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41. The Learning Page Community Center Chat: October 21, 2004 I don t know how you could teach during an election year without making the After the election of 2000, one have to wonder if Americans still feel this http://memory.loc.gov/learn/community/chat/oct21_04.html | |
42. Eds Up! #97: Election 2000 PowerBook G3/400 DVD Special The correct name and password to enter are Name = teach Password = me You canaccess (Check Out the Scary Squirrel World election 2000 for some humor http://www.smalldog.com/newsarchive/edsup_display.php?id=80 |
43. O'Reilly Digital Democracy Teach-In -- Monday, February 9, 2004, San Diego, CA The O Reilly Digital Democracy teachIn will be co-located with the O Reilly The vote counting problems of the election in 2000 created much interest in http://conferences.oreillynet.com/et2004/edemo.csp | |
44. Indiana State Bar Association Online - Kids Election 2000 Project PEACE is designed to teach students interpersonal communications skills,which promote understanding, problem solving, critical thinking and http://www.inbar.org/content/communityor/projectpeace.asp | |
45. Miscellaneous Subjects #41: Some Feedbacks + More On Election 2000 +Cannabis Dec I teach meditation classes in Dallas and am usually very intuitive. Rev. Sandra Bandy Your election 2000 is the catalyst to bring this movement about. http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/MiscelSubjects41.htm | |
46. Education World ® : Lesson Planning: Election 2000: Classroom Activities Use Editorial Cartoons to teach About Elections Past and Present Why teachCurrent Events? Originally published 07/31/2000 Links last updated 08/16/2004. http://content.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson194.shtml | |
47. Antwon.com: Election 2000 election 2000 alaska 3 electoral votes and Hagelin left Stanford in themid 80s to teach physics at the Maharishi University of Management in http://www.antwon.com/other/election2000-AK.html | |
48. Election 2000 You could teach others something about how the candidates and issues look from Soon after the election, we will hear a lot about the voter turnout rate, http://www.wwnorton.com/e-2000/mc092900.htm | |
49. Education World ® : Curriculum: Use Children's Literature To Teach About Electi Use Children s Literature to teach About Elections Ten Books Get Our Vote! Lauren P. Gattilia Education World® Copyright © 2000 Education World http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr271.shtml | |
50. Case Teaching Notes For "Election 2000: A Case Study In Human Factors And Design election 2000 A Case Study in Human Factors and Design, Case Teaching Notes, byAnn M. Bisantz, University at Buffalo. From the Case Study Collection of http://www.sciencecases.org/election/election_notes.asp | |
51. Election 2000: A Case Study In Human Factors And Design - Part II - Case Study C election 2000 A Case Study in Human Factors and Design, From the Case StudyCollection of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. http://www.sciencecases.org/election/election2.asp | |
52. Your Choice. Your Voice. - Teaching With CNN Election 2000: 6 Week Unit Teaching With CNN election 2000 How does my vote impact the election? Can myvote make a difference? This question leads to the final lesson called The http://www.turnerlearning.com/cnn/election/teaching_units.html | |
53. Election 2000 A Lesson In Experimental Psychology - Psi Chi The 2000 presidential election was frustrating for many, each day waking to He has written several articles on teaching the science of psychology and http://www.psichi.org/pubs/articles/article_62.asp |
54. Teaching The Election Teaching the election election 2000 The Campaign Connectionhttp//election2000.8m.com/links.htm. election2000 Tracking the Candidates andthe Issues http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/electlinks.html |
55. Elections 2000 Links And Lesson Plans Elections 2000 Links and Lesson Plans for Elementary School teachers. A growing collection of links to help you teach your students about the first http://k6educators.about.com/library/blelection2000.htm | |
56. TeachersFirst's Election 2000 Page TeachersFirst s collection of election 2000 resources and lesson plans for K12teachers. http://www.teachersfirst.com/election/ | |
57. The Body: Election 2000 Presidential Candidate Report election 2000 Presidential Candidate Report, at The Body, the complete The controversy was over AIDS teaching materials, and whether they should be http://www.thebody.com/aac/candidates.html | |
58. Education: Political Leaders' Views (Sep 2000); Hold schools accountable and teach character. (May 2000);Tax money to religious schools OK, if theyÂre teaching kids. http://www.ontheissues.org/Education.htm | |
59. Election 2000 ÂNo law school was more caught up in the election and the postelection feverthan Stanford Law School, Dean Kathleen M. Sullivan said, Âwhether it was http://www.law.stanford.edu/publications/lawyer/issues/60/election2000_dean.html | |
60. Election 2000 ÂWe were provided with a wonderful teaching vehicleÂwonderful for teaching Âelection 2000 Epilogue was streamed over the Web and cable cast on http://www.law.stanford.edu/publications/lawyer/issues/60/election2000.html | |
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