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         Economists:     more books (100)
  1. How Economists Model the World into Numbers (Routledge Inem Advances in Economic Methodology) by Marcel Boumans, 2005-04-12
  2. Cointegration for the Applied Economist
  3. How to be Human*: *Though an Economist by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, 2000-12-05
  4. The Stories Economists Tell by David C Colander, 2005-11-14
  5. The Future of Technology (Economist) (Economist)
  6. The Making of an Economist (Studies in the History, Methods, & Boundaries of Economics) by Arjo Klamer, David Colander, 1990-01
  7. Culinary Biographies: A Dictionary of the World's Great Historic Chefs, Cookbook Authors and Collectors, Farmers, Gourmets, Home Economists, Nutritionists, Restaurateurs, Philosophers, Physicians, Scientists, Writers, and Others Who Influenced the Way We Eat Today by Alice Arndt (Editor), 2006-04-11
  8. Great Economists of the Twentieth Century (Champions of Freedom The Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series, Volume 34) by Steve Forbes, Bruce Caldwell, 2006
  9. A Life against the Grain: The Autobiography of an Unconventional Economist by Julian Simon, 2003-09-01
  10. Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist (Chemical Sciences in Society) by Jean-Pierre Poirier, 1998-01
  11. Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train: Errant Economists, Shameful Spenders, and a Plan to Stop them All by Brian Czech, 2002-08-01
  12. Mathematical Methods for Economists by Stephen Glaister, 1984-09
  13. Dictionary of Economics (The Economist Books) by The Economist, 1998-11-16
  14. Classical Economists by D. P. Obrien, 1979-02

121. CAREER GUIDE FOR Economists
While economists within the Commonwealth are all located within the Policy economists study how society distributes scarce resources such as land,
CAREER GUIDE FOR ECONOMIST SOC Code: 19-3011 Pay Band(s): 5,6 and 7 Salary Structure Standard Occupational Description: Conduct research, prepare reports, or formulate plans to aid in solution of economic problems arising from production and distribution of goods and services. May collect and process economic and statistical data using econometric and sampling techniques. Economist positions in the Commonwealth are assigned to the following Roles in the Policy Analysis and Planning Career Group: Policy and Planning Specialist II Policy and Planning Specialist III Policy and Planning Specialist IV While Economists within the Commonwealth are all located within the Policy Analysis and Planning Career Group, individuals may want to pursue other opportunities within the Commonwealth depending upon individual training, education, knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests. Other Career Group(s) that may be of interest are: Financial Services Program Administration Public Relations and Marketing Training and Instruction ... General Administration SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND TASKS (Technical and Functional Expertise)
Note The technical and functional skills listed below are based on general occupational qualifications for Economists commonly recognized by most employers.

122. CNN - Economists Debate Microsoft's Impact On The Browser Market - May 2
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Economists debate Microsoft's impact on the browser market
May 22, 1998 Web posted at: 7:45 PM EDT by Brian McWilliams (IDG) The U.S. Department of Justice is bolstering its case against Microsoft with internal memos written by company executives that allegedly discuss their plans for using Windows to dominate the browser marketplace. One of the people with full access to that evidence is Franklin Fisher, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Years ago, Fisher worked the other side of the street as IBM's chief economic witness during the Justice Department's long antitrust investigation of Big Blue. The Justice Department has retained Fisher to shore up its argument that Microsoft is unlawfully trying to leverage its Windows operating system monopoly into new markets. Included in the documents filed with presiding judge Thomas Jackson is a 12-page economic analysis of the competitive effects of Microsoft's actions relating to Internet Explorer. The document concludes that bundling IE with Windows "can never make consumers better off than they would be with unfettered competition; and it is likely to make consumers worse off."

123. WWW Links For Economists
This is a growing list o links for economists. If you have a suggestion for a link, send mail to the the webmistress. GENERAL. Resources for economists on
Web Links for Economists
This is a growing list o' links for economists. If you have a suggestion for a link, send mail to the the webmistress
Resources for Economists on the Internet The Dismal Scientist Economics Resources
- courtesy of the Social Science Information Gateway
Hal Varian's list of interesting servers Job Openings for Economists European Job Openings for Economists Yahoo: Main Index Business and Economics Economics Departments: within the US Outside US The Nobel Prize Internet Archive A great search engine: AltaVista DejaNews
Bureau of Economic Analysis Census Bureau Federal Statistics US Demographic Data ... PSID -Panel Study of Income Dynamics Statistical Abstracts of the United States:
- This actually has only some of the the data and charts.
Historical Demographic, Economics, and Social Data for the United States, 1790-1860 Economic Bulletin Board (DOC) FedWorld
- Connections to US Government WWW Servers and US Government Information Servers
CIESIN - this is a great site with lots of demographic data, geographic data, and more... SEC EDGAR Database - database of corporate information courtesy of the Securities and Exchange Commission./

124. VIIth Spring Meeting Of Young Economists
Held in Paris, France.
VIIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists Paris, April 18-20, 2002 VII ième Conférence des Jeunes Economistes Européens Welcome Bienvenue Webmaster: Tek-Ang LIM

125. NZAE: Latest News
New Zealand Association of economists (Inc.) to send those in to the Association at with “NZAE HISTORY” in the Subject line.
New Zealand Association of Economists (Inc.)
Latest News About NZAE and Council Conferences Distinguished Fellows Employment Opportunities ... Prizes and Awards
Updated 8th September 2005
Welcome to the website of the New Zealand Association of Economists (Inc.). This website contains contact and membership information, council members, membership profiles and details of NZAE conference proceedings. If you are a member of the NZAE and would like your profile included in the Membership Profiles section of the website please email your details to the Secretary-Manager with in the Subject line.
CONSTITUTION can be dowloaded here
Sir Frank Holmes has kindly provided these notes on the early years of the NZAE. Sir Frank was one of those involved in founding NZAE and the first Editor of NZ Economic Papers.
He invites readers who might have personal records, memories or anecdotes to send those in to the Association at with in the Subject line. The NZAE's former website is still accessible from here
available here
On Wednesday 30th June 2004 we launched the A W H Phillips Memorial Lecture to commemorate Professor Bill Phillips. The timing coincided with the 30th anniversary of the death of Professor Bill Phillips who passed away in 1974. Professor Patrick Minford gave the first A W H Phillips Memorial Lecture at the 45th NZAE Conference.

126. A Bearish Bush Has Economists Worrying

127. Redefining Progress: Publications: Economists' Statement On Climate Change
Redefining Progress is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that develops policies and tools that reorient the economy to care for people and nature first.
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1731 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 500 Washington, DC 20009 Telephone: (202) 234-9665 E-Mail This Page to a Friend Printer Friendly Version THE ECONOMISTS' STATEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE This statement was endorsed by over 2500 economists including eight Nobel Laureates:
  • The review conducted by a distinguished international panel of scientists under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined that "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate." As economists, we believe that global climate change carries with it significant environmental, economic, social, and geopolitical risks, and that preventive steps are justified.
  • Economic studies have found that there are many potential policies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions for which the total benefits outweigh the total costs. For the United States in particular, sound economic analysis shows that there are policy options that would slow climate change without harming American living standards, and these measures may in fact improve U.S. productivity in the longer run.
  • The most efficient approach to slowing climate change is through market-based policies. In order for the world to achieve its climatic objectives at minimum cost, a cooperative approach among nations is required such as an international emissions trading agreement. The United States and other nations can most efficiently implement their climate policies through market mechanisms, such as carbon taxes or the auction of emissions permits. The revenues generated from such policies can effectively be used to reduce the deficit or to lower existing taxes.
  • 128. VIIIth Spring Meeting Of Young Economists: Home
    Held in Leuven (Belgium).
    VIIIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists NAVIGATION Home FAQs Important Dates About SMYE Call for Papers ... Invited Speakers April 3-5 2003, Leuven
    Click HERE for pictures of the SMYE Meeting.
    The presentations of Paul DeGrauwe and Mark Rosenzweig are online. Go to the Invited Speakers in the Navigation bar and there you can click on the title for access. We thank all particpants For more information about the SMYE meeting in general, visit (under construction) If this is not working correctly yet, try
    Realisation: Peter de Goeij
    Last change:

    129. Financial Economist
    economists and marketing research analysts held about 70000 jobs in 1998. economists study the economy, but of course, that includes a number of things.

    130. CNN - Economists Offer Different Views On Microsoft Antitrust Case - September 1

    WORLD ASIANOW U.S. ... news quiz
    CNN WEB SITES: TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW MORE SERVICES: video on demand video archive audio on demand news email services ...

    DISCUSSION: message boards chat feedback
    SITE GUIDES: help contents search
    FASTER ACCESS: europe japan
    Economists offer different views on Microsoft antitrust case
    September 21, 1998
    Web posted at 2:30 PM EDT by Cara Cunningham From...
    WASHINGTON (IDG) Microsoft's fate in its battle against the Department of Justice's accusations of anti-competitive behavior will be determined not by how much evidence is offered up or how well the company defends itself, but by how the letter of the law is interpreted, two experts said Thursday. At the Upside Summit here, two professors of law and economics at Yale Law school one current and one former offered radically different conclusions about Microsoft's practices based on the same set of examples and applying the rules of antitrust. Professor George Priest, Bork's successor at Yale who spoke as an independent observer, countered that the actions in question could in no way be defined as predatory.

    131. Upcoming Events/Conferences Of The Mises Institute
    An annual international professional gathering of economists, historians, philosophers doing research in the tradition of the Austrian School. Usually held in Auburn, Alabama.

    132. VIIIth Spring Meeting Of Young Economists: Home
    The webpage of the VIIIth Spring Meeting of Young economists which will be organises at KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium.
    VIIIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists NAVIGATION Home FAQs Important Dates About SMYE Call for Papers ... Invited Speakers April 3-5 2003, Leuven
    Click HERE for pictures of the SMYE Meeting.
    The presentations of Paul DeGrauwe and Mark Rosenzweig are online. Go to the Invited Speakers in the Navigation bar and there you can click on the title for access. We thank all particpants For more information about the SMYE meeting in general, visit (under construction) If this is not working correctly yet, try
    Realisation: Peter de Goeij
    Last change:

    133. - Economists Upgrade U.S. Outlook - Feb. 23, 2004
    International Edition MEMBER SERVICES The Web Home Page World U.S. Weather ... Autos SERVICES Video E-mail Newsletters Your E-mail Alerts RSS ... Contact Us SEARCH Web
    Economists upgrade U.S. outlook
    Story Tools YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Follow the news that matters to you. Create your own alert to be notified on topics you're interested in. Or, visit Popular Alerts for suggestions. Manage alerts What is this? NEW YORK (Reuters) Forecasters have once again upgraded their forecasts for U.S. economic growth, according to a survey by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. The quarterly survey of 32 forecasts found analysts now expect the economy to grow by 4.6 percent, up from the previous estimate of 4.3 percent. At the same time, expectations for both unemployment and inflation have been revised down. The survey's forecast compares with the Federal Reserve's own estimate that the economy will grow between 4.5 and 5 percent in 2004, according to semiannual forecasts released earlier this month. The Philadelphia Fed survey also found forecasters have lowered their expectations for job gains, to about 91,000 jobs per month this year from 104,000 per month in the last survey. The survey covers such diverse forecasters as Wall Street economists at JP Morgan Chase and Lehman Brothers; Verizon Communications; Fannie Mae; academic economists and private forecasting firms such as

    134. IAFFE Home Page
    A nonprofit organization advancing feminist inquiry of economic issues and educating economists and others on feminist points of view on economic issues.
    I nternational A ssociation
    F or F eminist E conomics
    This is currently a back-up site for IAFFE. Information on this page is dated and incomplete. Please change your bookmark to the new site: A non-profit organization advancing feminist inquiry of economic issues and educating economists and others on feminist points of view on economic issues.
    Membership Information
    IAFFE Purposes Current IAFFE Activities Contacts ...
    Email Jean Shackelford

    Last update January 23, 2003

    135. Xiaoquan (Michael ) Zhang, Sloan School, MIT
    Ph.D. Student in Sloan School, MIT. A list of webpages of economists and economics resources. Also includes personal interests, a short biography and his research papers.
    Xiaoquan Zhang (Michael)
    Who am I ?
    I am a PhD candidate at MIT Sloan School of Management . I plan to defend my thesis by May 2006. I am also the Managing Editor of Ecommerce Research Forum (now ISN Journal at
    Facts about me
    My major is Management Science . My advisor is Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson ; I also work with Prof. John D.C. Little , and Prof. Chris Dellarocas. The photo to the right was taken when I was talking about how to divide (between me and Madonna ) the money received from a bundle of songs produced by us. You can click here to purchase the video of my presentation (Unfortunately, while the content of my presentation was about distributing right amount of money and giving correct incentives to the content providers, I (and my advisor and coauthor Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson) do not get paid for the downloads of this video - if you are interested to see how the music industry should establish new business models to pocket in billions of dollars and if you can not afford $29 to purchase the video, please contact me My research interests are:
    • Online advertising High-tech product markets Word-of-mouth and online reputation systems Provision and pricing of information goods
    I have degrees in Fine Arts, Science and Engineering, and Management, and I am now pursuing my 4th degree.

    136. Inomics
    The Internet service for economists is free and contains an economics search engine, job openings for economists, conference calls in economics as well free alert services for the latter.

    137. Internet Links For Economics, The Environment, And Sustainability
    Yardeni is one of the top business economists, and his site has lots of nice free diagrams. At this site you can find job openings for economists,
    Steve Hackett's Internet Resources for Economists
    (...and those with a special interest in environmental, natural resources, and ecological economics) Updated 27 April 2005. Note: Links are provided below to Internet sites containing information pertaining to economics. Many may be relevant to someone interested in general applied economics, while others have a special emphasis on environmental, natural resources, and ecological economics. Links are also provided for sites related to ecology, natural resources management, and "green" business and markets. The fact that a link to an external site is included below does not imply that I necessarily endorse or can guarantee the quality of the material contained on that site. Please email me if you find a broken link. -SH
    Table of Contents:
    Legislative and Executive Branch Meta Sites:
    • Thomas: Key source of up-to-date information on new federal legislation. Produced by the Library of Congress.

    138. Racing Economics - Providing Economic & Strategic Analysis For Racing
    Organization of racing economists and strategic analysts to provide consulting advice and analysis for businesses in the global horse racing industry. Includes copy of multiclient prospectus and charter subscription information. Located in the UK.
    Racing Economics
    Background Spotlight Equine Sports ... Contact Us
    Is the rapidly changing horse racing industry affecting you and your business?
    This continuous state of change will affect racecourses, trainers, owners, jockeys, racing media, the industry federations and associations, and most suppliers.
    Is your equine sport undergoing transformation or facing uncertainties?
    Do you need additional independent insight on positioning your organisation/sector for best effect in clear and quantified terms? Racing Economics is a consultancy expressly dedicated to delivering economic and strategic guidance for the horse racing industry and equine sports. Our consultants are focused on this key sector and provide independent bespoke consulting advice and recommendations. Such analysis and insight can give your business the capability to benefit from the challenges posed by the ongoing transformation of horse racing and equine sports.
    Racing Economics is an Associate Practice of
    Berkeley Hanover Consulting
    Racing Economics, PO Box 25, West Molesey KT8 2WW, United Kingdom

    139. Society Of Heterodox Economists
    The Society of Heterodox economists represents a gathering of economists outside the mainstream, whose main purpose is to organise an annual conference as
    Society of Heterodox Economists The Society of Heterodox Economists represents a gathering of economists outside the mainstream, whose main purpose is to organise an annual conference as well as occasion workshops. In addition, a working paper series is in the process of being set up, and a virtual forum maintained. Registration details are available from the Conference page.
    P ast Conferences:
    You may wish to visit and/or subscribe to the Heterodox Economics forum at: If you have any questions, suggestions etc. please e-mail Peter Kriesler:

    140. Dr. T's Economics News, Data, Analysis And Links
    Dr. T's comprehensive collection of links for economists and anyone interested in Economics, Business and Finance.
    Dr. T's
    Browse Network Network Home Home Dr. T's Economics News, Data, Analysis and Links Home About Us Link Submission Recommend Page! ... Site Search Menu Glossary
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