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         Economics Statistics:     more books (100)
  1. Economic Statistics and Econometrics, Third Edition by Thad W. Mirer, 1994-10-26
  2. Business and Economic Statistics Using MicrosoftExcel by Ken Black, David Eldredge, 2001-10-08
  3. Student Workbook to accompany Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics, 4th Edition by Thomas H. Wonnacott, Ronald J. Wonnacott, 1990-01-18
  4. Statistics for Business and Economics With Easystat by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, et all 2002-11
  5. Statistics for Business and Financial Economics by Cheng-Few Lee, John C. Lee, et all 1999-12
  6. Workbook to accompany Statistics for Business and Economics by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, et all 2004-01-07
  7. Essential Statistics in Business and Economics with St CDRom (Irwin/McGraw-Hill Series in Operations and Decision Sciences) by David P Doane, Lori E. Seward, 2007-02-02
  8. Statistics for Business and Economics Student Solutions Manual by Nancy S. Boudreau, McClave, et all 2004-03
  9. Statistics for Management Economics by Gerald Keller, 1999-07
  10. Statistics for Business and Economics by Edwin Mansfield, 1987-07-08
  11. Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics with Student CD by Douglas A. Lind, William G Marchal, et all 2006-10-19
  12. Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A MATLAB-Based Introduction (Statistics in Practice) by Paolo Brandimarte, 2006-10-06
  13. Contemporary Dictionary and Handbook of Economics, Finance and Statistics by Les Seplaki, 1992-10
  14. Study Guide to accompany Applied Statistics in Business and Economics by David P Doane, 2006-05-16

21. Global Energy Industry Market Statistics, London Economics Press
Energy market reports by country with concise analysis and statistics of regional electric power generation, transmission and market operation, and distribution and supply.
Your browser does not support script London Economics Press is part of London Economics International London Economics Press Austria Baltic States Belgium Bulgaria Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Mexico The Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Ukraine United Kingdom United States
All Prices are in $USD We Welcome Contact Us

22. Real Estate Economics
Provides real estate statistics, forecasts and quarterly reports for California submarkets.
September 20, 2005
Our New Housing Profiles and Statistics provide our clients and subscribers with individual development profiles for actively selling new housing communities throughout Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, San Diego, Imperial, Kern, and Ventura Counties. Now offering Southern California Active Adult Housing profiles and reports.
Available New Housing Reports Residential Development Profiles Overall Sales Profile Competitive Floor Plan Comparison Raw Data Exports Residential Development Summary Market Share Analysis Nationwide Building Permit Database Our Building Permit Application provides our clients and subscribers with reports for building permit activity throughout the United States. It provides construction statistics by place, county, or state on new privately-owned residential housing units authorized by building permits and includes annual forecasts.
Residential Economic Review
This quarterly report presents key indicators which lead changes in new housing market conditions. Each report presents jobs-to-housing ratios, housing cost-to-income ratios, a composite index of leading indicators, and new housing sales and price projections for many housing markets

23. USDA Economics And Statistics System
Gives projections of expected market growth based on current trends of economic development in the less developed countries. Charts compares forecasted exports to imports from the years and other financial indicators from 1980 to about 2013. Covers details on crops and livestock, as well as inherent assumptions in compiling the data.
About the USDA Economics and Statistics System Search titles and descriptions of: Reports and Datasets Datasets only Reports only from the selected agencies: ERS NASS WAOB for these words: Search Tips Note: You will get the best results by using broad terms rather than very specific ones.
or Browse for reports and datasets by clicking a subject heading below. The USDA Economics and Statistics System contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Most reports are text files that contain time-sensitive information. Most data sets are in spreadsheet format and include time-series data that are updated yearly. See help for more introductory system information. Partners in the Economics and Statistics System: ERS - Economic Research Service
The USDA's Economic Research Service provides economic analysis on efficiency, efficacy, and equity issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development to improve public and private decision making. WAOB - World Agricultural Outlook Board
The WAOB coordinates the USDA's commodity forecasting program; monitors global weather and analyzes its impact on agriculture; and coordinates USDA's weather, climate and remote sensing work.

24. International Journal Of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES)
Interdisciplinary research journal that publishes research and developments in ecological economics and statistics.

ISSN 0973-1385 Home IJEES Editorial Board Subscriptions ... Author Instructions
Aims and Scope
The main aim of the IJEES is published quarterly in March, June, September and December by CESER Special Issue of IJEES in Honor of
Professor Charles Perrings
The deadline for submission of papers is January 15, 2006.
Special Issue of IJEES on 7th International Conference (2005, Saint Petersburg, Russia) of the
"Russian Society for Ecological Economics (RSEE)"
Subscribe/Order your copy, Now.
IJEES: Content of current issue
September 2005; Vol. 3, No. S05

Subscriptions Form
Just Click here
Instructions for Author Just Click here Do you want a sample copy of IJEES Just Click here to Join IJEES Group for Sample Copy Guidelines for Contributors:
Manuscripts can also be sent to the publisher via e-mail to the Executive Editor IJEES . This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. Detailed instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are available at "Instructions for Authors" . Any manuscript which does not conform to the above instructions may be informed to authors for revision for proper submission to the IJEES Subscriptions For subscription and other inquiries write to the or to the Executive Editor Join IJEES Group, you will get free Subscription of two special issues of IJEES.

25. The Review Of Economics And Statistics - The MIT Press
general journal of applied (especially quantitative) economics edited by Harvard University's Department of economics. Tables of contents and abstracts.

26. JSTOR: The Review Of Economics And Statistics
The Review of economics and statistics is an 84year old general journal of applied (especially quantitative) economics. Edited at Harvard University s
The Review of Economics and Statistics
JSTOR Coverage: Vols. 1 - 81, 1919-1999
JSTOR Collections: Business Please read JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use before you begin. Search This Journal Browse This Journal
Journal Information for The Review of Economics and Statistics
Publisher The MIT Press Moving Wall The Review of Economics and Statistics is an 84-year old general journal of applied (especially quantitative) economics. Edited at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, The Review has published some of the most important articles in empirical economics. From time to time, The Review also publishes collections of papers or symposia devoted to a single topic of methodological or empirical interest. ISSN
Journal information provided by the MIT Press.

27. Library
Located in London, England. Founded in 1896, it is now part of the London School of economics and Political Science. Collections consist of approximately one million bound volumes and 28,000 journals dealing with all areas of the social sciences. Areas of particular of emphasis include economics; international, political, economic and social history; international law; social policy and public administration; sociology; and economic, political and social statistics. The library also collects official documentation from governments and international agencies worldwide. Research affiliation Research Library Group.
Home Help Search Site index ... LSE for You You are here - Welcome to LSE
British Library of Political and Economic Science
The working Library of the London School of Economics and Political Science and one of the largest libraries in the world devoted to the economic and social sciences.
Quick links Library Catalogue Electronic resources LSE Archives Library website index Address and contacts Contacting us : enquiries and feedback
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28. Sex And The Ivy League Columbia University Vs. Its Female Faculty
Web site for the support committee for Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky, UNESCO Chair of Mathematics and economics and Professor of statistics at Columbia University.

29. USDA Economics And Statistics System
USDA economics and statistics System at Mann Library, Cornell University, in partnership with ERS, NASS, WAOB.
About the USDA Economics and Statistics System Search titles and descriptions of: Reports and Datasets Datasets only Reports only from the selected agencies: ERS NASS WAOB for these words: Search Tips Note: You will get the best results by using broad terms rather than very specific ones.
or Browse for reports and datasets by clicking a subject heading below. The USDA Economics and Statistics System contains nearly 300 reports and datasets from the economics agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These materials cover U.S. and international agriculture and related topics. Most reports are text files that contain time-sensitive information. Most data sets are in spreadsheet format and include time-series data that are updated yearly. See help for more introductory system information. Partners in the Economics and Statistics System: ERS - Economic Research Service
The USDA's Economic Research Service provides economic analysis on efficiency, efficacy, and equity issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development to improve public and private decision making. WAOB - World Agricultural Outlook Board
The WAOB coordinates the USDA's commodity forecasting program; monitors global weather and analyzes its impact on agriculture; and coordinates USDA's weather, climate and remote sensing work.

30. Japan Information Network Statistics
Latest statistics on census, finance, economics, crime, living, R D, politics, welfare, labor, and housing.

31. Gareth Davis' Page Of Irish Historical And Religious Statistics
Includes statistics on violence, economics, and demographics.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod Dukes of Hazzard Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next
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WELCOME TO THE IRISH HISTORICAL AND RELIGIOUS STATISTICS HOME PAGE You're very welcome to this site. Things are a bit rough at the moment as this site is under construction. Nevertheless I hope that you find it useful. I plan to extend this site and add new statistics. If you have any you would like to see added, please e-mail me at the address on this page.While every effort has been made to ensure that the data here are free from error, this cannot be absolutely guaranteed. All risks arising from the use of this data are borne by the user, and use of the data represents an acceptance of this condition by the user. The provision of this data is made strictly on a voluntary basis and for recreational purposes and does not represent a sale, an offer to sell, or a contractual obligation of nay sort. Gareth
Click on one of these to begin
Click here:
To see what's new on this site and what will be added in the near future.

32. Special Reports
A portal to global politics, economics and ideas from Foreign Policy magazine. Site features reports, statistics and links.
ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false ie4 = (document.all)? true:false winW = (ns4)? window.innerWidth-16 : document.body.offsetWidth-20 winH = (ns4)? window.innerHeight : document.body.offsetHeight
The 2003 Globalization Index scores are now available in the 2004 index.
Click here to view the numbers.
A.T. Kearney/FOREIGN POLICY Magazine Globalization Index

Want to Know More?
Half Empty or Half Full?
Winners and Losers
The Czech Republic (in 15th place) was the most globalized nation in Eastern Europe and ranked higher than Western neighbors Italy (24) and Greece (26). The Czech Republic has proved attractive to foreign investors (including automobile manufacturers Toyota and PSA), thanks to its geographic location at the center of Europe and competitive advantage in terms of lower cost yet highly skilled workers.
Cause and Defect
That argument offers insight into why globalization did not grind to a halt after September 11. Some assumed that as nations took measures to tighten control of their borders to protect themselves from international terrorist networks, they would also staunch the flow of people, goods, and services. But open borders are not the cause of globalization as much as they are the result. The most destructive act of terrorism in history could not destroy the underlying drivers of global integration.
Or, put another way, al Qaeda is not the real threat to global integration. Globalization has nothing to fear but globalization itself.

33. Statistical Resources On The Web/Economics
Historical summary of key economic statistics with future projections The latest national economic statistics in summary form; Subjects include income,
Statistical Resources on the Web
Comprehensive Economics
Frames Index No-Frames Version Last updated on July 8, 2005 Comprehensive Sites Business and Industry Cost of Living
Federal/State Finances
Bureau of Economic Analysis
  • Summary data on national income and product accounts (GDP) and balance of payments (trade)
  • More detailed data appears in STAT-USA and Dept. of Commerce Economic Data (below)
Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Press releases on employment and unemployment, earnings, employment cost index, consumer prices, producer prices, productivity, collective bargaining, and union membership
  • Time series on employment, prices, and productivity
  • The Data option under the main web page is arranged by various retrieval options; these options are subdivided by subject
  • Use the Search option for a subject approach to various retrieval options
  • Web pages which combine all retrieval options include
  • BLS Handbook of Methods
    • History and methodology of labor force, employment, earnings, productivity, safety, and price index data
    • Available in HTML or Adobe Acrobat format
    Business and Economics Numeric Data (Schankman)
    • Extensive annotated bibliography and links to government and non-government data sources
    • Analyzes the contents of web sites, such as the Census Bureau

34. Web Site Of The Working Group On Generalized Convexity
An interdisciplinary group of scholars from operations research, economics, engineering, applied sciences, mathematics, statistics, among others, with an interest in generalizations of the classical concept of a convex function.
var numArea = 1; var numSez = 2; var numSubSez = 0;
Working Group
Highlights: Today is Wednesday, 21-Sep-2005 06:02:15 MEST. hits since August 25, 2002.
This page has been written by Riccardo Cambini and updated on
Wednesday, 20-Jul-2005 09:55:32 MEST

Handbook of International Economic statistics. Economic profiles, GDP, foreign trade, energy use, environment, agricultural and manufacturing data for over
Statistical Resources on the Web
Foreign and International Economics
Frames Index No-Frames Version Last updated on July 8, 2005
Africa Business Network (IFC)
  • Basic economic and investment data for individual countries in Africa
  • Guidance on investment procedure
Agency for International Development
  • Budget request arranged by country with country economic information included in rationale for development funding request
  • Further editions available through its Publications List
Asia in the World Economy
  • Annotated regional and country links
  • Subjects include business, economy, government, the press, and society
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • Organization of Pacific Rim nations promoting business development
  • News releases and the full text of major publications
  • Member nation profiles include brief descriptive information and extensive links to economic and business web sites
Asia Recovery Information Center (Asian Development Bank)
  • News monitors economic developments in Indonesia, Malayasia, Republic of Korea, Philippines and Thailand
  • Monthly and annual economic indicators (GDP, foreign exchange) and social indicators (poverty line)

36. PopNet
Searchable directory of populationrelated websites. Search by topic or keyword, by organization, or through a clickable world map. Topics include Demographic statistics, economics, Education, Environment, Gender, Policy and Reproductive Health.

37. Commission On Behavioral And Social Sciences And Education, U.S. National Resear
Areas of investigation and analysis include anthropology, child development, demography, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social psychology, sociology, and statistics. _by _Unit?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&

38. SSE - List Of Projects
Stockholm School of economics. Your browser does not support script. Department of Economic statistics and Decision Support
var NoOffFirstLineMenus=1; // Number of first level items Menu1=new Array("Department of Economic Statistics and Decision Support","/Stat/stat.htm","",0,48,135,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"right","");
Your browser does not support script Department of Economic Statistics and Decision Support
for(i = 0; i "); Department of Economic Statistics and Decision Support Research in Economic Statistics
List of Projects
Applied Econometrics
Social Security Forecasting;
Robustness Analysis
Linearity and Stability of European Money Demand Functions

Sample Selection Problems in Discrete Choice Models

Panel Data Models

Model Selection and Model Uncertainty in Econometrics

Computational Statistics
Model Selection and Model Uncertainty in Econometrics

Microeconometrics Panel Data Models Sample Selection Problems in Discrete Choice Models Model Selection and Model Uncertainty in Econometrics Time Series Econometrics Social Security Forecasting ; Robustness Analysis Nonlinear Econometrics Model Selection and Model Uncertainty in Econometrics Quality and Productivity Analysis Customer Perceived Quality Measurement and Economic Analysis European coordination and comparison of customer satisfaction studies Analysis of interaction between quality, productivity and performance

39. Faculty Of Economics And Political Science
Offers degrees in economics, statistics, political science, management and social computer science.
This Site is Best Viewed on Screen Resolution (800*600)

40. Jobs In BLS - Washington D.C. Home Page
The BLS is the principal factfinding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. Visit this site to explore employment opportunities with this agency.
Skip Navigation Links Latest Numbers U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Jobs in BLS - Washington D.C. Search A-Z Index BLS Home ... Find It! In DOL BLS national headquarters is in the Historic Postal Square Building (PSB) in Washington, DC. This is an area that serves as home to the U.S. Capitol and several Federal buildings, including the Senate and House office buildings, the Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court. BLS also maintains seven regional offices throughout the U.S. Back to Top Job Openings:
Benefits of Employment at BLS:
Back to Top Our Location BLS national headquarters is in the Historic Postal Square Building (PSB) in Washington, DC. This is an area that serves as home to the U.S. Capitol and several Federal buildings, including the Senate and House office buildings, the Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court. BLS also maintains seven regional offices throughout the U.S

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