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101. Zawya.com | Middle East Business News And Company Directory egypt s government, Businessmen and Associations to Support Tourism Industry. http://www.zawya.com/Story.cfm/sidZAWYA20050727062241/SecIndustries/pagTravel & | |
102. CNN.com - Egypt's Envoy In Iraq Killed - Jul 7, 2005 egypt on Thursday confirmed that its top envoy to Iraq has been killed. head of the diplomatic delegation to Iraq, the egyptian government said. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/07/07/iraq.main/ | |
103. Terrorism: Q & A | Egypt How did the Egyptian government react to September 11? The mainstream Egyptianmedia, which is supervised by the government, has been rife with reports http://cfrterrorism.org/coalition/egypt.html | |
104. Jim Geraghty In Egyptian Media & Anti-Americanism On National Review Online The US is always the bogeyman in egyptÂs governmentowned newspapers. Eham Abul Fath, a columnist for egypt s government-owned Al-Akhbar newspaper, http://www.nationalreview.com/geraghty/geraghty052003.asp | |
105. ÃæÃÃà ÃáÃÃæãà ÃáãÃÃÃà The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.egypt.gov.eg/arabic/ |
106. Egypt State Information Service This web site is covering all aspects of life in egypt, it is egypt s officialsite on the net, it has sound information base including sis publications, http://www.sis.gov.eg/ | |
107. Ancient Egypt This lavishly site conveys the wonder of Ancient egypt through the daily activitiesof its people. Fathom the Life of Ancient egyptians, probe The Pyramids http://www.sis.gov.eg/ancient/front.htm | |
108. The Egyptian Presidency Information about the president, a profile of egypt, and a news archive. http://www.presidency.gov.eg/ | |
109. The President Official biography of the President of the Arab Republic of egypt, with a linkto the biography of Suzanne Mubarak, the First Lady; from The egyptian http://www.presidency.gov.eg/html/the_president.html | |
110. Egyptian Islamic Jihad - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Egyptian government claims that both Iran and Osama bin Laden support the Jihad.It also may obtain some funding through various Islamic nongovernmental http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Islamic_Jihad | |
111. Anti-Semitic And Anti-Israeli Incitement On Official Egyptian Media in the official government press (an article in AlAkhbar dated April 18; A part of the fundamental characteristic of Egyptian anti-Semitism, http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/sib/5_05/egy_as.htm | |
112. IBM - Arts And Culture | IBM And Egyptian Government Provide Global Access To Eg IBM corporate philanthropy spans the globe with diverse and sustained givingprograms that support initiatives in education, workforce development, http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ibmgives/grant/arts/egyptian.shtml | |
113. Online NewsHour: Al-Qaida Claims Murder Of Top Egyptian Ambassador In Iraq -- Ju And, in fact, we know that the Egyptian government is moving in that TERENCE SMITH Vali Nasr, the Egyptian government announced late today that it was http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/terrorism/july-dec05/egypt_7-7.html | |
114. Dhimmi Watch: Egyptian Government Weekly Magazine On 'The Jews Slaughtering Non- The Egyptian government continues to retail the vilest Jewhatred. This time itcomes from Hussam Wahba, a columnist for the Islamic publication Aqidati. http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/002872.php | |
115. Many Suspects, Few Certainties | Economist.com The Egyptian government also has information on the bombings. But the Egyptiangovernment concluded after an inquiry that the October 2004 bombings had http://www.economist.com/agenda/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4218959 |
116. CorpWatch : Egyptian Asbestos Workers Dying Of Cancer But Egyptian government backed up the employer saying there was no proof the He says the Egyptian government has made great strides recently to make the http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=11791 |
117. Egyptian Government Weekly Reproduces Nazi Propaganda Forgery reproduced recently by an Egyptian government weekly. An article by Salah AlDinHilmi, Egyptian government weekly Akher Sa a (1) and included a http://www.hsje.org/memri330.htm | |
118. Egyptian Government Paper Al Akhbar Once Again Defends Hitler visit to the US in early April 2001, the Egyptian government daily AlAkhbartemporarily ceased publishing articles defending Hitler. http://www.hsje.org/Antisemitism/egyptian_government_paper_al.htm | |
119. ? ? The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.idsc.gov.eg/ |
120. London Probe Extends Abroad Egyptian Arrested; Pakistani Sought. By Glenn Frankel and Craig Whitlock.Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, July 16, 2005; Page A01 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/15/AR2005071500547. | |
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