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81. Vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsev economic theory and Philosophy Cambridge University PressA Theory of Economic Growth Dynamics and Policy in Overlapping Generations David de la Croix, Philippe Michel £21.99 This book provides an in-depth http://vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=elsevier&journal=00220531 |
82. "Ibn Khaldun, The Father Of Economics" Paper by Ibrahim M. Oweiss citing Khaldun's writings as the inspiration of modern economic theory and of Adam Smith himself. http://www.georgetown.edu/oweiss/ibn.htm | |
83. Economic Theory In Retrospect - Cambridge University Press Firstly, it is a history of economic theory, not of economic doctrines, that is, Âeconomic theory in Retrospect has, for over three decades, http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521577012 |
84. Peter Lang Series On Dynamic Economic Theory Peter Lang Series on Dynamic economic theory. Scope of the Series. With the series Dynamic economic theory , the editors wish to encourage and support http://www.business.uts.edu.au/finance/resources/peter_series/ | |
85. Can Economic Theory Explain Piracy Behavior? This paper investigates if economic theory can explain variations in piracy It is demonstrated that economic theory explains a notable part of the http://www.bepress.com/bejeap/topics/vol3/iss1/art5/ | |
86. Home Research on game theory and experimental economics directed by Prof. Gueth, Berlin http://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/wt3/ | |
87. CETC2005 The 2005 Canadian economic theory Conference will be held on May 13th 15th at the Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre in downtown Vancouver. http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/pnorman/CETC/CETC2005.html | |
88. Inhaltsverzeichnis Prof. Dr. Werner Hildenbrand at Institute for economic theory II, University of Bonn/Germany, contains cv and list of publications. http://www.wiwi.uni-bonn.de/fgh/inhalt_e.html | |
89. The Economic Theory Of Illegal Goods: The Case Of Drugs The economic theory of Illegal Goods The Case of Drugs Economic Report of the President Economic Indicators Congressional Budget Office http://www.nber.org/papers/w10976 | |
90. Caltech Division Of The Humanities And Social Sciences served as one of four editors of the American Economic Review, and continues to serve as an associate editor of the Journal of economic theory. http://www.hss.caltech.edu/ | |
91. Nobel Winner Nash Critiques Economic Theory - Brown Daily Herald - Campus News Nobel winner Nash critiques economic theory, , Brown Daily Herald, a newspaper of Brown University. http://www.browndailyherald.com/news/2005/04/27/CampusNews/Nobel.Winner.Nash.Cri | |
92. Rational Behavior And Economic Theory We show that the main body of economic theory is firmly grounded, and that some contrasting approaches to rationality, although leading to heated debates http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugte173/abs/abs.jebo.html | |
93. Artificial Intelligence And Economic Theory Instead, we explain the significance of AI for economic theory; in particular for the theory of decentralized economies. http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugte173/abs/abs.ios.html | |
94. James A. Mirrlees - Autobiography Major contributor on economic theory of incentives, asymmetric information and foundations of mechanism design. Winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, 1996 (together with William Vickrey). http://nobelprize.org/economics/laureates/1996/mirrlees-autobio.html | |
95. Transaction Net Electronic Currency: Economic Theory On The Net economic theory Online Business Models, Econometrics, Media, Microcredit, Organizations, Resources, Security, Theory. http://www.transaction.net/econ/ | |
96. University Of Michigan Press : Economics -- Economic Theory Development Theory and the Economics of Growth (2000) Jaime Ros Game and economic theory (1995) Selected Contributions in Honor of Robert J. Aumann http://www.press.umich.edu/subject.do?id=317.150. |
97. Herbert Gintis' Web Site Fulltext papers and class material covering game theory, the rational actor model in economic theory, experimental economics and anthropology. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~gintis |
98. Elster, Jon (1989), Social Norms And Economic Theory Elster, Jon (1989), Social Norms and economic theory, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3 (4) 99117. Books Articles Reviews Index The main http://www.geocities.com/hmelberg/elster/AR89SNAE.HTM | |
99. Diese Seite Finden Sie Nun Unter Der Adresse Department of economic theory, Economic Policy and Economic History provides list of faculty and publications. http://www.uibk.ac.at/c/c4/c409/ | |
100. Carlos J. Serrano Some information on economic theory and applications. Amusing quotes from economists. University of Minnesota. http://www.econ.umn.edu/~carles |
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