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         Ethiopia History:     more books (100)
  1. The Battle of Adwa Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory Against European Colonialism: Interpretations And Implications for Ethiopia And Beyond
  2. Shattered Illusion, Broken Promise: Essays on the Eritrea-Ethiopia Conflict (1998-2000 by Tekie Fessehatzion, 2003-11
  3. Ethiopia: Traditions of Creativity
  4. Ethiopia Since the Derg: A Decade of Democratic Pretension and Performance
  5. This Place Will Become Home: Refugee Repatriation To Ethiopia by Laura C. Hammond, 2004-10
  6. Legacy of Bitterness: Ethiopia and Fascist Italy, 1935-1941 by Alberto Sbacchi, 1997-07
  7. Revolutionary Ethiopia: From Empire to People's Republic (A Midland Book) by Edmond J. Keller, 1991-02
  8. Important Bird Areas of Ethiopia A First Inventory
  9. Pillars in Ethiopian History by Joseph E. Harris, 1981-08
  10. Ethiopia at Bay: A Personal Account of the Haile Sellassie Years by John H. Spencer, 1987-09
  11. Ethiopia by Rene Lefort, 1983-07
  12. Jimma Abba Jifar: An Oromo Monarchy Ethiopia 1830-1932 With a Post-Script by Herbert S. Lewis, 2002-12
  13. Ethiopia: From Bullets to the Ballot Box : The Bumpy Road to Democracy and the Political Economy of Transition by Kinfe Abraham, 1995-01
  14. Ethiopia (Countries) by Tamara L. Britton, 2002-01

61. Welcome To GondarLink!
Notes on history, culture, geography, wildlife, maps and information for travellers.
date Welcome to GondarLink! Ethiopia:
a country


... GondarLink and our 'Guide to Ethiopia' News Room
A country explored

from history to culture
Traveller's Guide ...
Ethiopia on the web
Website supported by
GondarLink is a charity dedicated to supporting the young people in the Gondar region of northern Ethiopia . Read about our exciting and expanding work and get in contact if you would like to. GondarLink Guide to Ethiopia School links Volunteer programme Circus Azezo
Since 1996 we have worked through school linking programmes, special projects and alongside other partner charities to improve the education and lives of those who need it most.
Our extensive website tells of all the work that GondarLink is doing in Ethiopia and also of the other charities and school links we are involved with. We particularly recommend our Guide to Ethiopia which, we hope, contains everything you could wish to know about this wonderful country. Whether you're planning a visit to the Horn of Africa , researching for a project or just curious about this facinating country do check it out.

62. Treasures In The Family Tree -Historical Article - Ethiopia
Treasures in the Family Tree Historical Article - ethiopia. Treasures in the Family Tree Some notes on Ethnic Interactions in ethiopian history
Treasures in the Family Tree:
Some notes on Ethnic Interactions in Ethiopian History
(Originally posted tio USENET- April 1998)
Following is some information concerning the occurrence of Muslim names in Oromo genealogies from non-Muslim areas of Ethiopia. This article also wanders into many other areas....correction of errors is welcome....
    ' During the migration, they (the Oromo) moved across land where there were Muslim populations, such as the Hadiya, whom they adopted and who were eventually assimilated. In the process of the migration, the Hadiyas, and perhaps also some Muslim Oromo, lost their Islamic religion, but retained their Muslim names. It was because of this phenomenon that we find Muslim names in the genealogies of the various Oromo groups." ' Hadiya clans among the Arsi-Oromo are frequently recognizable by their corrupted Arabic denominations, e.g. Fakissa = "Fakih Isa"; Shedamma = "Shaykh Adam"; Alli = "Ali"; Djafarra = "Djafar".
The above references show that an Oromo from western Wellega could justifiably call himself "Son of Hadiya" as well as "Son of Oromo."[if he chose to emphasize his multi-ethnic heritage] Incidentally, one of the most famous Queens in Ethiopian history, Ite Jan Zela (Queen Eleni) was from Hadeya. She was the daughter of Gerad Mehmad, a Muslim ruler of Hadeya and married Emperor Ba'eda Maryam (1468-1478). Converted to Christianity, she was the Regent for her grandson Lebna Dengel, and the author of two Ge'ez works on theology.

63. Country Study Ethiopia Social Studies
Country Profile ethiopia A general overview including history, ethiopia A good overview of ethiopia, history, government, statistics and more.
Ethiopia People History Culture Home Afghanistan Social Studies Albania Social Studies Algeria Social Studies ... Vietnam Social Studies You may find additional information about the country of your choice in the sections for Archaeology Anthropology or Ancient Civilizations Ethiopia Tourism Please Note: If you sometimes get an error message when clicking on a large text link, don't give up. Try the URL link instead. There are times when the large text link doesn't "take" for some reason, thus the built-in redundancy. Thank you. Go to Ethiopia Capital City Addis Ababa City Profile The Addis Tribune Home Page Online newspaper from Ethiopia - illustrated - From Addis Tribune - CIA - The World Factbook Ethiopia A Detailed look at - including history, culture, political structure, economics and many other topics. - From US Central Intelligence Agency - Country Profile: Ethiopia A general overview including history, political structure, culture, leaders, media, and more. "In the first part of the 20th century Ethiopia forged strong links with Britain, whose troops helped evict the Italians in 1941 and put Emperor Haile Selassie back on his throne. During the 1960s and early 1970s British influence gave way to that of the US, which in turn was supplanted by the USSR." - illustrated - From BBC -

64. Ethiopia - HISTORY
ethiopia history. FEW AFRICAN COUNTRIES have had such a long, varied, and troubled history as ethiopia. The ethiopian state originated in the Aksumite
Ethiopia - HISTORY
Ethiopia - History
Starting about the mid-sixteenth century, the Oromo people, migrating from the southwest, gradually forced their way into the kingdom, most often by warfare. The Oromo, who eventually constituted about 40 percent of Ethiopia's population, possessed their own culture, religion, and political institutions. As the largest national group in Ethiopia, the Oromo significantly influenced the course of the country's history by becoming part of the royal family and the nobility and by joining the army or the imperial government. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, religious and regional rivalries gradually weakened the imperial state until it was little more than a collection of independent and competing fiefdoms. Ethiopia's modern period (1855 to the present)represented by the reigns of Tewodros II, Yohannis IV, Menelik II, Zawditu, and Haile Selassie I; by the Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam; and, since mid-1991, by the Transitional Government of Ethiopia under Meles Zenawihas been been characterized by nation-building as well as by warfare. Tewodros II started the process of recreating a cohesive Ethiopian state by incorporating Shewa into his empire and by suppressing revolts in the country's other provinces. Yohannis IV battled to keep Ethiopia free from foreign domination and to retard the growing power of the Shewan king, Menelik. Eventually, Menelik became emperor and used military force to more than double Ethiopia's size. He also defeated an Italian invasion force that sought to colonize the country.

65. Yeha Ethiopia S History
ethiopias history begins with a glance at the tantalizing remains of Yeha the Copyright © 2002 ethiopia travel Last modified November 13, 2004,

66. Goethe-Institut Germany And Ethiopia - History
A history of the relations between Germany and ethiopia has to start with the scholarly interest German theologians took into this biblical country in the
Contact Editorial History Home History The Middle Ages Ethiopian Studies Expeditions Oromo 1840 ... Search A history of the relations between Germany and Ethiopia has to start with the scholarly interest German theologians took into this biblical country in the late medieval period – since then scholarly research on Ethiopia and its southern neighbours never stopped. Much later, in the mid-19th cent., missionary undertakings became a crucial factor in the establishment of relations between Germans and Ethiopians, and later between the states. Diplomatic and commercial relations, however, started comparatively late (different from France, Great Britain and even Austria). After both Germany and Ethiopia had (re-)constituted themselves as unified states, they occasionally exchanged letters and envoys starting from the 1870s, until finally permanent diplomatic relations were established in 1905.
Tips Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Federal Foreign Office German-Ethiopian Association Goethe Institute Addis Ababa ... TABOR Society Heidelberg Print Version Top

67. Goethe-Institut Germany And Ethiopia - History - Ethiopian Studies
The Birth of Ethiopian Studies out of Biblical Research. Students of the history of Ethiopian Studies are well acquainted with the figure of Hiob Ludolf in
Contact Editorial Ethiopian Studies Home History The Middle Ages Ethiopian Studies Expeditions Oromo 1840 Missions Craftsman Missionaries ... Search The Birth of Ethiopian Studies out of Biblical Research
Tips Encyclopaedia Aethiopica Federal Foreign Office German-Ethiopian Association Goethe Institute Addis Ababa ... TABOR Society Heidelberg Print Version Top

68. Diplomat Tells Of Ethiopia's History, Promising Future - The Daily Orange - Feat
Diplomat tells of ethiopia s history, promising future, , The Daily Orange, a newspaper of Syracuse University.
document.write(''+''); The Daily Orange Extras: Student Resources Scholarships Movies Travel ... Syracuse University var story_id = 554282; Home Feature
Diplomat tells of Ethiopia's history, promising future
By Eric Grzymkowski Published: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 Micere Githae Mugo has been known to pass out puzzles of Africa to her students in her African-American Studies classes. She is not at all surprised when they fumble with the pieces and are unable to put the country together. It is common for students to have little or no knowledge of the African continent - but that's something she's trying to change.
The Ethiopia: Challenges and Possibilities symposium yesterday in the Schine Student Center brought keynote speaker Dr. Brook Hailu, the minister plenipotentiary of Ethiopia, along with several other guests to educate students and faculty on some of the issues concerning the country. The event was sponsored by the Africa Initiative, the Global Affairs Institute, the Department of African-American Studies, the Department of Anthropology, DIPA, the SU graduate school and the Office of Multicultural Affairs. "Everyone and anyone who has an interest in Africa," committee chair Mugo said, "is welcome to participate in the initiative."
Students and faculty packed the auditorium to hear Hailu lecture on Ethiopia's history and future. Despite his diplomatic status, when he stepped to the podium he made sure to set himself on the same level as the students and faculty. He let them know he was truly happy to be there.

69. Ethiopia Links
Links at Suite101 relating to ethiopia, history and culture, Africa and Diaspora dewey decimal N/A.

70. Ethiopian History
history and Government ethiopia s history is virtually that of a continuous ethiopian history also includes wars with neighbors and colonial nations.
ETHIOPIA Located in northeastern Africa, in an area known as the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is one of the largest and most populous countries in Africa. It is bordered by Djibouti and the former Ethiopian autonomous region of Eritrea on the north, Somalia on the east, Kenya on the south,and Sudan on the west. Ethiopia's landscape varies from lowlands to high plateaus and its climate from very dry to seasonally very wet. The Ethiopian population is also very mixed, with broad differences in cultural background and traits, methods of gaining a livelihood, languages,and religions. While influenced and even occasionally occupied by other nations, Ethiopia is one of the few countries in Africa or Asia never truly colonized. Since World War II Ethiopia has often been economically, politically, or militarily dependent on the major world powers. Its substantial balance-of-trade deficit has been attributed to internal disorder. Land and Climate The landscape of Ethiopia is dominated by the northern end of the East African Rift system and by central highlands of plateaus and mountains that rise from about 6,000 feet (2,000 metres) to more

71. Africa Book Centre Ltd History
THE ethiopia BORDERLANDS Essays in Regional history from Ancient Times to the history OF THE GALLA (OROMO) OF ethiopia With Ethnology and history of
Quick search Online Catalogue BROWSE BY COUNTRY AND REGION Ethiopia History
2002 Paperback
2002 paperback
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1999 Paperback
1991 2001 Paperback HISTORY OF ETHIOPIA 2002 Paperback IN THE LAND OF SOLOMON AND SHEBA 2003 Paperback 2002 Paperback 1993 Paperback 2001 PB 2000 Paperback LETTERS FROM ABYSSINIA 1916 AND 1917 2004 Hardback A LONG JOURNEY THAT WAS CUT SHORT 2000 Paperback 2003 Hardback 1999 Paperback 2001 paperback 2000 Paperback 2002 Paperback 2002 hardback 2005 1850436681 Hardback 1996 Paperback 2001 Paperback 2002 Paperback Online Catalogue BROWSE BY COUNTRY AND REGION Ethiopia History

72. Ambassade Addis Ababa - Brief Outline Of Ethiopia's History
Brief outline of ethiopia s history. ethiopia is the oldest independent state in Africa and has its roots in the kingdom of Axum that flourished in the
Royal Netherlands Embassy Addis Ababa
requiredFields["simple_search"] = new Array('Zoe'); requiredLabels["simple_search"] = new Array('Zoekterm'); e-mail this print Contact Sitemap Popular pages The Embassy Consular affairs The Embassy Consular affairs Consulaire zaken (Dutch) Bilateral development cooperation ... Information about Ethiopia Brief outline of Ethiopia's history After his death in 1908, Menelik was first succeeded by Iyasu, but being accused of 'abjuring the Christian faith, he was deposed. Menelik's daughter Zawditu was proclaimed empress under the regency of Ras Tafari. In 1930, Ras Tafari was crowned as emperor Haile Selassie, who ruled until 1974, with a short interruption between 1935 - 1941 when Mussolini annexed Ethiopia. In 1962 Ethiopia occupied Eritrea, which started a bloody war of independence. In Ethiopia the discontent with Haile Selassie's rule grew as well, and in 1974 a military coup took place. The new leader colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam was supported by Soviet Union. His military Derg regime conducted a veritable reign of terror between 1974 and 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the successes of the resistance movements caused the downfall of the Derg regime in 1991: Mengistu fled to Zimbabwe and seven days later the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) entered Addis Ababa. The TPLF formed a coalition with other resistance movements, including the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and this Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) governs Ethiopia since 1991. Eritrea became independent of Ethiopia in 1993. A border conflict between the two countries resulted in a bloody war in 1998 and 2000. In December 2000 Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a peace treaty in Algiers and the UN installed a peace keeping force (UNMEE) in the border area. Two years later, the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission decided on the demarcation of the Ethiopian-Eritrean border. As this ruling was partly rejected by Ethiopia the border dispute remains until today.

73. Ethiopian History
tourism, ethiopia, horn of africa, africa, pictures, african pictures, ethiopian pictures, coffee, history of coffee.
AXUM the site of Ethiopia's most ancient city, is today a small town blissfully ignorant of its glorious past. The 16th century Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion is built on the site of a much older church probably resembling that of Debre Damo, dating from the 4th century AD. Only a platform and the wide stone steps remain from the earlier structure. The Catedral is the repository of the crowns of some of Ethiopia's former emperors. According to church legend, it also houses the original Ark of the Covenant - thus making St. Mary's the holiest sancturary in Ethiopia.
Founded perhaps 500 years after the decline of Yeha, much more is known about the historic highland city of Axum - together with its Red Sea port, Adulis. The latter was abandoned suddenly - probably in the sixth century AD - as the result of an invasion from Arabia, and was never resettled. On the other hand, protected by the mountains of northern Tigray, Axum survives to exert a profound influence on the imaginations and spiritual lives of many Ethiopians. A small and lowly town surrounded by dry hills, modern Axum does not easily yield evidence of the splendours and pageantry of its glorious past. Its drab breeze-block houses, roofed with corrugated iron, look little different from those of any other contemporary highland settlement and its people seem remarkable only for their impassive stoicism. Part buried, however, but also part exposed, the extensive traces of noble buildings with large stone foundations are found there side by side with the ruins of even more impressive structures: temples, fortresses, and rich palaces. Adding substance to ancient legends of fire-breathing monsters and testifying to the lost truths embedded in myths and fables, the bones of bygone eras protrude everywhere through the soil. Even today, long- buried hordes of gold, silver and bronze coins are exposed by heavy downpours of rain.

74. Historian The Making Of Modern Ethiopia 1896-1974. - Book Reviews
The study of Ethiopian history has come far since the 1960s, when it first In his initial discussion of previous discourse about Ethiopian history,

75. African Arts: My Ethiopia: Recent Paintings By Wosene Worke Kosrof
Full text of the article, My ethiopia Recent Paintings by Wosene Worke recapitulation of select moments of ethiopian history (from the mythical union
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My Ethiopia: Recent Paintings by Wosene Worke Kosrof (Book) / Book reviews Ethiopian Passages: Contemporary Art from the Diaspora (Book) / Book reviews Featured Titles for
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ASEE Prism Academe African American Review ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports My Ethiopia: Recent Paintings by Wosene Worke Kosrof African Arts Autumn, 2004 by Peri M. Klemm
Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. My Ethiopia Recent Paintings by Wosene Worke Kosrof Christa Clarke Neuberg Museum of Art, 2003.30 pp. Color illustrations; selected bibliography compiled by Patricia L. DiRubbo. $25.00 paper. Ethiopian Passages Contemporary Art from the Diaspora Elizabeth Harney Continue article Advertisement
London: Philip Wilson Publishers, 2003, distributed by Palgrave Macmillan, NY. 128 pp. Color illustrations; photographs; plates; chronology; biographies; notes; suggested reading. $30.00 paper.

76. Ras Adam's Ethiopia Links
Ethiopian history Website. BBC Report on Selassie s Funeral Lib. of Congress Ethiopian history A Country Study. Ethiopian Educational Resource Center
Hi these are a few of the many excellent Ethiopia Links on the World Wide Web. Enjoy and please let me know of other good ones!!
Galen R Frysinger's Photos of ETHIOPIA *NEW ZETHIOPIA Online Newspaper Ethiopian Crosses for SALE Ethiopian INSITE Website MEDIA ETHIOPIA Website MEDIA ETHIOPIA Photo Essay on Ethiopia Ethiopian History Website BBC Report on Selassie's Funeral Time Magazine's Coveregae of Emperor Haile Selassie A selection of Ethiopian Paintings African Connection Ethiopia PHOTOS Martha From Gondor's Ethiopia Photos Check out Ethiopian Isaac Selassie's new CD from Resin Music Doig's Ethiopian Postage Stamp site Order Fresh Injera overnight to your door at INJERA.COM *Abesha*: Ethio-Online Magazine Ethiopian-Americans Web site German Language Ethio web site Tafari Makonnen School 75th Anniversay Website Website Read Ethio news on The Habesha Page CyberEthiopia Site Dr Richard Pankhust Articles from The gateway site Sylvia Pankhurst statue Proposed site about Ms Pankhurst's Life Battle of Adwa from our history Battle of Adwa from

77. The Horn Of Africa
The earliest evidence of ethiopian history was in around 1000BC when the Queen Source © 1997
History of Ethiopia The darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it. - George Kimble
Unique among African countries, the ancient Ethiopian monarchy has always maintained its freedom from colonial rule. The one brief exception was when occupied by the Italians from 1936 until 1941. Ethiopia has 1,127,127 sq km; the population was estimated in July 2002 to be almost 68 million. Life expectancy is about 45 years. Women have about 7 children each. The country has one internet service provider. Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in sub-Saharan Africa. The earliest evidence of Ethiopian history was in around 1000BC when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon. The first recorded kingdom in Ethiopia grew around Axum during the 3rd century BC. Axum was an offshoot of the Semitic Sabeam kingdoms of southern Arabia; it became the greatest ivory market in the north east. Ethiopia influenced the state of Meroe in Sudan. Over the next few centuries, Axum encroached more and more on Meroe until, when Christianity became the state religion in the 4th century AD, Ethiopia conquered the kingdom. Christianity was adopted in the country by a Syrian youth named Frumentius who grew up in Axum and converted the King; the youth was later made the first Bishop in 330AD.

78. The TPLF Ethiopia: Where Next?
The sensible reasoning lies in chequered history of ethiopia, its ruling regimes and its relations within the populations at it controls and its relations
Search this site for:
Oromo Related Web Sites Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo Oromia Support Group (OSG) Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Voice of America - Afaan Oromoo Other Links Sidama Liberation Front Sidama Concern Ogaden Online International News Stand BBC News Africa Daily Nation IRIN News VisAfric ... New York Times

The TPLF Ethiopia: Where Next?
By Seyoum Hameso, Ph.D.
May 2001
Click here for printer-friendly version A
fter usurping power from a fleeing derg in May 1991, the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front promised so many things very rare in contemporary Ethiopian history: Democracy, peace and national self-determination for national groups. These promises brought the unlikeliest of friends and partners to the transitional charter and a significant good will from the outside world. "

79. Ethiopian History And Politics
ethiopian history and Politics. By way of introducing these series of posts on Finally, ethiopia s history which culminates in the 1975 revolution poses
Ethiopian History and Politics By way of introducing these series of posts on Ethiopia, I must state at the outset that they are offered not as definitive versions of what took place historically, but more in the spirit of an open notebook. When there are errors in fact or in interpretation, I humbly invite the Ethiopian comrades of the Marxism list to point them out. There are many reasons why it is important to deepen our understanding of Ethiopian history and politics. To start off with, since it is of vital importance for Marxism to be truly internationalist, I would hope that comrades from advanced industrialized countries on the list make a continuing effort to learn about countries like Ethiopia, because effective solidarity can only be built on the basis of solid understanding. While Ethiopia might not have the advanced technology or industrial prowess of the United States or Great Britain, it *does* have a strategic role in geopolitical terms. Its geographical location on the Horn of Africa has forced it willy-nilly to be part of the world-system's periodic great struggles, from Christianity versus Islam, to capitalism versus communism. I would argue that in light of this, it is absolutely incumbent upon us to understand conflicts in Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia in these terms, since they have drawn together religious and geopolitical conflicts in the guise of apparently "senseless" civil wars. Another important reason to study Ethiopia is that it was the site of a powerful revolution in 1975 that was hijacked by the Derg. Just as American Trotskyists have intense feelings about how their hopes were dashed by a bureaucratic monster, so might Ethiopian Marxists. It is a credit to these comrades that they have not given up hope on socialism. I suppose one of the reasons that battle-scarred victims of American Trotskyism and the Ethiopian revolution have not given up hope in socialism is that the alternative seems so wretched. In an earlier generation, it was much easier to believe in the superiority of democratic capitalism, as 1950s prosperity led the NY intellectuals to take jobs with the State Department. Nowadays, it is only jackals like David Horowitz or Eugene Genovese who try to promote similar myths.

80. ICL - Ethiopia Index
Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by Internation Constitutional Law.
Ethiopia Index Constitutional Background
Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, is the oldest independent country in Africa. It regularly has military conflicts with Eritrea The following updates on history and news have been kindly provided by Wolbert Smidt History and News
  • June 18, 2000: Ethiopia and Eritrea sign a ceasefire agreement after three major war campaigns against each other, calling for the presence of UN troops on Eritrean soil; Ethiopian troops only withdraw from cities, not from Eritrea. May 2000: Parliamentary elections lead to a success of the governing EPRDF under Prime Minister Meles, who has just attacked Eritrea. Feb 1999: In a second war campaign Eritrea looses the Badme area, which is claimed by Ethiopia, and accepts a OAU-sponsored peace plan, later rejected by Ethiopia. May 1998: A minor skirmish between Eritrean and Ethiopian troops at the border develops rapidly into a full-scale war; several small territories administered by Ethiopia but until then internationally considered to be Eritrean are occupied by Eritrean troops; Ethiopia demands unconditional withdrawal and mobilizes for war. Dec 1997: Ethiopia closes its borders to Eritrea due to an economic conflict and creates new banknotes.

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