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101. Clem Miller Environmental Education Center The Clem Miller Environmental Education Center is an overnight facility at A place where teachers can teach in and experience Point Reyes with their http://www.ptreyes.org/clem/ | |
102. Using Service Projects To Teach Middle School Youth About Environmental Conserva Using service projects to teach high school youth about environmental education.related site(s). United States Environmental Protection Agency http://epicenter.nationalserviceresources.org/index.taf?_function=abstract&Layou |
103. Using Service Projects To Teach Elementary School Youth About Environmental Cons Using service projects to teach middle school youth about environmental conservation Developing service project ideas for younger children. related http://epicenter.nationalserviceresources.org/index.taf?_function=abstract&Layou |
104. Office Of Teaching Advancement This program is also designed to assist nonnative speakers of English to teacheffectively in an English-speaking environment. http://www.utoronto.ca/ota/TICC.html | |
105. Catalyst Teaching: Teaching And Learning At A Distance The distance learning environment is significantly different from the If youare used to teaching in the classroom, you may find it necessary to alter http://catalyst.washington.edu/method/distancelearning.html | |
106. Teach Abroad Search Results- Environmental Awareness Nepal Environmental Awareness - Program length - 2 weeks - 5 months After completingNepali language and cultural training, volunteers will stay wi. http://www.teachabroad.com/listingsp3.cfm/listing/18658 | |
107. Games-to-Teach Prototypes In our first year, the Gamesto-teach Project focused on designing a set of 10 Environmental variables such as distance, elevation, or surface type, http://www.educationarcade.org/gtt/proto.html | |
108. Chapter 5.7: Using Active Learning Modules To Teach Environmental Invention 5.7 Using Active Learning Modules to teach Environmental Invention. In thischapter so far, we have discussed using active learning modules to teach http://repo-nt.tcc.virginia.edu/book2/chapter5sec7.htm | |
109. Center For Teaching And Learning Educational Paradigm Shift Most faculty would say that their teaching is focused have successfully met the challenges of teaching in this environment. http://www.wmich.edu/teachlearn/ | |
110. Teaching Resources About Endangered Species Information and Teaching Resources about Endangered Species in Alberta, NorthAmerica and Sandra Rothenberg s fun environmental education pages. http://raysweb.net/specialplaces/pages/species-teach.html | |
111. Department Of Environmental And Population Health : Cummings School Of Veterinar The Department of Environmental and Population Health is a blend of clinicians Members of the section teach the course entitled International Veterinary http://www.tufts.edu/vet/faculty_research/enviropop.html | |
112. Extension Helping Instructors Teach Environmental Awareness teach Environmental Awareness. WICHITA Environmental issues and programs areno longer just for adults. Eighthundred middle and elementary school http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/news/sty/2000/environaware.htm | |
113. Environmental Education And Teaching Jobs In Environmental Career Opportunities: Current job vacancies in environmental education, instruction and training acrossthe US. A jobseeker s resource. http://www.ecojobs.com/educationjobs.html | |
114. Global Volunteer Network: Volunteer Programs Environmental, teaching, health, building programs, and a cultural exchange,centred around the town of Dumangas, on the historic island of Panay. More http://www.volunteer.org.nz/programs/ | |
115. Teaching Green - The Elementary Years: Hands-on Learning In Grades K-5 Joseph Baust, Director of the Center for Environmental Education, Murray State ÂTeaching Green The Elementary Years offers educators a wealth of http://www.greenteacher.com/elembook.html | |
116. Classroom Resources-Directories The Canadian Environmental Literacy Project (CELP) offers a series of free to assist with the teaching of environmental studies and relevant subjects to http://eelink.net/classroomresources-directories.html | |
117. Links. Environmental Education: Teaching Resources US Global Change Research Information Office. Provides access to data andinformation on climate change research, adaptation/mitigation strategies and http://www.gcrio.org/links/links5-5.htm | |
118. Environmental Education And Outreach TeachEarth.com is a portal to teaching resources for Earth science teachers, lesson plans, and other teaching resources with an environmental theme. http://www.gcrio.org/edu/ | |
119. CanTeach - Resources For Educators Online resources for educators including hundreds of lesson plans, thousands oflinks, several discussion lists, and more! http://www.track0.com/canteach/elementary/wenviron.html | |
120. Current Research: Science Teaching Science Teaching Current Research. Earth and environmental sciences educationresearch, development and implemntation from K12. http://www.weizmann.ac.il/acadaff/Current_Research/current/Science_Teaching.html | |
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