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41. Welcome To Schuylkill Keep It Pretty - SKIP Nonprofit organization that aims to teach county residents about the effects of solid waste and litter upon the environment. Highlights projects, events, forms, and a newsletter. Located in Pottsville. http://www.skiplitter.org/ | |
42. Sympoh! Sympoh exists to teach and educate members of the Princeton community (or interested individuals in the surrounding area) about urban hiphop culture in a fun and friendly environment. http://www.princeton.edu/~sympoh/ |
43. Using The Child's Environment To Teach At Home And School. ERIC/CSMEE Digest. Provides fulltext access to the ERIC Digest of this name. http://www.ericdigests.org/1995-1/teach.htm | |
44. Miami Group Of The Sierra Club Protect The Environment Protect natural places and teach others to understand and respect the environment. Meetings, outings, and education. http://florida.sierraclub.org/miami/index.html | |
45. Teaching Green - The Middle Years: Hands-on Learning In Grades 6-8 teachers do not need to be experts to teach about the environment. The naturalworld is an open book for endless discovery by all. As colearners alongside http://www.greenteacher.com/middlebookintro.html | |
46. Betty Brinn Children's Museum Handson displays teach science, business, art, and more to kids in a fun environment; toddler section for ages 0-3. http://bbcmkids.org/ | |
47. Home Family oriented program seeking to teach the art of dance in a Christian environment. Provides class schedules, tuition information, and contact information. http://www.danceemmanuel.com/index.html | |
48. T.E.A.C.H. -- Toxic Environment Affects Children's Health Toxic environment Affects Children s Health Toms River, New Jersey. http://www.tr-teach.org/help/ | |
49. Ground Water Interactive The goal of these pages is to provide an interactive learning environment forground water hydrology and ground water pollution. http://ewr.cee.vt.edu/environmental/teach/gwi/ | |
50. Anne Taylor, Robert A. Aldrich, And George Vlastos - Architecture Can Teach For instance, a cooking environment can be used to teach math, science, socialstudies, reading, cultural uses of food, and nutrition, to promote health http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC18/Taylor.htm | |
51. Teaching And Learning - Faculty Of The Built Environment, UNSW, Sydney Australia Future Students teaching and learning. Future Students fbe, Faculty of theBuilt environment. UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA; phone icon +61 2 9385 http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/futurestudents/teach&learn.asp | |
52. Staff, Faculty Of The Built Environment, UNSW, Sydney Australia UNSW Nominee for AUTC (Australian Universities Teaching Committee) AWARD 2004 Higher Education Shaping The Built environment. Chen SE, Brew, G., http://www.fbe.unsw.edu.au/staff/teach&learn.asp | |
53. That'll Teach 'Em 2 - Lessons - Environmental Studies Today, GCSE environmental science is a multidisciplinary subject, including the As part of the GCSE course, pupils do an environmental investigation, http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/T/teachem2/lessons/environment.html | |
54. Environment And The Economy | A Curriculum From The Foundation For Teaching Econ FTE s The The environment and the Economy has a triple focus economics content, The theme of how to teach about and learn about issues will run http://www.fte.org/teachers/programs/environment/curriculum/ | |
55. October Education Reporter -- Textbooks Teach Environmental Activism Textbooks teach environmental Activism treatment of the environment for hisreport, environmental Education in Wisconsin What the Textbooks teach. http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/1996/oct96/textbook.html | |
56. What Can I Teach My Young Child About The Environment? - Environmental Education Sierra Club environmental Education Program What Can I teach My Young Child Aboutthe environment? Reprinted Article, December 1999 http://www.sierraclub.org/education/eear1299.asp | |
57. Environmental Education And Outdoor Education Seasonal/Summer Jobs Environmental and outdoor education shortterm job opportunities. Fall outdoorcenter instructors teach hands-on classes to grades 3-12, with programs http://www.backdoorjobs.com/environment.html | |
58. Web-based Learning Environment Energy and Environmental Systems for Green Buildings in the Department ofArchitecture, The University of Hong Kong for supporting teaching activities. http://arch.hku.hk/~cmhui/teach/ | |
59. Science And The Environment Bulletin: Monitoring Programs Teach Citizens To Safe A monthly environment Canada science bulletin, with a wealth of information onissues such as the Ozone Layer, Weather, Species at risk, etc. http://www.ec.gc.ca/science/sandejan99/article3_e.html | |
60. USAID WB/G - SPOTLIGHTS Children teach Peers about the environment and Personal Hygiene CHF workedin cooperation with the Ministry of environmental Health and the Municipality http://www.usaid.gov/wbg/spotlight_11.htm | |
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