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121. Multicomponent Rectification by A.S.Vigdorov. Some economic problems of practical usage of the theory and engineering methods of the calculation of processes of multicomponent rectification (Summary). http://www.aha.ru/~vigdorov/ReportE.htm | |
122. IEEE Systems, Man And Cybernetic Society Fields of Interest are Integration of the Theories of Communication, Control, Cybernetics, Stochastics, Optimization and System Structure towards the Formulation of a General theory of Systems, Technology and Application of the Above to the Analysis and Design of Biological, Ecological, Socioeconomic, Social Service, Computer Information, and Operational Man-Machine Systems. http://www.isye.gatech.edu/ieee-smc/ | |
123. E-JEMED: Electronic Journal Of Evolutionary Modelling And Economic Dynamics The Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modeling and economic Dynamics (eJEMED) is a noncommercial scientific journal which publishes also on evolutionary game theory. | |
124. Economics And International Studies: Professor Ronald Coase A speech given at the University of Buckingham outlining Coase's contributions to the fields of economic and legal theory. http://www.buckingham.ac.uk/international/aboutdept/hongrads/coase.html | |
125. Games And Economic Behavior A leading journal on game theory. http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/6/2/2/8/3/6/ | |
126. ELSE Centre - University College London Research on learning theory, experimental economics and evolutionary game theory at University College, London (Binmore and others) http://else.econ.ucl.ac.uk/index.html |
127. Winners Of The Bank Of Sweden Prize In Economic Sciences In Memory Of Alfred Nob A comprehensive list of Nobel Prize Laureates in economics, at the Nobel Prize ROBERT M. SOLOW for his contributions to the theory of economic growth. http://almaz.com/nobel/economics/economics.html | |
128. Rethinking Marxism A project of the Association for economic and Social Analysis (AESA). RM is an interdisciplinary journal for discussions and debates both within the Marxian tradition and between Marxism and other forms of contemporary critical thought including postmodernism, feminism, radical political economy, queer theory, and theories of race and ethnicity. http://www.nd.edu/~remarx/ | |
129. Feminist Economics Beyond economic Man Feminist theory and economics. (1993), Minisymposium Feminist theory and the History of economic Thought, History of Political http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/eco.html | |
130. Robert J. Aumann Information about his life and influence on economic thought and game theory. http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/aumann.htm | |
131. Johnson, Noel D. Personal homepage describing research in the economic history of old regime France, game theory and development economics. http://wuecon.wustl.edu/~johnson/ |
132. Economic Crisis And Crisis Theory By Paul Mattick 1974 Bourgeois Economics Chapter 2. MarxÂs Crisis theory Chapter 3. The Epigones Chapter 4. Splendor and Misery of the Mixed Economy Chapter 5. http://www.marxists.org/archive/mattick-paul/1974/crisis/ | |
133. Explaining Japan's Recession - Mises Institute economic essay asserting that both Keynesian and Monetarist explanations and solutions to Japan's economic stagnation failed and an Austrian theory of the business cycle provides the explanation. http://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=1099 |
134. TAMU Economic Research Laboratory Game theory and Experimental economics web server, with economic Science links. http://erl.tamu.edu/ | |
135. Experimental Economics - LINEEX Research Center in Game theory, Political Economy and economic Design, information about current research, scheduled experiments, downloadable pdf papers and meetings, located in Valencia/Spain http://www.uv.es/lineex | |
136. Paul Milgrom Home Page Professor of economics and professor of humanities and social sciences at Stanford University. Research in auction theory, welfare economics and economic history. http://www.milgrom.net |
137. Donahue Institute The Institute is the public service, outreach and economic development unit of the University of Massachusetts President's Office, and strives to connect the Commonwealth with the resources of the University, bridging theory and innovation with real world public and private sector applications. http://www.donahue.umassp.edu/ |
138. Center For Infrastructure Assessment And Management CIAM research activities concentrate on developing assessment tools by applying the knowledge of basic electromagnetic spectral wave theory to assess conditions, predict the remaining life of a structure, suggest the most costeffective method and prioritize preservation strategies to manage infrastructure subsystems through a systems approach considering economic, social, and political issues. Based at Virginia Tech. http://www.eng.vt.edu/eng/centers/CIAM/ciam1.html | |
139. Public Choice Theory, By Jane S. Shaw: The Concise Encyclopedia Of Economics: Li Public choice theory is a branch of economics that developed from the study of taxation and public spending. It emerged in the fifties and received http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/PublicChoiceTheory.html | |
140. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Economic Theory - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/webeditions/journal/00220531 Al Roth s game theory and experimental economics pageIncludes introductory articles, papers on history, methodology, and philosophy, abstracts from scientific magazines, bibliographies, some materials on the http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00220531 | |
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