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         Dyslexia Special Ed:     more detail
  1. How To Reach and Teach Children and Teens with Dyslexia: A Parent and Teacher Guide to Helping Students of All Ages Academically, Socially, and Emotionally by Cynthia M., M.Ed. Stowe, 2000-09-04
  2. Dyslexia: Integrating Theory and Practice by M., Ed. Snowling, 1992
  3. Overcoming Dyslexia in Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Dale R. Jordan, Dale R. Jordon, 1996-04
  4. Fluency and Comprehension Interventions for Third-Grade Students.(Statistical Data Included): An article from: Remedial and Special Education by Sharon Vaughn, David J. Chard, et all 2000-11-01
  5. Calendar.(Special education, conferences)(Calendar): An article from: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
  6. Help for Dyslexic Children by MA, Ph.D, FBPs.S T.R.Miles, MA, Dip.Ed. Elaine Miles, 2007-03-14
  7. A silicon bullet for dyslexia: A new solution for an old problem: An article from: The Exceptional Parent by Mike Matvy, 2000-11-30
  8. Policy Statement on Full Funding of IDEA.(Brief Article): An article from: Journal of Disability Policy Studies
  9. Reading and Attention Disorders: Neurobiological Correlates

141. Marburn Academy
Serving children of average to above average intellectual ability who are experiencing difficulty in school because of learning differences such as ADD or dyslexia. Columbus, OH.
Marburn Academy
1860 Walden Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43229
FAX 614-433-0812
Marburn Academy is the only Central Ohio school with an academic and co-curricular program designed to address the full range of unique learning and personal development needs of bright children with learning differences such as dyslexia or ADHD.
    Teachers who truly understand and who are passionate about teaching children with learning differences create a uniquely supportive, success-oriented learning environment in which goals are individualized, positive reinforcement is plentiful, and progress is measured by improvement as well as mastery.
    The dual focus of the program puts equal emphasis on building grade level skills in reading, writing, spelling, math, organization and self management, while simultaneously providing for intellectual growth and for challenge in areas of talent. As skills approach grade level, students become eligible for an advanced phase of the program focused on developing independent application of those skills that will be necessary after Marburn.

142. Orton-Gillingham And Dyslexia
Remedial reading program for ages 7adult reading at grades 0-4. Appropriate for those with dyslexia. Uses the Orton-Gillingham method.
Help About Dyslexia About Orton-Gillingham Benefits of Using LTK Brochure Favorite Links LTK For Schools Management System LTK Screen Images Prices Reports Research Returns System Requirements: .... Family Versions .... School Versions Reading is Our Only Business!
JWor adds a New Research-Based Software Product to the Language
Tune-Up Kit Family
Kids will take your student to a 3rd grade reading level. The program is
available now at a special price of only $69 , plus shipping/handling.
The Language Tune-Up Kit
interactive reading software helps
students of all ages strengthen
skills through engaging exercises.
The Language Tune-Up Kit Family
Our family of multimedia reading software is based on the Orton-Gillingham method. It is appropriate for children, teens and adults. It is especially useful for those with dyslexia and can be used as an ESL adjunct. Assessment All versions of LTK offer an automatic placement test. The LTK Placement Test determines students' reading skills and places the student at the appropriate starting lesson. A manual version of this test is available for

143. Educational Help, Inc., The Cognitive Aptitude Assessment Software Development T
Computerbased academic assessment system used to diagnose ADHD, LD, dyslexia, and other reading, math, and learning problems.

Reading Success Lab Team

James Mike Royer Ph.D.
, Director of the Laboratory for the Assessment and Training of Academic Skills , UMass Amherst, responds to questions about Current Research On Finding Solutions To Reading Problems
Jeremy Wise Ph.D.

Responds To Questions about the Software
Table of Contents

Basic Reading Skills

Reading Skill
Dyslexia Treatment

Educational Help, Inc. Introduces The Cognitive Aptitude Assessment Software
With fifteen years of leading-edge laboratory research based on theories of cognitive skill development to support development, we'd like to introduce you to the versatile Cognitive Aptitude Assessment Software. We have designed a first rate data collection system that has unparalleled flexibility and ease of use. Introducing The Cognitive Aptitude Assessment Software For Researchers The Researcher Version is intended for University Researchers who are interested in designing and running their own experiments using the engine of our product. There are numerous researchers who are using the product for that end. The Cognitive Aptitude Assessment Software has been tested by a wide variety of Colleges, Universities, and by Researchers. The software has been in use for over 15 years at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in their Laboratory for the Assessment and Training of Academic Skills (LATAS). Here the software has been refined to identify those readers with reading disabilities and to provide intervention exercises that increase reading comprehension.

144. South Kent Dyslexia Association
Local affiliate of the British dyslexia Association. Includes their helpline and contact details.

145. Maple Hayes Dyslexia School And Research Centre
Information for parents about dyslexia and associated conditions, and about the school, its educational techniques, and facilities. Includes OFSTED report.
Approved under the
1996 Education Act
Day school
for SpLD (dyslexia)
Ofsted Inspected
County Council
Education and Libraries

Corporate Member of the British Dyslexia Association Dr E N Brown Chartered Psychologist specialising in Specific Learning Difficulties Shakespeare Every Summer Shakespeare in the Park perform in the Italian Garden at Maple Hayes NEWS NEWS NEWS Maple Hayes has the BEST KS3 to KS4 "value added" of any school in the country ( Link to Dfes Performance Tables Welcome to the new website. There will be a few changes over the next few weeks as we upload more pages. INFORMATION Use the INFORMATION menu to answer questions like: How can I get help for my child? Why is my child is failing to read? Is my child dyslexic? Is my child dysgraphic? MAPLE HAYES SCHOOL The MAPLE HAYES SCHOOL menu is obviously orientated towards parents who are considering placement at this Maple Hayes School, many of whom will be seeking a statement of special educational needs to cover the cost of the fees (and the cost of transport).

146. Adult Dyslexia Organisation - Main Page - Design
A charity run by dyslexics for adults with dyslexia and all those concerned with them; offers advice and support, and campaigns to empower those affected.
Adult Dyslexia Organisation provides help and assistence to all dyslexic adults we have a telephone help line 0207 924 9559, and many other valuable services.
You need to bet an updated web browser sorry,
check out almost any magazine coverdisk.
if you are viewing on a Mac, get a PC.

Therapy for dyslexia, dyspraxia and behavourial problems in the UK. This name has been successfully registered by for If this is your domain name you can now use your online control panel to access your web and email forwarding, DNS control and much more.
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148. Index
the puppy vs. dyslexia online headquarters. about, tour dates, releases from crazy bloomington indiana trio.
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Search: Lycos Angelfire Dukes of Hazzard Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next if you are looking for a puppy vs. dyslexia website, click this thing.

149. Dyslexia Adults Link - Dyslexia Adult - Dyslexic Adults - Dyslexic Adult
Articles, resources, and reviews for professionals working in the field.
B A C K G R O U N D C O L O R Dyslexia help and advice, information, contacts, research and articles about dyslexia; dyslexia in the workplace and at college; books amd software; and assessment for adults who may be dyslexic or have difficulties with spelling.
Large print size.
Talking browser.

Home page.

In the workplace.

Please send us your suggestions
for improvements to our email address below. Secretary: John Bradford
(but articles may be printed out for your own personal use only).
Sharing, finding out more about dyslexia and being dyslexic ... Your own Dyslexia Homepage. If you choose it, our Dyslexia Homepage can be the first page you see each time you open your browser (such as Internet Explorer). It is specially designed for dyslexic readers. Dyslexia newsletter. The free newsletter for the dyslexic adult by e-mail, with news, resources and research in the world of dyslexia. More details here Dyslexia Discussion Forum. Do you have a question you'd like answered? Is there an experience you'd like to share with other dyslexic adults? As a dyslexic adult you may join our

150. QMUL > Advice And Counselling > Dyslexia
Details of support facilities at QMW and information about dyslexia.
document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('QMUL Navigation'); document.write('QMUL Home'); document.write('Undergraduate'); document.write('Postgraduate'); document.write('International'); document.write('Press'); document.write('Business'); document.write('Employment'); document.write('Contact'); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); QMUL Home Home Counselling Disability Dyslexia Money International students Common concerns Dyslexia In this area : Introduction Support Reading Writing Related : Contact us The College offers support and resources for students who can show that they have dyslexia or a specific learning difficulty. Disabled Student Allowances include funding for dyslexia support. Many people who are dyslexic only discover this when they start a degree. If you already know you are dyslexic, arrange for support and equipment as soon as possible.

151. Dyslexia In Adults
Community with forum for dyslexics, and relevant news.

152. Understanding Dyslexia
Explains what dyslexia is, how it's diagnosed, and what it's like to have it.

Teens School Stuff
Sarah hates reading aloud in class. She's never been a good reader, and even when she recognizes the words on the page, she seems to have trouble saying them correctly. School's never been her favorite place, anyway, because her teachers always complain about her writing and her spelling. She often gets discouraged, thinking that she's not as smart as other students. Fortunately, Sarah has discovered she has talents that others don't. She's great at dreaming up costume and scenery ideas in drama club, and she's one of the best artists in her school. Sometimes she wonders how she can do so well in some areas of her life and so poorly in others. What Sarah, her parents, and her teachers don't realize is that Sarah has dyslexia. What Is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia (pronounced: dis- lek -see-ah) is a type of learning disability . A person with a learning disability has trouble processing or understanding words or numbers. There are many different kinds of learning disabilities; dyslexia is the term used when people have difficulty learning to read, even though they are smart enough and are motivated to learn. The word dyslexia comes from two Greek words: dys , which means abnormal or impaired, and lexis which refers to language or words.

153. Welcome To Sutton Dyslexia Association
Provides support for dyslexics and their families. The programme of meetings gives an the opportunity to meet and talk with others who are experiencing similar problems.
Please select one of the buttons below to access each page.
This will return you back to the Home Page.
Self help group run entirely by volunteers.
Association provides support for dyslexics and their families.
Dyslexia comes from the Greek, meaning difficulty with words or language.
Identification of dyslexia has proved to be the turning point in almost every case.
General information about any major topic and links to: Library pages and other Dyslexia webs.
Helpline page has all our contacts.
SEE OUR NEW HELPLINE NUMBER 0870 888 0048 Full details of our next public event, this years diary and a link to a map which shows our location.
How to purchase our memory cards designed by SDA. This page gives you details on our membership and Membership Form.
You are number to visit our web site since 01 January 2005 LAST YEAR WE HAD OVER 1120 HITS ON THIS SITE. WE HOPE THE INFORMATION DISPLAYED WAS USEFUL AND WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT OUR PUBLIC MEETINGS. Return to Home Page Who Are We What Do We Do What Is Dyslexia ... Membership Details To contact us: Help Line: 0870 888 0048 Email:

154. ADD, ADHD & Dyslexia Treatments For Adults & Children At DDAT
Testing and alternative treatment for persons with learning disabilities and attention disorders in centers throughout England and Australia.

Are you looking for help with any of the following?
  • Reading Difficulties
  • Spelling problems
  • Poor handwriting
  • Poor concentration Clumsiness
  • Poor sporting ability
  • Poor memory
  • Low self-esteem Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Aspergers Syndrome
  • The Dore Programme is an exercised based treatment that deals with the root cause of the problem - offering you a solution to all of the difficulties listed above.
    Could the DORE Programme help you?
    If you would like to speak to one of our trained advisors, call 0870 880 6060 Tel No: 0870 880 6060 Email: Privacy Statement

    Offer testing and assessment for adults and children. Site includes information on dyslexia, details of their testing services, FAQs, and contact details.
    To about 10% of people
    these 'symptoms' might
    FAMILIAR ! substitution:
    use of similar-looking words, even if it changes the
    meaning of the sentence, such as sunrise for surprise,
    house for horse, while for white, wanting for walking Recognition is your first step
    flipping a letter horizontally along a vertical axis, such as ded for bed, or bog for dog
    for adults and children worldwide
    flipping a letter upside down, such as may for way, or we for me transposition: switching the order of two adjacent letters, such as on for no, gril for girl, own for won You are not alone..
    Click here and find out how we could help
    - you can now order assessment packs using you credit card via PAYPAL!

    156. Landmark School: An Internationally Known School Positively Changing The Lives O
    Coeducational, residential and day schools for emotionally stable students in grades 2-12 with specific learning disability/dyslexia. Located in Prides Crossing, and Manchester-by-the Sea, Massachusetts.

    157. Stanbridge Earls School
    Independent, coeducational, boarding and day school in Romsey, Hampshire, for pupils of 11 to 18, specialising in problems affecting those with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
    HOME ENQUIRIES HOW TO FIND US CONTACT US Romsey, Hampshire SO51 0ZS Tel: 01794 529400
    About the school
    Special needs Boarding Facilities ... Links
    For further information please contact our school secretary:

    Click here to email

    Site by Ocean Design

    Stanbridge Earls is a small, independent, co-educational, day and boarding school for pupils aged 10 to 19.
    The school has been a leader in the field of specific learning difficulties since 1963; this fits easily into our philosophy of developing every pupil's ability to the full. We are however, much more than just a school for special needs because every pupil wishing for a smaller, caring environment will do well here. Click here to read more about the school.
    A complete national curriculum Special needs catered for A full range of facilities Extracurricular activities (ISI Inspector's report March 2000) For a school of our size, the range of academic subjects and recreational activities is remarkable. By any standards Stanbridge Earls is an unusual school. Because every pupil is important to us, no effort is spared to raise the expectations of all.

    158. Research-Based Reading And Dyslexia Disability Assessment Testing And Interventi
    Free dyslexia screening test and software for diagnostic assessment, intervention exercises, and reassessment tests.

    James Mike Royer Ph.D.
    , Director of the Laboratory for the Assessment and Training of Academic Skills , UMass Amherst, responds to questions about Current Research On Finding Solutions To Reading Problems
    Reading Success Lab Team

    Jeremy Wise Ph.D.

    Responds To Questions about the Software
    Assessing Reading Disabilities

    What is a learning disorder?

    Sight Vocabulary

    Read our latest article on the
    No Child Left Behind Act

    Back To School Reading SPECIAL!!
    Regular Price $167.00. BUY NOW for $99.00. Click over and SAVE $68.00! Parents Ask, "How can I help my child improve their reading skills?" If a reader has to stop and consciously identify a word the reading flow is halted and reading comprehension is lost. A strong reader does not take the time to consciously think about the individual letters or words. A strong reader automatically recognizes letters and words. For successful comprehension, reading is a reaction not a thought process. Ideally the reader is free to think about what they are reading, not bogged down in the act of reading. Our Research-Based Reading Intervention Helps Children Build Reading Skills From Home . Our Skill Builder Module has proved effective in improving the reading skills of students who have fallen behind their peers in word identification ability. The Skill Builder Module provides practice on words that are sorted into grade levels. Practice consists of rapid naming of sets of words and the Skill Builder program then plots the results of a practice session in terms of the speed and accuracy with which a student named the words. After one set of words is mastered to automaticity, the program presents the student with another set of words, and practice continues.

    159. Learning Disabilties: Information, Strategies, And Resources
    Six nonprofit leaders in the field of learning disabilities form the core of the Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities (CCLD) Organizations include Council for Learning Disabilities, Division for Learning Disabilities, International dyslexia Association, National Center for Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Association, and the Schwab Learning Center. These organizations work together to make people aware of learning disabilities, share information with parents and promote the need for early detection and intervention.
    The leading Web site on learning disabilities
    for parents, teachers, and other professionals Home Page FAQs About LD IDEA 2004 Update What's New ... Download Acrobat Reader
    Funding provided by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
    About Us LD OnLine Store Yellow Pages LD OnLine is a service of WETA , Washington, D.C., in association with The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities . LD OnLine is made possible in part by generous support from and The Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation. WETA Donate to LD OnLine

    160. National Reading Service
    Eliminate eyestrain, fatigue, headaches, and vision dyslexia (Sctopic Sensitivity Syndrome) with tinted reading overlays.
    George Clark
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