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         Egyptian Cooking:     more detail
  1. Egyptian Cooking: A Practical Guide by Samia Abdennour, Abdennour Samia, 1998-06
  2. Dining on the Nile: Exploring Egyptian Cooking by Sally Elias Hanna, 2006-06-30
  3. Egyptian Cooking: And Other Middle Eastern Recipes by Samia Abdennour, 2005-10-26
  4. Egyptian Cooking - English Edition by Casa Editrice Bonechi, 2000
  5. My Egyptian Grandmother's Mother Kitchen: Traditional Dishes Sweet and Savory by Magda Mehdawy, 2006-11
  6. Egyptian Soups: Hot And Cold by John Feeney, 2007-01-29
  7. Egyptian Food and Drink (Shire Egyptology Series) by Hillary Wilson, 1995-02
  8. Memories of a Lost Egypt: A Memoir with Recipes by Colette Rossant, 1999-03-30
  9. Loqma Hanaya (A Happy Bite) by American Women of Alexandria, 1988
  10. Egypt (Townsend, Sue, World of Recipes.) by Sue Townsend, Caroline Young, 2003-05

61. Egyptian / Cooking Mixes | Recipe*zaar
Recipezaar The World s Smartest Cookbook. Recipes cooking nutritional information for every food drink posted rated by real people like you.
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Egyptian Cooking Mixes Recipes
1 recipes sorted by most recently posted highest rated photos fastest to make alphabetical Top 40 Egyptian Cooking Mixes Recipes Recently Reviewed ... what is this? Search within this set: Filter results by category: What is this? You do not have JavaScript enabled so the category list below will not function properly. Please click "what is this?" above for more information. Remove all filters Course Appetizers Dips ... Dukkah by Miraklegirl (2 reviews) An amazing spice and nut mixture that can be sprinkled on salads or pasta dishes, mixed with olive oil and brushed on pita or pizza dough, or coated on chicken or fish and then grilled. You can also take some great bread, dip it in olive oil, then... Save to My Cookbook
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62. Cooking Mixes / Egyptian | Recipe*zaar
Recipezaar The World s Smartest Cookbook. Recipes cooking nutritional information for every food drink posted rated by real people like you.
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Cooking Mixes Egyptian Recipes
1 recipes sorted by most recently posted highest rated photos fastest to make alphabetical Top 40 Cooking Mixes Egyptian Recipes Recently Reviewed ... what is this? Search within this set: Filter results by category: What is this? You do not have JavaScript enabled so the category list below will not function properly. Please click "what is this?" above for more information. Remove all filters Course Appetizers Dips ... Dukkah by Miraklegirl (2 reviews) An amazing spice and nut mixture that can be sprinkled on salads or pasta dishes, mixed with olive oil and brushed on pita or pizza dough, or coated on chicken or fish and then grilled. You can also take some great bread, dip it in olive oil, then... Save to My Cookbook
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63. Egyptian Food And Cooking
click for egyptian recipes main mideastern cooking page. egyptian Food and cooking. May I walk every day unceasingly on the banks of my water,
click for Egyptian recipes
main mideastern cooking page
Egyptian Food and Cooking
May I walk every day unceasingly on the banks of my water,
may my soul rest on the branches of the trees which I have planted,
may I refresh myself in the shadow of my sycamore. Egyptian tomb inscription, ca. 1400 BCE
by Elinoar Moore
At the crossroads of Asia and Africa, the river Nile snakes through parched desert lands. On the fertile banks of the mighty Nile early man grew the foods that nourished the most advanced of ancient civilizations - The Egyptian. The Nile was the lifeblood of the people. It served as a means of transportation and a source of food from fishing, but the river was also crucial to agriculture. From the fragile remnants of papyrus, the records of a civilization, we can glean some data about early Egyptian food. Written in Coptic, Greek, Demotic Egyptian, one page of papyrus might hold a list of foods put on board a ship - wine, bread, pickled fish, honey, and vinegar. Another might contain a written record of a lawsuit, written in the name of a honey-seller. We are on our way to discovery, but it is the sealed tombs of the dead that will reveal most.
Tombs and Pyramids
The Egyptian attitude to the afterlife is unique in that they view the deceased as beginning a journey outward. In their tombs, devoted to aid the departed on his journey, we are able to reconstruct aspects of daily life and the food of Egypt. Mummification preserved the deceased, and as long as the mummy existed, it was given its portion of furniture, statues, paintings and food for its 'eternal home.' Pottery vessels were used for food offerings which were sealed into the tombs, preserving the foods. The tombs were filled with hieroglyphics and with drawings that often represent agricultural practices, butchering methods, any aspect of daily life.

64. Origins Of Middle Eastern Cooking
Bedouin cooking, or Tent cooking, is the root of egyptian cuisine. Dressed in traditional Bedouin garments, guests start their journey back in time.
Please also read: egyptian cooking
saudi arabian cooking

israeli food

middle eastern mezze
main page - middle eastern food
The Origins of Middle Eastern Cooking
click for recipes by Elinoar Moore The region of the Middle East was the site of great ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt, as well as the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Today the term Middle East is also used in a cultural sense for that part of the world predominantly Islamic in culture, in which case Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the remaining countries of North Africa are included. The cooking that developed from country to country bears similarities as well as differences, but most of the cooking had its origins in what we may call 'tent cooking.' Geographic borders have been defined and redefined through the centuries, but many of the roots of Middle Eastern cooking can be found in the country of Israel. Israel is located in the South West corner of the Asian continent and at the South Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Geographically it is at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. It is bordered by Lebanon to the North, Syria to the North East, Jordan to the East and Egypt to the South West. Its Western shoreline is on the Mediterranean Sea and it occupies a narrow strip at the extreme South along the Red Sea. Together with the country's non-Jewish citizens - Muslim and Christian Arabs, Bedouin, and Druze this melting pot gives the country its exceptional cuisine flavour.

65. Daily Life Ancient Egypt
Read some egyptian Tall Tales and an original story about Ancient egyptian Daily While it was cooking, I ate the leftovers from breakfast for lunch.
Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Do you know what the ancient Egyptians believed would cure a toothache? Find out here! Read some Egyptian Tall Tales and an original story about Ancient Egyptian Daily Life . Explore " Deep in the Tombs of Egypt" , where you can watch a short movie about mummies and more! If you're in a hurry, use the cheat sheet to find just what you need!
CHEAT SHEET Introduction Interesting Trivia Egyptian Tall Tales My Life in Ancient Egypt ...

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The ancient Egyptians were fascinating people, and thanks to the movies, are often misunderstood. The ancient Egyptians were not in love with death, but with life! They enjoyed their life to the fullest. They worked very hard, but saved time to enjoy family, friends, music, parties, swimming, fishing, hunting, sailing, and especially their children, all of which were very important to the ancient Egyptians. They believed in an afterlife, and believed that people enjoyed many of the same activities in their afterlife as they did in their current life. They prepared for their afterlife by filling their tombs with small and large statutes of friends and family, and with other items they might need to keep them company and to help them have a good time in their afterlife!

66. The Food Of The Ancient Egyptians
cooking was done in clay ovens as well as over open fires. The egyptian names of a few condiments are known provided they have been identified
Ancient Egyptian food: staples, menu of the rich, cooking, utensils. Search (new window) Printout
For best results save the whole page (pictures included) onto your hard disk, open the page with Word 97 or higher, edit if necessary and print.
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Triangular bread loaf
(Source: University of Memphis)
Staple food
The staple food was bread and beer , supplemented by onions or other vegetables and dried fish Bakery with vats and cache of bread moulds
Old Kingdom
Source: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago [ They eat loaves of bread of coarse grain which they call cyllestis . They make their beverage from barley, for they have no vines in their country.They eat fish raw, sun-dried or preserved in salt brine. Herodotus, Histories 2,77 Meat was not eaten often by the fellahin [ ]. Growing domesticated animals for the sole purpose of meat production was (and still is) expensive. People sometimes supplemented their diet by hunting and fowling and by gathering wild fruit and roots. In the Tale of Sinuhe the protagonist, who had become a tribal chief, recounts:

67. Recipe: Kushary (Egypt) Egyptian Lentils, Rice And Macaroni Casserole
2, cups hot egyptianstyle tomato sauce (dim’a musabika) While the lentils and rice are cooking, prepare the onions. In a large skillet,
Egyptian Lentils, Rice and Macaroni Casserole Remember that kushary You will be able to do steps 1, 2 and 3 at the same time if you are well organized. An easy way to serve kushary to a group of people is to leave the pasta in its colander from draining and rest it over a simmering pot of water. Place the mixing bowl of rice and lentils over another simmering pot of water to keep warm. Leave the tomato sauce in the saucepan you cooked it in and leave the onions in the skillet. Serve by spooning the cooked macaroni in a bowl and then spoon the rice and lentils on top. Spoon a quarter of the tomato sauce on top of the rice and then some onions. Serve the remaining sauce on the side. Eat with a spoon. large onions, peeled Salt cup brown lentils, picked over (should yield 1 cup cooked lentils) cups water tablespoons samna (clarified butter) or 2 tablespoons samna and 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil cups raw long-grain rice, well rinsed or soaked in water to cover for 30 minutes teaspoons salt cups mixed dry pasta ( see Note below Freshly ground black pepper to taste cups hot Egyptian-style tomato sauce ( 1. Slice the onions from the stem end into very thin slices, less than 1/16th inch. Arrange the onion slices on some paper towels, sprinkle generously with salt, and leave for 30 minutes covered with paper towels to absorb moisture.

68. Life In Bible Times - Cooking:
Killing animals and cooking them.. egyptian cooks preparing a feast Meat egyptian cooks preparing a feast. egyptian salting and preserving geese

Life in Bible Times


Egyptian model of bakery. On the left is a water-drawer. (Model, Museum of Fine Arts Boston)..

Cooking fire under olive tree at Tantur.
Limestone statue of a maid grinding corn. 5th Dynasty c. 2650 BC. Grinding Village women, seated outside their houses, grinding corn. An early photograph.. Grinding Two girls grinding corn, still the humblest of tasks. The highest to the lowest was implied by the Pentateuchal record the tenth plague in Egypt bereaved all parents from Pharaoh to the woman grinding meal. An early photograph.. Kneading The dough which this Palestinian is kneading will be made into loaves baked upon the hot coals, and is not the thin biscuit-bread quickly cooked on the heated outside of the earthenware oven. An early photograph.. Lentil In the southern desert of Palestine a favourite food is red lentil soup, boiled and long simmered in an iron pot over a fire of brambles and twigs gathered from the thorny shrubs which grow on the hillsides. An early photograph.. Crushing Olives These Beduin girls have secured a piece of an ancient column and are making it serve as a roller for crushing olives placed on a rock. An early photograph..

69. Eating Ancient Egyptian Food, Cooking, Dining In Egypt
Enjoy Egypt food? Information on ancient Egypt foods, meals, restaurants, home cooking, shopping for native foods during our tours and nile cruises.
Egyptian foods and eating while in Egypt Site Map FAQs Contact us Home ... Sonesta Cruises Visa to Egypt, Embassies, Weather, Currency, What to wear Home About Egypt Travel info Eating in Egypt Eating Egyptian Food
us for details of personalized tours Private Tours Package Tours Nile Cruises
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"Road to Egypt "
a division of Total Travel Service Registered with IATA and TICO (Registration Number: ) for customer protection. In Egypt , dining out can range from stand-up sandwich bars to luxurious five-course meals. You can find small, inexpensive establishments that serve good Egyptian food for only a few pounds. If you're in a hurry, try the local snack bars. While the cubbyholes off the street (which probably have running water) are generally safe. The larger cities even have Western-style fast-food chains like McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken, but they're relatively expensive. In cities both food and water are safe although the change in your diet may produce short-term gastrointestinal upsets. Egyptian Meals Although Egyptian eating habits may seem erratic, most natives begin the day with a light breakfast of beans (or bean cakes), eggs, and/or pickles, cheeses, and jams. Most families eat their large, starchy lunch around 1400-1700 and follow it with a siesta. They may take a British-style tea at 1700 or 1800 and eat a light supper (often leftovers from lunch) late in the evening. Dinner parties, however, are scheduled late, often no earlier than 2100, with the meal served an hour or two later. In restaurants lunch is normally 1300-1600, dinner 2000-2400.

70. African Cooking And Recipes
African cooking, Food, Recipes and Cookbook for sale. egyptian Pickled Lemons egyptian chocolate cake a rich, delicious end to a meal.
HOME NEWS LETTER CONTACT US LINK TO US ... Recipes About African Cooking
It is generally the women of Sub-Saharan Africa who do most of the work related to food. This includes work on the "plantations" or "shambas" (as cultivated fields are called), such as planting, weeding, harvesting, as well cooking as cooking and serving the food.
The African kitchen is traditionally outside or in a separate building apart from the sleeping and living quarters. By far the most traditional and to this day the most common sight in an African kitchen is a large swing blackpots filled with meat, vegetables, and spices simmering over a fire. The pot usually sits on three stones arranged in a triangle, and the fire slowly consumes three pieces of wood that meet at a point under the pot.
Common Ingredients for Traditional African Food
(where available)
Groundnuts Black-eyed Peas Cabbage Maize - corn Groundnuts Sweet Potatoes Meats Chicken Pork Beef Fish of local varieties Spices Garlic Melegueta pepper - West African (substitute use cardamon) cloves black peppercorns cardamom nutmeg turmeric pilau mix curry powder Other Lemons Rice Recipes Explore the delicious and varied cusines of Africa and learn how to prepare traditional African dishes.

71. Egyptian Lentil Soup Recipe | Lentil Soup Recipes @ :: It's What's
A recipe for egyptian Lentil Soup Lentil Soup Recipes - Ingredients - onion, Copy cat restaurant clone recipes, crockpot recipes, cooking links,
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Recipes Cafeteria Line Recipes Soup Recipes ... Lentil Soup Recipes
Egyptian Lentil Soup Recipe
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Submitted by: Dancer^ sigatress Ready in: 30-60 minutes
(1=easiest :: hardest=5)
Lentil Soup Recipes

var hintvar = "Egyptian Lentil Soup recipe onion, chopped cloves garlic, minced rice dry lentils ground cumin salt black pepper tomato, chopped water "; Read Reviews Write a Review Rate This Recipe email this recipe printer friendly version print 3x5 notecard print 4x6 notecard add to recipEbox Ingredients:
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup rice
  • 2 cups dry lentils
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • 6 cups water
Directions: Cook the onion and garlic over a slow heat in a covered pot until wilted. Add the rice, lentils, and spices and saute for a couple of minutes. Add the tomatoes and saute 1-2 minutes before adding water. Bring to a boil and turn heat down to maintain a simmer for approximately 30 minutes until beans are tender and rice is cooked. Cool slightly and puree in batches in a blender. Calories 248 Fat 1 g Carbs 47 g Sodium 174 mg Fiber 4.5 g.

72. Ancient Egyptian Quarrying
egyptian houses were typically built in along the Nile. cooking was done outside because it was considered dangerous to do it in an enclosed area inside
Ancient Egyptian Houses
Throughout the history of the world, no region has been more influenced by the natural attributes of the land than Egypt. The rhythm of the Nile reflected the rhythm of life in Egypt for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, the Nile was their main source for survival and for the great triumph of their civilization. The Nile was not only the source of water, but the ancient Egyptians had religious beliefs that focused on the Nile. They relied on the gods to control the annual ebb and flow of the river. They constructed their homes from the soil of the Nile, and built them in proximity to the river. When describing the life of an ancient Egyptians, it is virtually impossible not to consider this river as part of their way of life. Many of the major settlements in Egypt, such as Cairo and Giza, were located right along the corridor of the river Nile. Houses of the Ancient Egyptians were built out of bricks made from mud. The mud was collected in leather buckets and taken to the building site. Here workers added straw and pebbles to the mud to strengthen the bricks. This mixture was then poured into wooden brick frames or molds. The bricks were left out in the sun to dry and to cure. These dwellings deteriorated after time, and new ones were built right on top of the crumbled material, creating hills called tells. Only buildings that were meant to last forever were made of stone. After the house was built it was covered with plaster, very similar to the technique used in adobe housing in the American Southwest. Inside of the house, the plaster was often painted with either geometric patterns or scenes from nature. The interior of the houses were cool as the small windows let in only a little light.

73. Egyptian Fish Tagen - Cooking With Clive » Recipe » ABC Mid North Coast NSW
200 gm fish fillet BR 50gm finely chopped onion BR 100gm fresh tomatoes (approx 2) BR 100gm tomato paste BR 10gm chopped coriander (fresh and dry) BR 10gm
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Egyptian Fish Tagen - Cooking with Clive
Chef: Clive Ward Clive Ward is a renowned chef and cooking teacher on the Mid North Coast, with many years' experience in the kitchen. As a Head Steward for Qantas, Clive travelled the globe experiencing many exotic sights, sounds and scents! Clive now teaches cooking at TAFE and is highly sought after as a caterer from Port Macquarie to the Queensland border. Every week Clive cooks up a delectable dish in the studio.

74. Egyptian Shop: Books: Cooking, Food & Wine
Arab cooking Egypt, Maghreb, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon List Price $19.95 Buy New $13.57 You Save $6.38 (32%). Buy New/Used (Marketplace) from $10.99

75. Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board: Served "mystery Sauce" At Egyptian Resta
Re(1) Served mystery sauce at egyptian restaurant JK Grence (the Cosmic Jester) Return to Top of Page Chowhound s Home cooking Message Board
Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board Subject: Served "mystery sauce" at Egyptian restaurant From: Posted: July 16, 2005 at 10:07:28 Message: I had the most intriguing "mystery sauce" last night at a very unpretentious local Egyptian restaurant. It was pure white and extremely creamy, and the proprietress challenged each table to identify it, warning that there was no cream or yogurt in it. Tasting it, the overwhelming flavor was garlic, but in appearance the only thing I could think of was the silkiness of homemade marshmallows (if you haven't made them, that's another post!).
I finally realized it was olive oil, and the proprietress confirmed it - olive oil, garlic and lemon whirled in a blender for 45 minutes! But there is another ingredient, which she wouldn't reveal.
It's been on my mind ever since. The sauce was perfectly stable - it didn't change throughout the meal. Do you think the "secret ingredient" adds stability, or could the olive oil and garlic stand up on its own? I'm thinking gelatin (but nothing hot to dissolve it in) or pectin. Post A Reply Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board Followups

76. Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board: Re(1): Served "mystery Sauce" At Egyptia
Re(2) Served mystery sauce at egyptian restaurant miss_mia 155041 7/16/05 (0) Return to Top of Page Chowhound s Home cooking Message Board
Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board Subject: Re(1): Served "mystery sauce" at Egyptian restaurant Name: Candy Posted: July 16, 2005 at 11:29:41 In Reply To: Served "mystery sauce" at Egyptian restaurant Posted by miss_mia on July 16, 2005 at 10:07:28 Message: Egg white? Post A Reply Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board Followups Return to Top of Page Chowhound's Home Cooking Message Board Post A Reply Name: E-Mail: Subject: Message:
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77. Egyptian Tag Search Results - Recipes - egyptian Food. 1 users - Last action 6/17/2005 by tagcrawler. Tagged as food - egyptian - cooking,1-0
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Search Google Narrow Results: a addition and archaeology ... cheops Top Users of this Tag: tagcrawler Bute My results Please Log in to see items you have tagged. What is Shadows? Shadows is a community based service that gives you the power to create your own search engine, find sites that interest you, and share your entire Internet experience with anyone on the web. Learn More -> Click here to quickly begin using tags, comments, and ratings. Community Results Sort by: most tags most recent Displaying 1 to 20 of 50 results Assembly Required 1 users - Last action 7/19/2005 by Bute Tagged as: paperlandmarks paper other of ... View Shadow page 1 users - Last action 7/19/2005 by Bute Tagged as: step sphynx sphinx saqarra ... Encyclopedia Smithsonian: The Egyptian Pyramid 1 users - Last action 6/17/2005 by tagcrawler Tagged as: reference encyclopedia egyptian ... Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Egyptian Mummies 1 users - Last action 6/17/2005 by tagcrawler Tagged as: reference encyclopedia egyptian

78. Egypt  Just Consider This Compensation For Centuries Of Forced Unpaid Labor FRO
They emptied the egyptian homes of cooking utensils. One of the women approached Pharaoh, her eyes downcast, and said that her Jewish neighbor who lived in
September 21, 2005 Home Prediction Market HTMW Wars ... Search google_ad_client = "pub-2818236867750306"; google_alternate_ad_url = ""; google_ad_width = 160; google_ad_height = 600; google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "000000"; google_color_text = "000000"; Military History How To Make War Wars Around the World Egypt Discussion Board ... Next Comment swhitebull Just consider this Compensation for centuries of forced unpaid Labor FROM MEMRI 8/22/2003 4:34:03 AM
I'd like to see Alan Dershowitz argue THIS ONE!!!
Special Dispatch - Egypt
August 22, 2003
No. 556
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML format, please visit:
Egyptian Jurists to Sue 'The Jews' for Compensation for 'Trillions' of Tons of Gold Allegedly Stolen During Exodus from Egypt
The August 9, 2003 edition of the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Al-Arabi featured an interview with Dr. Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Al-Zaqaziq who, together with a group of Egyptian expatriates in Switzerland, is preparing an enormous lawsuit against "all the Jews of the world." The following are excerpts from the interview: (1)
Dr. Hilmi: "... Since the Jews make various demands of the Arabs and the world, and claim rights that they base on historical and religious sources, a group of Egyptians in Switzerland has opened the case of the so-called 'great exodus of the Jews from Pharaonic Egypt.' At that time, they stole from the Pharaonic Egyptians gold, jewelry, cooking utensils, silver ornaments, clothing, and more, leaving Egypt in the middle of the night with all this wealth, which today is priceless."

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