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         Ethiopia History:     more books (100)
  1. From Poverty to Famine in Northeast Ethiopia: A Rural History 1900-1935 (University of Pennsylvania Press publications in ethnohistory) by James McCann, 1987-02
  2. Some records of Ethiopia, 1593-1646,: Being extracts from the History of High Ethiopia or Abassia, by Manoel de Almeida, together with Bahrey's History ... issued by the Hakluyt Society, 2d ser) by C. F Beckingham, 1954
  3. Ethiopia through the ages: A brief history of Ethiopia from the beginning upto [sic] modern times by Nawal Kishore Saxena, 1968
  4. A history of Ethiopia by Harry Atkins, 1969
  5. A History of Ethiopia by A.H.M. Jones, Elizabeth Monroe, 1970
  6. History of Ethiopia Nubia & Ab 2vol 1ST Edition by E A Wallis Budge, 1928
  7. Economic history of Ethiopia, 1800-1935 by Richard Pankhurst, 1968
  8. A History of Ethiopia
  9. An Economic History of Ethiopia (Collection Intersections Europeennes,)
  10. History of Ethiopia Nubia and Ab 2vol 1ST Edition by BudgeEAWallis, 1928
  12. A History of Ethiopia: Nubia and Abyssinia by E. A. Wallis Budge, 1995-12
  13. Imagining Ethiopia: Struggles for History and Identity in the Horn of Africa by John Sorenson, 1993-09
  14. Haile Selassie, Western Education and Political Revolution in Ethiopia by Paulos, Milkias, 2006-12-31

41. :: Ethiopian History is the largest news and information service online. Hourly news from ethiopia, web directory, amharic radio, discussion forum, business, sport, Ethiopian News Portal Click here to Convert your phone number to the new format Home News Directory ... About Us
His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie Speech
His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie on Time magazine Nov 3, 1930
H.I.M. Haile Selassie speech in Geneva, Switzerland, June 30, 1936
"The Lutheran Hour" interview with H.I.M. Haile Selassie, Christmas 1968 H.I.M. Haile Selassie speech in Buckingham Palace 1954 H.I.M. Haile Selassie's speech League of Nations June 30, 1936 ... 1955 Ethiopian Constituion
Important Dates in Modern Ethiopian History
    October 2, 1935 Mussolini of Facist Italy declared war on Ethiopia October 3, 1935 Italy crossed Mereb river and attacked Ethiopia October 11, 1935 Leage of Nations Assembly met and voted 50 to 4 to condemn Italy. (Austria, Hungary, Italy and Albania opposed) May 2, 1936 Haile Selassie went into exile May 5, 1936 Marshal Badoglio entered Addis Ababa 1757 Italians and 1593 Eritreasn were killed, more than 275,000 Ethiopians were killed. February 1937 More than 30,000 peaceful Ethiopians were massacred in Addis Ababa

42. A Collection Of Essays By Dr. Richard Pankhurst
Innovation and Opposition to Change in ethiopian history. Ancient and Medieval Life history of Education, Printing, and Literacy in ethiopia
A Collection of Essays by Dr. Richard Pankhurst
New! Extended Bibliography
Essays for the Addis Tribune

43. Ethiopia Country Guide - History And Government - World Travel Guide Provided By
World Travel Guide ethiopia - Overview, Visa and Passport requirements, vacation advice, holiday guide, international travel, travel agent, business trip,
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General Information

History and Government
History: The EPRDF continued to experience resistance in some parts of the country, mainly from elements of Ethiopia’s ethnic patchwork (Afar, Issa and Gurgureh, as well as ethnic Somalis) and from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which seeks independence for their province in the west of the country. Of greater long-term significance was the decision of the northern province of Eritrea – previously independent until 1952, when the United Nations merged it into Ethiopia – to secede from Ethiopia. The Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), the dominant force in the province and previously allied to the EPRDF, declared independence in May 1993. The Ethiopians acquiesced in the decision, despite the loss of their entire coastline. Relations between the two were initially good and a number of economic and security agreements were signed. It was not to last. By May 1995, the transitional administration and a short-lived constituent assembly, both of which were dominated by the EPRDF, had agreed a new constitution and were ready to hold national elections. The EPRDF won a massive victory – including all 92 seats in Addis Ababa – in elections for the new Council of People’s Representatives; Meles Zenawi took over as Prime Minister. The result was repeated at the most recent poll held in August 2000: Meles Zenawi was endorsed to serve a second term as premier, while the presidency was assumed by Girma Wolde Giorgis.

44. Ethiopia - Summary Of History
The Aksumite kingdom, rise of Islam, Zagwe Dynasty, the Middle Era, the Zemena Mesafent, creation of modern ethiopia, and recent history.
2714 Georgia Avenue, NW · First Floor, Suite #100 · Washington, DC 20001 · United States of America
A Summary of History
...Interested in Ethiopian history? Visit our book store... HOME HISTORY A SUMMARY OF HISTORY 3000 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP AXUM OBELISK TOP 10!
The Axumite Kingdom
The Rise of Islam
The rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, around 600 A.D., had a significant impact on the Axumite kingdom and ensuing kingdoms as well. The spread of Islam in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Northern Africa and coastal parts of the Eastern Africa continuously isolated Axum culturally and commercially from the remainder of the Christian world – particularly the Byzantine Empire. In response to Islamic expansion around the Axumite kingdom and the subsequent loss of their maritime trade routes, the Axumites turned their attention to the northern Ethiopian highlands spreading the kingdom southward.
The Zagwe Dynasty
By the tenth century, the Zagwe dynasty had emerged as a post-Axumite Christian Empire. The Zagwe kingdom was born out of the cultural and political interactions of the Cushitic and Semitic peoples in the northern highlands. Like the Axumite kingdom, the Zagwe dynasty was a political empire rooted in religion. The Zagwe devoted themselves to the construction of new churches and monastaries. Born out of this patronship of religious art is the construction of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. Ethiopian Christianity, however, was increasingly isolated from other Christian nations. With the conversion of Egypt to Islam, the Zagwe dynasty lost contact with its closest link with the outside Christianity, the Egyptian Coptic Christian Church.

45. Ethiopia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article covers the history, government and politics, geography, economy, demographics, language and culture of ethiopia.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Amharic Ityop'iya ) is a country situated in the Horn of Africa . It has one of the most extensive known histories as an independent nation on the continent. Unique among African countries, Ethiopia maintained independence during the Scramble for Africa , and continued to do so except for a 5 year period when it was under Italian ocupation. Ethiopia was historically called Abyssinia . The name "Ethiopia" is sometimes thought by Westerners to derive from a Greek term meaning "burnt visage", but this etymology is problematic. Ethiopian sources state that the name is derived from a son or grandson of Cush, son of Ham Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik
In Detail (Full size) National motto Amharic Capital Addis Ababa ... Ranked 16th
60.0/km² Currency Birr ETB Time zone ... Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ethiopia (March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia) Internet TLD .et Calling Code
Main article: History of Ethiopia
The Kingdom of Aksum , the first verifiable kingdom of great power to rise in Ethiopia, rose during the first century CE . The Persian religious figure Mani listed Axum with Rome Persia , and China as one of the four great powers of his time. It was in the early 4th century that a Syro-Greek castaway

46. Ethiopia - History
history. Get Lowest Airfares to from ethiopia Visit Ethioworld. out in this section to provide a brief history of the evolution of modern ethiopia.
2714 Georgia Avenue, NW · First Floor, Suite #100 · Washington, DC 20001 · United States of America
HOME COUNTRY INFORMATION NEWS WEATHER HISTORY RELIGION HEALTH POLITICS SPORTS ... SHOPPING In the minds of many, Ethiopia is restricted to the images of the devastating famine of the 1980’s, marathon athletes, and the last monarch – Emperor Haile Sellassie (also know as Ras Tafari). However, behind these images lies a long, rich and utterly complicated history that dates back to biblical times. Ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. We have set out in this section to provide a brief history of the evolution of modern Ethiopia. In the near future, this section will be expanded to include biographies of important figures in Ethiopian history, focused sections such as ‘Women in History’, and provide more in-depth detail on important eras summarized in the overview below.
A Summa ry of History
3,000 Years of Leadership
Axum Obelisk - Return it! ...
Ethioworld's Top 10!

47. Ethiopian History And General Data
Africa s oldest independent country which, except for a fouryear occupation by Mussolini s Italy at the end of the 1930s, has never been colonised.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help African History Region: East Africa Ethiopia Homework Help African History Essentials A Gazetteer of African Independence ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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Africa's oldest independent country which, except for a four-year occupation by Mussolini's Italy at the end of the 1930s, has never been colonised. Famous for the notable defeat of the invading Italian army at Adowa in 1896, Ethiopia inspired the rest of Africa in its path to independence.
Recent Up a category Ethiopia - Library of Congress Country Studies The Library of Congress Country Study for Ethiopia provides an excellent and fairly detailed history of the country. This information was originally compiled for the US Department of Army in case of potential deployment examining the historical, social, economic, and political background the country. (The only problem with this site is the awkwardness of navigating so many pages.) CIA: World Fact Book Useful country map and a range of geographical, political, and economic facts which are mostly up to date. The CIA had an additional page with up-to-date details of government members).

48. Ethiopian History Books And Articles - Research Ethiopian History
Ethiopian history Scholarly books and articles on Ethiopian history at Questia, world s largest online library and research service.

49. - Ethiopia - Historical Setting | Ethiopian Information Resource
ethiopia Introduction ethiopia - history Historical Setting ethiopia - Origins and the Early Periods ethiopia - Early Populations and Neighboring
You are here allRefer Reference Ethiopia
Historical Setting
by John W. Turner (An African analyst with the Department of Defense) Ethiopian Orthodox cathedral at Aksum, built in seventeenth century. MODERN ETHIOPIA IS THE PRODUCT of many millennia of interaction among peoples in and around the Ethiopian highlands region. From the earliest times, these groups combined to produce a culture that at any given time differed markedly from that of surrounding peoples. The evolution of this early "Ethiopian" culture was driven by a variety of ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. One of the most significant influences on the formation and evolution of culture in northern Ethiopia consisted of migrants from Southwest Arabia. They arrived during the first millennium B.C. and brought Semitic speech, writing, and a distinctive stone-building tradition to northern Ethiopia. They seem to have contributed directly to the rise of the Aksumite kingdom, a trading state that prospered in the first centuries of the Christian era and that united the shores of the southern Red Sea commercially and at times politically. It was an Aksumite king who accepted Christianity in the mid-fourth century, a religion that the Aksumites bequeathed to their successors along with their concept of an empire-state under centralized rulership. The establishment of what became the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was critical in molding Ethiopian culture and identity. The spread of Islam to the coastal areas of the Horn of Africa in the eighth century, however, led to the isolation of the highlands from European and Middle Eastern centers of Christendom. The appearance of Islam was partly responsible for what became a long-term rivalry between Christians and Muslimsa rivalry that exacerbated older tensions between highlanders and lowlanders and agriculturalists and pastoralists that have persisted to the present day.

50. | Ethiopian Arts, Ethiopian History, Ethiopian Maps, Ethiopian M
Categorized directory of ethiopia related links, maps and information.
@import url(styles/style.css); search directory text size: A A A W ith over 80 languages and 200 dialects, and a history that goes back thousands of years, Ethiopia is only known through the eyes of the rest of the world for the hardships it has suffered in recent times. intends to introduce and celebrate the rich history, culture and diversity of Ethiopia through the use of a repository that contains Ethiopia-related websites ranging from Arts, Society and Religion to Entertainment, Shopping and Technology, without getting out of touch of reality. W hat's up? Here are a few interesting and thought provoking sites and articles to visit. Be sure to check back for regular updates. And make your voice heard, do post your article/site specific comments. Coffee Trail post comment report link Name: Comment: Note: We reserve the right to exclude your comment from this site. Report type: The website does not load The link is in the wrong category Inappropriate Content Other (Specify Below) Comment: In the aroma of fresh brew ... memories of Ethiopia

51. Ethiopian History, The History Leading To Ethiopia's Famine
Help with the famine in ethiopia by learning about the problem and what you can do about it.
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Food for the Hungry
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History leading to Famine in Ethiopia The Modern Age of Ethiopia, which began in 1855, brought four very powerful emperors into rule, which expanded the empire and shaped modern Ethiopia. The first of these emperors, Theodore II, was a strong warrior who reassembled the army and used canons and roads to bring many of the regions under his control. He had delusions of grandeur, which were thwarted by those who did not share his dream of unity for Ethiopia. Theodore II ended his own life in 1868 after an argument with the British government (Kurtz 51). His successors, Yohannes and Menelik II, were able to triple the territory and add millions of people to Ethiopia. Emperor Yohannes struggled with invasions from Egypt, Italy, and Sudan during his rule from 1871 until he was assassinated by a sniper's bullet in 1889 (Kurtz 51). Menelik II was crowned Emperor in 1889 after uniting all of the provinces, including some of them that had been cut off for centuries. In 1896, Emperor Menelik fought Italian armies at Adwa, which was a decisive victory because he stopped Italian expansion in Ethiopia. Menelik's army of nearly eighty thousand people had to live off of

52. Christian History Of Ethiopia
Describes the coming of the Falashas, how ethiopia became christianized, Aksumites, Zagwes and their rockhewn churches, legend of Prester John,
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Food for the Hungry
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Christianity in Ethiopia Ethiopia has found strength in the church. From as far back as biblical times, the church has been the foundation upon which this magnificent country has developed. When the flood waters receded, and Noah and his sons disembarked from the great ship, God told them to, "Be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it" (Genesis 9:7). Each of Noah's sons and their wives set out to do just that. His eldest son Shem, whom Jesus descended from, went into what is now Jerusalem. Japheth went into Europe and Asia Minor. Noah's third son, Ham, settled in Canaan, which is now Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and East Africa (Bible Commentary). One of the areas that Ham's descendents settled is now present-day Ethiopia, one of the oldest countries in existence (Bible Commentary). The first known civilization in Ethiopia was that of the mighty Aksumite Kingdom. Having established itself in 1000 BC, in northern Ethiopia, it eventually spread over all of northern and even central Ethiopia. The ancient city of Axum, which was started by the Aksumites, was Ethiopia's first capital city (Kurtz 45).

53. Ethiopia - History
COUNTRIES have had such a long, varied, and troubled history as ethiopia. The ethiopian state originated in the Aksumite kingdom, a trading state that
Ethiopia Table of Contents Starting about the mid-sixteenth century, the Oromo people, migrating from the southwest, gradually forced their way into the kingdom, most often by warfare. The Oromo, who eventually constituted about 40 percent of Ethiopia's population, possessed their own culture, religion, and political institutions. As the largest national group in Ethiopia, the Oromo significantly influenced the course of the country's history by becoming part of the royal family and the nobility and by joining the army or the imperial government. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, religious and regional rivalries gradually weakened the imperial state until it was little more than a collection of independent and competing fiefdoms. Ethiopia's modern period (1855 to the present)represented by the reigns of Tewodros II, Yohannis IV, Menelik II, Zawditu, and Haile Selassie I; by the Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam; and, since mid-1991, by the Transitional Government of Ethiopia under Meles Zenawihas been been characterized by nation-building as well as by warfare. Tewodros II started the process of recreating a cohesive Ethiopian state by incorporating Shewa into his empire and by suppressing revolts in the country's other provinces. Yohannis IV battled to keep Ethiopia free from foreign domination and to retard the growing power of the Shewan king, Menelik. Eventually, Menelik became emperor and used military force to more than double Ethiopia's size. He also defeated an Italian invasion force that sought to colonize the country.

54. Ethiopia : History : Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Library
Selected Internet Resources ethiopia history . Portals to the World contain selective links providing authoritative, indepth information about the
The Library of Congress Global Gateway Portals to the World Ethiopia Find in Portals Web Pages Global Gateway Pages All Library Web Pages
History: Ethiopia
May include timelines, chronologies, biographical dictionaries, auxiliary studies (e.g. stamps and coins). Created and maintained by the
Collections and Services Directorate Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies (Hamburg, Germany) (
Begun with vol 1 in 1998, this journal offers essays, bibliographies and book reviews in "all aspects of linguistics, philology, history, archeology, palaeography, religion(s), traditional art and culture as well as ethnology (anthropology) in the Horn of Africa."
Association for the Return of The Maqdala Ethiopian Treasures (AFROMET)
This site calls for "the restitution of other treasures from Maqdala - an invaluable collection of ecclesiastical and other manuscripts, tabots, processional crosses, a golden chalice and a golden crown, and other cultural artifacts held at British institutions, including the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Library, the Bodleian Library, and the Royal Library, Windsor Castle."
A Collection of Essays

55. Ethiopian Antiquity
Visit Book pages for good books on Ethiopian history, there is a new Serious students of Ethiopian history should visit Bibliography Page the wonders or Sellassie WWW main academics history ... Ethiopians in Diaspora Poll * Ethiopians in USA * Please vote!
If you are willing to partcipate in a phone interview (20 min. max.) "Ethiopians and Rastafarians," please email Esther Sellassie Antohin with the phone number and time to call. Thanks.
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Ethiopian history Demographic Geographic A basic legend of Ethiopian history consecrates this venerable antiquity by making the Queen of Sheba,
document.onselectstart=new Function("return false");document.ondragstart=new Function("return false"); Ethiopian History Demographic Geographic Ethiopian History Ethiopia, one of the oldest nation in the world, was already a great power when recorded history began. Ethiopia was referred to by early writers as Kush, Kushy, Aitopia, Aithopis and until more recently as Abyssinia. The name Ethiopia comes from two Greek words meaning sunburned faces, and clearly refers to the brown skin of the natives. Ethiopia was first settled in prehistoric times by the sons of Ham; it is generally believed to have began about 3000 B.C. and the Semitic immigrations followed some 2,000 years later in the millennium through the Arabian peninsula about 1000 B.C. A basic legend of Ethiopian history consecrates this venerable antiquity by making the Queen of Sheba, whose visit to Solomon is recorded in the Book of Kings, a Queen of Ethiopia and the mother of Minilik I, first ruler of the solomonic line of Ethiopian Emperors. The Rift valley which runs north-south and separates the Central Plateau on the west from the Danakil Plains, and Eastern Plateau on the east and the trough of the Red Sea with Lake Rudolf is the best known sites in the world that boasts the origins of humankind. Lucy, the most complete and best presented human ancestor ever found, aged at 3.2 million years old, was discovered in the Afar region of Eastern Ethiopia. The 4.4 million year old Ramidus found in the central Afar region and the 2.5 million-year-old tools and artifacts are further testimonies to Ethiopia' immense historical wealth.

57. UK Foreign Office - Country Profiles Ethiopia
Overview of country's geography, history, politics, economy, international relations, travel and current affairs.

58. Ethiopia.htm
ethiopian Embassies. Consulate General of ethiopia in Australia ethiopian history Dr. Richard Pankhurst ethiopian history this Month ethiopianism
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59. Ethiopia At Amazon Books
Books about ethiopia at Amazon, music, art, history, new, free. My advise is to read real books about ethiopian history, culture, politics, etc.
ethiopia main academics history books ... Old HS WWW : Sellassie Family Web Sellassie WWW Dir
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Books Pages
Third Millennium Bible
Read about the BIBLE for the Next Millennium
from The House of Sellassie
Our 1999 Featured Book
Bound for Freedom
The Book of Exodus
in Jewish and Christian Traditions
by Goran Larsson Books on Ethiopia is pleased to have The House of Sellassie in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on Sellassie Cyber University website. Thank you for shopping with an associate. Sincerely, Jeff Bezos President The pictures are linked to the relevant pages of our websites. The titles are connected to the Amazon Books . All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars. All recommendations are mine; I will place the links to the reviews if avalible. I had no time to do the same search with . The categories are linked to new pages and directories at Sellassie Cyber Museum . This page is the one of several Book-pages: see Books @ Ethiop Village NEW: SELLASSIE BOOKSTORE Esther S. Antohin

60. Ethiopianess
Ethiopianess what is an Ethiopian today? The biggest problem is in common (mis)interpretation of Ethiopian history and Ethiopian national experience.

: CookBook! Mailing List var enabled = 'no'; from our email box: Click to View or Add Text. View GuestBook Sign Interview with Alexey-Tafari
Ethiopian in Diaspora
poll * var enabled = 'no'; Testimonials: Click to View or Add Text. days 'til the year 2005! Work! (c)2004 HIM contents (summary of the HS web-biography) * Africa and the West Politics Eritrea Oromo ... Sellassie Forum
Sellassie WWW? Go to... House of Sellassie Business D. Film-North mailing list vTheatre Sellassie Cyber U HIM: hyper-bio Sellassie WWW eHistory Ethio History Rasta Dir Webmasters! take my poll at: Poll: main INDEX HIM NEW POLITICS Old Politics Directory ...
Haile Sellassie Family Web H.I.M. Web-Biography from Sellassie WWW pages HISTORY History pages from Sellassie Family Web FAMILY Origins, Members, Generations, Tree, photos Ethiop Village Books, Music, Art, Gifts References Sellassie WWW sites DIRECTORIES: Listing from all Sellassie sites
In responce to discussions on EthioForum
What is "Ethiopian"?
There are several problems and numerous confusions on the subject: First is of a nationality, ethnicity and citizenship. Birth doesn't make anyone Ethiopian and you see many Ethiopian born children who will grow up as Americans, Canadians or Australians. Modern democratic countries do not require ancestry for its citizens and I hope democratic Ethiopia belong to this group. "Love for Ethiopia" is a very abused idea; there are many who claim to love Ethiopia, while living in the West or doing nothing for Ethiopia. There are many in Ethiopia who use this cheap claim to pursue their personal interests often aganist Ethiopia's well-being.

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