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61. Social Studies Development Center WORLD WIDE WEB RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ABOUT PRESIDENTIAL electionS The AmericanPresident election 2000. Part of the companion site to PBS s monumental http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/electdig.htm | |
62. Presidential Election 2000: 'The Fall Of Ozymandias', By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Presidential election 2000 The Fall of Ozymandias The mess in the Congress,the mess in the Presidential elections, has given us two candidates, http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2000/2750_lar_ozymandias.html | |
63. THE ELECTION - 2000 - DREAMS AND VISIONS THE election 2000. DREAMS AND VISIONS. 12-17-00 - I had 4 dreams aboutrecounting all the ballots for the 2000 election for President. http://www.greatdreams.com/elec2000.htm | |
64. Education World ® : Great Sites For Teaching About: Election 2000 Education World gathers the best from the Web for teaching about election 2000. http://www.educationworld.com/a_sites/sites049.shtml | |
65. Teaching To Change LA  Democracy 2000  LA Students  LAUSD  Braddock Driv Teaching to Change LA LA Students . election 2000 Collages Fight to theFinish! Christopher Barrera . Juan Ordaz. Marisol Partida http://tcla.gseis.ucla.edu/democracy/students/lausd_braddock2.html | |
66. Teaching To Change LA  Democracy 2000  LA Students  LAUSD  Braddock Driv Teaching to Change LA LA Students . Go to election 2000 Collages .The following paragraph is in response to a homework assignment to watch the http://tcla.gseis.ucla.edu/democracy/students/lausd_braddock.html | |
67. Socialstudies.org | Election 2004 The 2000 presidential election voting rates in the District of Columbia, Teaching resources posted to The CHOICES Program s TEACHING WITH THE NEWS will http://www.socialstudies.org/election/ | |
68. Journal Of Statistics Education, V9N1: Teaching Bits - Peterson The New York Times on the Web maintains a site on the 2000 election at In our last edition of Teaching Bits, we provided links to some of them. http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v9n1/peterson.html | |
69. Election 2000 election 2000. Members ask If we don t do it, who will? Even basicnutsand-bolts contract issues such as prep time, teaching load and break periods http://www.weac.org/News/2000-01/oct00/election.htm | |
70. FT February 2001: The Public Square The Two Politics of election 2000; When Bishops Speak The bishops are sayingthat x policy is in accord with Catholic teaching and y policy is not, http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0102/public.html | |
71. Election 2000 In Dominica election 2000, by July, Eye on the Campaign trail Their politics and theirparties. Tremendous involvement in the preaching and teaching of religious http://cakafete.com/election_2000/profiles_DFP.html | |
72. Overtime! The Election 2000 Thriller - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog Overtime! The election 2000 Thriller Assess your students progress withHyperInteractive Teaching Technology (H-ITT). This easy-to-use, http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,032110028X-DS,00.html | |
73. Innovative Teaching - Election 2004 It s an election year here in the states, and we re gearing up for another round debates and campaigning, sure to try and trump the nailbiter of 2000. http://surfaquarium.com/NEWSLETTER/election2004.htm | |
74. Expert Sources For Election 2000 From IU Classes he is teaching this semester include election 2000 and elections andVoting Behavior. Coauthor of the book Statehouse Democracy Public http://newsinfo.iu.edu/OCM/releases/campcomm.htm | |
75. Election 2000, Duke Energy Employee Advocate Duke Energy Employee Advocate November 12, 2000. November 11, www.cnn.com carrieda video of the election hearing held in Florida. http://www.dukeemployees.com/election2000.html | |
76. Elections - TheHomeSchoolMom.com elections. Free homeschooling resources. America Votes 2004 Teaching Kit CNN.com election 2000 from CNN Up to date election coverage when you want it http://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/schoolroom/elections.php | |
77. Pro-Life Voters And Election Day 2000 - Oct. 20, 2000 ProLife Voters and election Day 2000 - Oct. 20, 2000. for a clarificationof Catholic moral teaching on this subject so that Catholic laymen can http://www.rnclife.org/faxnotes/2000/oct00/00-10-20.html | |
78. Teaching Modules And Exercises Discussion of data analysis in the context of teaching about the history of background to the 2000 Presidential election including nominations, http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/SIMI/search.html | |
79. NPR's Election 2000 Coverage: Republican National Convention American Radio Works, At the Opera, Beyond 2000, Billy Taylor s Jazz For instance, teaching in minority schools, you know, not marrying until my http://www.npr.org/news/national/election2000/conventions/speakers.html | |
80. EVOTE.COM | Election 2000: Gun Control inDecision 2000 Voices of the Rabble Camping Out In Front of Al Gore s House Here, a long way from Florida courtrooms, Day 22 of the election battle http://www.evote.com/features/2000-11/campongore.asp | |
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