeon for speed. But the landscape is splendid, the people are welcoming, the sense of history is tangible and you won't have to worry about crowds of tourists. Avoid Eritrean Border Travel within 20km (12mi) of the Eritrean border military zone - in the Tigray and Afar regions - should be avoided. The border itself is permanently closed. Ethnic tensions dog the west of the country.
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98. Northeast African Studies, Volume 6 - Table Of Contents
Missionaries, Medical ethiopia history 20th century. Christianity ethiopia history 20th century. Molvaer, Reidulf Knut.
Northeast African Studies
Volume 6, Number 3, 1999 (New Series)
  • In Memoriam From the Publisher
  • Articles
      Marcus, Harold G.
    • 1960, the Year the Sky Began Falling on Haile Sellassie
      [Access article in HTML]
      [Access article in PDF]
      • Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 1892-1975. Ethiopia Politics and government 1889-1974. Ethiopia Social conditions. Ethiopia Foreign relations 1889-1974.
      • Eshete, Tibebe.
      • The Sudan Interior Mission (SIM) in Ethiopia (1928-1970)
        [Access article in HTML]
        [Access article in PDF]
        • Lambie, Thomas Alexander, 1885-1954. Sudan Interior Mission History 20th century. United Presbyterian Church of North America Missions Ethiopia History 20th century. Missionaries, Medical Ethiopia History 20th century. Christianity Ethiopia History 20th century.
        • Molvaer, Reidulf Knut.
        • Afewerq Yohannis and Debbebe Seyfu: Notes on Ethiopian Writers of the Late Twentieth Century
          [Access article in HTML]
          [Access article in PDF]
          • Afawarq Yohanes Criticism and interpretation. Debbebe Seyfu Criticism and interpretation.

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    100. Habitat For Humanity Ethiopia
    Nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry committed to eliminating poverty housing and homelessness from ethiopia.

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