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61. Java.net: Java Tech: The Sweet Song Of The BlueJ, Part 1 BlueJ is an integrated Java environment that has been designed to teach object BlueJ was developed to provide an appropriate environment for teaching http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2005/07/21/bluej.html | |
62. Teach Yourself Scheme: 11.3 Environment Variables@Everything2.com teach Yourself Scheme 11.3 environment variables teach Yourself Scheme teach Yourself Scheme 12 Objects and classes teach Yourself Scheme 11.2 http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=502576 |
63. AlterNet: War On Iraq: The 21st Century Teach-In Welcome to the first teachin against the Vietnam War, held on March 24, 1965 . with other issues, and its impact on human beings and the environment. http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/21580/ | |
64. Turning Points Of Wisconsin: Environmental Teach-Ins And The Environmental Quali Gaylord Nelson seeks to bring the environment into the classroom, 1969.environmental teachIns and the environmental Quality Education Act http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/turningpoints/search.asp?id=1138 |
65. TCS: Tech Central Station - On Earth Day, Teach Our Children and teaching our children about the environment is necessary part of their Besides pollution, another major environmental issue that has arisen in http://www.techcentralstation.com/042205E.html | |
66. Program In The Environment - University Of Michigan to teach us about the broad implications of the environmental challenges we Natural Resources and environment to teach us how our actions affect the http://environment.snre.umich.edu/environ/environ_detail/0,2367,6523%5Farticle%5 | |
67. Teaching And Learning: Student Learning - Creating A Supportive Environment IUPUI Portfolio Home Teaching and Learning Student Learning Creating aSupportive Creating a Supportive environment for Effective Student Learning http://www.iport.iupui.edu/teach/teach_stulearn_sec2.asp | |
68. Policy Of Teaching In RAWA Schools environmental Sensitivity. Save mother earth with all its richness. - Avoidusing items that pollute the environment. - teach that animals have a right http://www.rawa.org/policy.htm | |
69. Blue - A System To Teach OO Programming Blue is an integrated programming environment and a programming language. but the effects of these are negligible in a teaching environment. http://www.cs.arizona.edu/people/mercer/design/kolling.html | |
70. Teach Health & Physical Education Using The Environment - Natural Resource Educa It can be tempting to learn and teach about the environment through actionpackedWeb pages. These are valuable resources-but shouldn t substitute for http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/education/teachers/activities/health.html | |
71. Teach Art & Music Using The Environment - Natural Resource Education: Minnesota teach art music using the environment Sights and sounds interweaving art,music and environmental education. Throughout history, the environment has http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/education/teachers/activities/art.html | |
72. Researchers Create Virtual Environment To Teach And Enhance Meditation For Immediate Release July 2, 2002. Modernizing Meditation Researchers CreateVirtual environment to teach and Enhance Meditation http://gtresearchnews.gatech.edu/newsrelease/MEDITATION.htm | |
73. Digital Learning Environment from the knowledge base and objects from the Alexandria Digital Library.Virtual Learning environment being used to teach Physical Geography at UCSB http://www.alexandria.ucsb.edu/research/learning/ | |
74. EPA - Teaching Center Get information you can use when you teach, Get help and recognition Other education sites Quality environmental education sites that provide http://epa.gov/teachers/ | |
75. CEHN Home Page We developed this manual with guidelines and teaching tools that health carefaculty can use to teach pediatric environmental health. http://www.cehn.org/ | |
76. Fellowships Of The Spirit A spiritual organization that exists to provide environments where all people can experience their connection with God. They study, teach and practice spiritual unfoldment. http://www.fellowshipsspirit.org | |
77. Adults And Children Together Against Violence Web Site Sponsored by the American Psychological Association and others, ACT seeks to prevent violence by providing young children with positive role models and environments that teach nonviolent problemsolving. Information on managing anger, resolving conflicts, and violence prevention. http://www.actagainstviolence.org/ | |
78. Teaching Environmental Science This page discusses the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality s TeachingEnvironmental Science program. http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/exec/oppr/pubeduc/teach.html | |
79. TEACHING GREEN I will answer your questions on how to bring environmental studies into the She is currently working on the book Teaching the Green which will be an at http://www.ecomall.com/greenshopping/teach.htm | |
80. Teach Yourself Excel 2003 Excel, the Microsoft Office spreadsheet, is used in virtually every businessenvironment. teach Yourself Excel 2003 is an easyto-use guide to the program s http://www.thattechnicalbookstore.com/b0071444203.htm | |
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