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21. EE Undergraduate Prospects
over 300 student clubs and organizations, and intramural sports. Power, electric Machines, electric vehicles, Power Systems
Have you considered a Career in Electrical Engineering?
Let the University of South Florida take you there. BENEFITS OF BECOMING AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER CHALLENGES - You will never be bored! You will be working with the latest state-of-the-art technologies and you will be developing new technologies. Electrical engineers are always at the cutting edge in formulating innovative solutions for a very large variety of applications. LONGEVITY - You can pursue this career for life! There is never the pressure to look elsewhere or change fields a few years after graduation (as in other fields of study). You be the judge: is the number of electrical/electronic gadgets affecting your everyday life increasing or decreasing? SATISFACTION - Lifelong fulfillment! Electrical Engineering is an extremely fulfilling career in terms of the potential for making a meaningful contribution to the society in which we live. Add to that long term job security, a dynamic field with many exciting opportunities and the ability to positively impact many lives, it is difficult to find other careers which can be as rewarding. All this can be yours if you pursue Electrical Engineering. SALARY - The Tops! Starting (and sustaining) salaries for electrical engineering students with bachelor, masters and doctoral degrees are at the top of the list compared to their engineering and scientific disciplines.

22. Green Car Club Links - Organizations
The Green Car Club unites owners and enthusiasts of environmentally Association to Promote electric vehicles Managed by the Fundación Costa Rica para
The Green Car Club unites owners and enthusiasts of environmentally cleaner cars. Home Discussions Membership About the Club ... Register Now
(It's Free!) Search Site
Search Discussions
Links to Organizations
Other Organizations Promoting Green Cars

23. Thermal Modeling And Related Links/ Reference Material
clubs organizations. Australian electric Vehicle Association, Inc. (AEVA) is a non profit association founded in 1973, comprising of individuals and
Meshing Models Property Databases Thermal Related ... Links Page Index ThermoAnalytics Publications Clubs Controllers Government Web Sites ... EV Discussion Lists Publications by ThermoAnalytics, Inc.
This sample excerpt from the HEVsim Technical Manual discusses the types and characteristics of batteries for HEV applications. History of Battery Modeling
This sample excerpt from the HEVsim Technical Manual discusses the various models that researchers have developed to predict performance of batteries installed in HEV applications.
This ThermoAnalytics Inc proposal discusses how an electric motor can be modeled in depth using Radtherm and MuSES. Index Australian Electric Vehicle Association, Inc.

24. Electro Automotive: Links
EV clubs organizations. Australian electric Vehicle Association EVs down under. Denver electric Vehicle Council A very active EV club in the Denver area

Site Map Catalog EV Info ... Contact
Links To Other Resources
The following is a list of links to other web sites that are resources for EV information, or related topics. They are divided into categories for your convenience. Check back from time to time, as this list will be constantly growing. If you know of a link that should be added to this page, contact us and we will review it for possible inclusion.
Charging Stations
Donors: Chassis, Parts, Supplies, Info
Miscellaneous EV Info
Personal Conversion Sites ...
Web Directories
Charging Stations
Clean Car Maps
California charging stations
Clean Car Maps
Donors: Chassis, Parts, Supplies, Info
A great source for Porsche 914 donor chassis, information, and parts.
Automotive Atlanta
Everything for your Porsche 914.
A source for donor chassis and parts.
Goodyear Tires
Bill Egan is very helpful in choosing the right tires with the lowest rolling resistance. Contact him at
The H2O Cooler Page
Watercooled VW chassis and parts.
Mid America Direct
Has divisions specializing in VW Beetle parts (both classic and new Beetle), Porsche parts, and Corvette parts. A good source for hard to find pieces, suspension, brakes, and other goodies for upgrades and modification of original equipment.

25. Car/Truck Clubs And Organizations
NORRCA National organization for model cars and trucks. SpeedDemons Racing Team - Belgian R/C car club racing 1/10th electric cars.
RealRace R/C Simulator
Features Home
What's New

R/C News

Intro to R/C

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Car Clubs

Boat Sites Boats Boat Clubs Other Resources Companies Magazines Other Sites Newsgroups ... Products/Prices Interactive Suggest a Link Update a Link Link To Us Search The R/C Web Directory The R/C Web Directory is a free service of Tower Hobbies . If you know of any other interesting R/C-oriented Web pages feel free to tell us about them! Use our handy Suggest A Link Car/Truck Clubs and Organizations

26. Boat Clubs And Organizations
Desert Armada R/C club for building scale warships and electric boats of Model Warship Combat, Inc. - National organization that promotes the hobby of
Features Home
What's New

R/C News

Intro to R/C

Aircraft Sites Airplanes


Car Clubs

Boat Sites Boats
Boat Clubs
Other Resources Companies Magazines Other Sites Newsgroups ... Products/Prices Interactive Suggest a Link Update a Link Link To Us Search The R/C Web Directory The R/C Web Directory is a free service of Tower Hobbies . If you know of any other interesting R/C-oriented Web pages feel free to tell us about them! Use our handy Suggest A Link Boat Clubs and Organizations

27. RIT - Clubs & Organizations
electric Vehicle Club Electronic Gaming Society Emerging Black Artists Organization of the Alliance of Students from the Indian Subcontinent RIT Search Events Calendar About Us ... Greek Connection September 21, 2005
List of Organizations
Career Related Music Related Greek ...
Wood Club

Rochester Institute of Technology Questions/Feedback
Last Updated: September 8, 2005

28. Neighborhood Link - Clubs & Organizations, Automotive
clubs organizations, All Neighborhood Link Cities clubs organizations electric cars/carts scooters PIKES PEAK MODEL A FORD CLUB of AMERICA

29. Electric Auto Association - Electric Vehicles
EV Related organizations. National electric Drag Racing Association NEDRA (Hot Fast EV s) Japan electric Vehicle Club (Choose the English pages)
Chapters Merchandise EVs For Sale EV Charging ... EAA News EAA Links EAA Flyers: EV Information Auto Emissions EV Conversions EV History ... Fuel Prices These links or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is a general knowledge base of EV information. Common TERMS:
EV, Electric Vehicle

nEV, neighborhood EV, low speed vehicles (lsv)
: operates below highway speeds. Not for highway use.
Grid, electric utility power
: is inexpensive compared to fossil fuel, and can come from RE sources.
RE, Renewable Energy
: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, wave, biomass.
PV = Photo-Voltaic, aka solar
hybrid vehicle
: has electric components, but uses a fuel source to power the vehicle, aka hev.
fcv, fuel cell vehicle
: has an electric drive train, but uses a fuel source, not the grid, to power the vehicle.
afv, alternative fuel vehicle: these can be EVs, or vehicles that use fuel other than gas or diesel. If you have EV questions EAA Chapter to near you, and attend any of our free EAA Chapter meetings: to ask questions or obtain free rides in EVs. Or you can Subscribe to the EV List Electric Vehicles for Sale Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd.

30. Driving The Future -- Electric Vehicles! Links To EV Resources, Official EV1 Club. EV1.ORG, EV1 drivers. Ward and Chris Paine, Honda+ and GM EV1 drivers. electric Vehicle organizations
Driving the Future Electric Vehicles main menuElectric Vehicles Today! SIGN UP FOR EV SURVEY Look at latest survey testimonal file EV total emissions compared to internal combustion auto emissions Earth Day 2000: Regenerative Energy Links to EV resources on the WWWeb
Commercial partners: For a link on this page, remit $25 non-deductible donation via paypal Electric Transportation Solutions Retailer of electric scooters, bikes, golf carts, low speed electric vehicles and off-road electric vehicles VW Conversion using ACPropulsion AC-150 Honda EV+ 1997 Nickel Metal Hydride EV was confiscated and destroyed. Some of the battery-electric drivetrain remain as hydrogen demonstrators, the motor works on the batteries even if the fuel cell were to fail. Converted VW to EV Dan Wardlow's EV+ A Honda EV + driver's webpage of experiences. Official EV1 Club EV1.ORG EV1 drivers Ward and Chris Paine Honda+ and GM EV1 drivers. Red EV1 Experiences from actual lease customers of the GM EV1 Greg Hansen's EV1 Far-ranging experiences expanding the envelope Kris Trexler's EV1 Kris Trexler drove his old lead acid powered EV1 across America

31. Rezachek & Associates' Energy & Environmental Resources - Electric And Hybrid Ve
electric and Hybrid vehicles. organizations/Associations/Mail The electric Vehicle Engineering Club is organized and run by engineering students.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Organizations/Associations/Mail Lists/Useful Links - Page
AEVA Australian Electric Vehicles Association home page. Lots of good EV info. and links. CALSTART CALSTART is a non-profit statewide consortium dedicated to creating an advanced transportation technologies industry for California. CALSTART Offramp Links to electric vehicle, energy, transportation and other related resources on the Internet. CAR-STUFF "The Web's Most Complete Source of Automotive Links" Citizens for Clean Energy (CCE) and the Denver Electric Vehicle Council (DEVC) Home Page Citizens for Clean Energy is a 501(C)3, non-profit, educational organization. CCE's mission is to raise public awareness of energy related environmental issues and promote clean renewable energy technology. The Denver Electric Vehicle Council is incorporated as a non-profit educational organization. The goal of the DEVC is to offer 1) a forum for information exchange about electric vehicle concepts, designs and developments; 2) instructive informaiton and opinion to interested individuals and the public and 3) assistance in promotion of the development and use of electric vehicles in the Denver area. Driving Across America in an Electric Car Electric Auto Association (EAA) National Web Site The Electric Auto Association (EAA) was formed in 1967 in San Jose, California. The EAA is a non-profit educational organization that promotes the advancement and widespread adoption of electricity-powered automobiles.

32. Rezachek & Associates' Energy & Environmental Resources - Electric And Hybrid Ve
electric and Hybrid vehicles. organizations/Associations/Mail Lists/Useful The Caltech electric Vehicle Club The Caltech electric Vehicle Club exists to
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Organizations/Associations/Mail Lists/Useful Links - Page
EV Club Web Pages EVents: What's Happening in the World of Electric Vehicles List of events involving Electric Vehicles, with a particular emphasis on events of interest to EV'ers in North Carolina. EV Pioneer Survey Their current topic is a display of preliminary aggregate sample data from our EV Pioneer Survey. EVWorld Keep abreast of what's new on EV World: This Week. Global Electric Auto Association's (GLEAA) Home Page GLEAA has an excellent newsletter and is a good source of EV information. National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) The National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) exists to increase public awareness of electric vehicle (EV) performance and to encourage through competition, advances in electric vehicle technology. NEDRA achieves this by organizing and sanctioning safe, silent and exciting electric vehicle drag racing events. Peter Ohler's EV1 Page Peter is a happy lessee of an EV1. Sacramento Electric Vehicle Associaition The Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association (SEVA) is a diverse group of people dedicated to promoting the electric vehicle as a viable means of transportation.

33. History - SeattleEVA_Wiki
The Seattle electric Vehicle Association was founded in 1979 on the heels of of clubs and organizations nation wide LIKE the Seattle electric Vehicle
From SeattleEVA_Wiki
The Seattle Electric Vehicle Association was founded in 1979 on the heels of this countries third gas crisis with the help of some of our founding fathers, Ray Nadreau and others who put an ad in local news papers advertising a meeting of " people interested in Electric Cars " to meet at the University of Washington Applied Physics building to help form a new EV club. Over 40 people showed up, and SEVA was born. One of their first public shows was in the mall at South Center. If memory serves me there were 3 cars there that week end. Interest grew, and before we knew it there were 3 EV dealers in town as well. Mycon Motors selling the little Camuta-Car from Florida, Steve Lough of Lough Motors selling the Lectric Leopard (Renault LeCar) from the original US Electricar of Massachusetts, and Sound Ford of Renton selling the Jet Industry Ford Escort electric car from Texas. In the years which followed, all the commercial dealers except Lough Motors more or less dropped out of the business, but the club pressed on, with long distance rallies, car shows at the Pacific Science Center, and later exhibits at the Seattle International Auto Show in the King Dome. Through our efforts, over the last 20 years, Tens of Thousands of people have heard of, and or seen electric cars in action, which otherwise would not have. It is only in the last few years that the major auto makers have seen the "hand writing on the wall" and made concerted efforts towards bringing EV's to the market place.

34. Electric Vehicles
Caltech electric Vehicle Club (CEVC). EV1 Club page Information for the EV1 driver Noncommercial organizations and people who are making a difference.
Electric Vehicles
Our first EV, CRELTRC . (A labor of love, and a fun toy to play with!) We bought it back after GM sent us our 'Dear John' letter. Page 1 Page 2 This is actually our Gen 1 (1997) . We also had a red Gen 2 (1999) EV1 with NiMH batteries that was taken back by GM on December 23, 2002 under duress. People did everything short of stealing the car to keep it, but GM would not allow the lease period to be extended. License plate reads SPAC SHP (Space Ship). Check out extra pictures of our EV1 in Old Town Pasadena. Comments appreciated, flames and extension cord jokes will be trashed. Featured Links: Links to some EV and Alternative Energy WWW resources. This is not meant to be a complete listing of EV WWW resources, just some of the ones that I like best and find most useful.

35. Ev Online - Organizations
For much of the past 30 years, the EV clubs have been the backbone of the EV While national organizations like the electric Power Research Institute,

I know

For much of the past 30 years, the EV clubs have been the backbone of the EV movement. While national organizations like the Electric Power Research Institute, the Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Envir onmental Protection Agency have been sponsoring research on EVs, the clubs and their members have been busy building and driving electric vehicles. This area will contain descriptions of and documents about these organizations and clubs. We'll try to collect some general information about the major players like EPRI, EVAA, DoE, and EPA, and members of those groups are welcome to add their recollecti ons to EV Online, but our primary focus will be on small organizations like the Electric Auto Association and its many local chapters. Start at the beginning with a description of the early history of the EAA by founder Walter Laski. Also, check out a digitized version of the original non-profit association application filed by the EAA. Bruce Parmenter sent word of recent press coverage of the activities of the speed demons in NEDRA . Ben Parker has generously sent us the newsletters of the Electric Vehicle Association of Southern California . How about your chapter? Tell us the story of your electric auto club; send us your newsletters and club documents; and we'll add your story to EV Online.

36. Electrifying Times Links Page
North American electric Vehicle Infrastructure Conference Expo Trade organizations EV clubs. AltWheels http//
ET LINK EXCHANGE Listed By Category
Send Corrections to ET Staff
Parts Media Miscellaneous ... ET Links Listed Alphabetically ET hasn't been very good at keeping its links page updated...
For more great EV links pages, try these:
Mark Chancey's Amazing EV Links Page
Bill Moore's EV World Links Page

Moira Govan's EV UK Links Page
Four Wheeler
Bluebird Automotive Group Ltd:
Bombardier NEV:
Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd:
Cart-Rite: Eco Motion Electric Cars: EcoVehicle Enterprises, Inc.: Electric Auto Corporation: Electric Transportation Solutions: General Motors EV1: Global Electric MotorCars: Gorilla Vehicles: Honda Insight Hybrid:

37. - The Campaign To Save Electric Cars
environmental organizations in its mounting Campaign to Save electric vehicles the Sierra Club calls on automakers to stop crushing electric cars
DON'T CRUSH LINDA'S CAR! ELECTRICS CAR FACTS WHAT LEADERS SAY DONATE ... ABOUT US Press Releases September 1, 2005 - Announces Victory, Launches Plug In America
July 1, 2005 - Protest at Santa Monica Toyota on July 2

June 24, 2005 - Santa Monica Toyota Protest

June 9, 2005 - Cal EPA, Alan Lloyd Appeals to Toyota
May 10, 2005 - Campaign Shifts to Toyota
Media release:
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Chelsea Sexton 310-948-2451,
Paul Scott 310-399-5997 Announces Toyota Victory, Launches Plug In America
Former CIA Director joins auto engineers and advocates to encourage automakers to produce petroleum-free, pollution-free cars Los Angeles – In an international telephone press conference today , lauded Toyota’s recent decision to keep its zero-emission, battery-electric RAV 4 SUVs on the road. Joined by a former CIA-director, an ex-GM employee, an EV engineer, and the Southern California Edison Electric Transportation director,

38. @LA Automobiles/Automotive/Vehicles In Southern California: Los Angeles County,
Add your URL to @LA Free to local businesses, organizations and Transit Systems Unlimited, Sun Valley. Index, electric vehicles
Cars and Other Vehicles
New or Used Vehicles!
As low as 3.99% APR
Free Quote. $21 Challenge. whole words only All Counties Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino County Ventura County www. .la Search @LA's Auto Dealer Database Accessories Appraisals Auctions ...
Dealer/Retailer/Showroom Directories
Los Angeles County Dealers Manufacturers
Orange County Dealers
Riverside County Dealers San Bernardino County Dealers Ventura County Dealers ... @LA Searchable Auto Dealer Database - over 1,000 dealers by make, location
Antelope Valley Press Auto Dealer Directory

Auto Dealers in the State of California

Autopedia: California Dealer Directory

... OrangeCountyAutoNet Manufacturers/Makes
Acura Locate a Dealer Aston Martin Dealer Locations Audi Find a Dealer Locate a BMW Center and BMW Southern California Buick Locate a Dealer Cadillac Dealer Locator Chevrolet Dealer Locator ... Honda Locate a Dealer and Southern California Honda Dealers Hyundai Dealer Locator Infiniti Locate Retailer Isuzu Find a Dealer: California ... Mazda Locate a Dealer and Southern California Mazda Dealers Mercedes-Benz Locate a Dealer Mercury Locate a Dealer Mitsubishi Motors Retailers ... Volvo Find a Retailer Dealer Groups AutoNation Dealer Locator Enterprise Car Sales Used Car Dealership Locations , citywide Budget Car Sales , Citywide DCH Auto Group Downtown LA Motors Discount Auto Mart , North Hollywood, Covina, Fontana, Fullerton, Anaheim Family Motors Group of Dealerships , Fillmore, Santa Paula Galpin Motors , North Hills, Van Nuys

39. UMass Dartmouth - Mechanical Engineering - Zero Emission Cars
The General Motors Impact, shown above, is an electric car. Student Activities, Student Affairs, Student clubs and organizations, Student Handbook
To Site Menu To Footer and UMD Index To Main Content Text-Only ... Student Life Nav links: To Header To Footer and UMD Index
Chair's Message ... Links Nav links: To Header To Footer and UMD Index
Mechanical Engineering
Zero-emissions Cars
The General Motors Impact is an electric car. It is one of dozens of cars being developed that produce no polluting emissions. Zero-emissions Cars Most modern cars run by burning gasoline in an internal combustion engine. Recently there has been an increasing concern with the amount of pollution produced by engines of this type. Mechanical engineers have been responsible for making these engines more efficient in recent years, and in reducing emissions, but there is an increasing public desire to eliminate polluting emissions entirely. This is most clearly demonstrated by California's law requiring a certain percentage of the cars sold in California to be "zero-emissions cars" by the year 2000. The General Motors Impact, shown above, is an electric car. Mechanical engineers at large automotive companies such as GM and Ford are working on improving electric cars. There are also other models for emission free cars. Some companies are trying to develop cars that run on butane or propane. These cars will produce no more pollution than a gas stove and will also run virtually silently. In all of these projects mechanical engineers play a vital role as they design new engines and lighter bodies for these cars of the future.

40. Student Involvement Opportunities
Thank you to all the schools or student organizations listed below. These are small oneperson electric vehicles with limited battery capacity.
Home Energy School Energy Renewable Energy KEEP Search ... Networking Introduction
  • KEEP Home Student Involvement
    The student involvement pages offers teachers various opportunities to increase their students' energy knowledge.
    Igniting Creative Energy Challenge
    The Igniting Creative Energy Challenge is an educational competition open to student K-12 designed to encourage students to learn more about energy and the environment. All student entries will be recognized, with Grand Prize Trips to Hawaii awarded to three students and one teacher! Student entries must reflect the theme "Igniting Creative Energy" and demonstrate an understanding of what an individual, family or group can do to make a difference in their home or community. Students may express their ideas in the form of documented science projects, essays, stories, artwork, photographs, music or video or website projects. The Challenge is sponsored and funded through an educational grant by Johnson Controls, Inc.

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