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101. Kierkegaard.ifas.ufl.edu/ economists on the Webeconomists on the World Wide Web WWW Economics Department on the Internet economists with Web Pages AEA Membership Directory http://kierkegaard.ifas.ufl.edu/ |
102. EcoSuD Lab Fostering interdisciplinary work involving ecologists and economists, bringing together natural scientists and social scientists. Department of Economics, University of Crete, Greece. In English and Greek. http://www.soc.uoc.gr/ecosud/ |
103. Asian Affairs Articles on Asian topics and interviews with prominent political leaders, senior economists, scholars and industrialists. Quarterly issues, each focusing on an Asian country. (warning contains JAVA may crash some browsers) http://www.asian-affairs.com/ | |
104. Maynard.ww.tu-berlin.de/e-joe/ CSE / Capital ClassThe Conference of Socialists economists (CSE) is an international, democratic membership organisation committed to developing a materialist critique of http://maynard.ww.tu-berlin.de/e-joe/ |
105. Freedom's Nest F.A. Hayek Quote Search Find the perfect quote by the nobel prize winner and one of the greatest economists and freedom advocates of all times. http://www.freedomsnest.com/qhayek.html | |
106. Vol. 18. Later National Literature, Part III. The Cambridge History Of English A economists. By EDWIN RA SELIGMAN, Ph.D., LL.D., McVickar Professor of Political Economy in Columbia University. Early Discussions Colonial Problems http://www.bartleby.com/228/ | |
107. New Page 1 Positions posted on behalf of companies in search of Knowledge Managers and Knowledge economists. Features information about GKEC certification standards. http://www.eknowledgecenter.com/km_jobs.htm |
108. WebEc - Labor And Demographics Links of interest to labor economists http://www.helsinki.fi/WebEc/webecj.html | |
109. Canadian Economics Association / Membership Directory The directory of Canadian economists was updated on January 17, 1999, based on a questionnaire distributed to all Canadian economics departments and http://economics.ca/directory.html | |
110. Bush Seeks Economists' Help In Selling Tax Plan CNN http://cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/01/21/bush.economy.reut/index.html |
111. Southwester Society Of Economists Southwester Society of economists Home Page. Southwestern Society of economists. Links Main Page Officers, Annual Meeting, Etc. Web Search Engines http://acct.tamu.edu/smith/swse/swse.htm | |
112. Labour Economics Gateway Links to research centers, economists, journals, documents, and data sources. http://labour.ceps.lu/ |
113. U.S., British Economists Win Nobel CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/10/08/nobel.prizes.economics.ap/index.html |
114. Bush Tax Cuts Come Under Fire From Economists CNN http://cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/02/10/bush.budget.reut/index.html |
115. Financial Economists Roundtable Homepage Annual meeting of selected finance economists provides list of statements and pronouncements from previous meetings. http://www.luc.edu/orgs/finroundtable/ | |
116. CNN.com - CEOs, Economists 'diverge On U.S. Recovery' - March 4, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/BUSINESS/asia/03/04/aust.cisco.biz/index.html | |
117. 10 Nobel Economists Endorse Kerry - Politics - MSNBC.com John Kerry won the endorsement of 10 Nobel Prizewinning economists Wednesday as he attacked President Bush for policies that he said have led to the http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5818277/ | |
118. EARIE Society for academics and practitioners in the field of industrial economics. Member services include an annual conference, Young economists' Essay Award (to stimulate research) and a subscription to International Journal of Industrial Organization. http://www.earie.org/ |
119. CNN.com - Economists: Rising Personal Debt Poses Growing Threat - May 15, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/05/15/consumer.credit/index.html | |
120. Midwest Economics Association Organization of professional economists. Information on annual meeting, Call for Papers, registration forms, and issues. http://web.grinnell.edu/MEA/ | |
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