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121. DEMOS Project - Module: Dyslexia DEMOS Project online disability materials for academic staff dyslexia Module. http://jarmin.com/demos/course/dyslexia/ | |
122. Northamptonshire Dyslexia Assoctiation Index Raising awareness of dyslexia within Northamptonshire UK. Provide support to dyslexics in education and work, and arrange training events for dyslexics and employers. http://www.northantsdyslexia.co.uk/ | |
123. The Dyslexia File: New Treatment Options Updated regularly over 100 descriptions of the latest treatments for dyslexiafromrecognized psychologists, optometrists, and reading disorders http://www.lifestages.com/health/dyslexia.html | |
124. Landmark College | The Premier College For Students With Learning Disabilities A Fully accredited twoyear college in Vermont exclusively for students with dyslexia, ADD or specific learning disabilities. http://www.landmarkcollege.org | |
125. Dyslexia  Introduction. British Channel Fours site on dyslexia, published together with a TV series ondyslexia. On symptoms, causes, education, and research. http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/D/dyslexia/ | |
126. Index the puppy vs. dyslexia online headquarters. about, tour dates, releases from crazy bloomington indiana trio. http://www.angelfire.com/super2/pvd | |
127. The Family Village - Dyslexia Web http//www.dyslexiaadd.org/. dyslexia Research Institute s mission is tochange the perceptions of learning differences, especially dyslexia and ADD, http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_dysl.htm | |
128. Dyslexia College - Dyslexia University - Dyslexic Student - Dyslexia Student Guidance for dyslexic students at college or university. http://www.dyslexia-college.com | |
129. IngentaConnect Publication: Dyslexia dyslexia. ISSN 10769242 visit publication homepage dyslexia logo John Wiley Sons, Ltd. logo the British dyslexia Association logo http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jws/dys | |
130. Center For Dyslexia Dedicated to unraveling the puzzle of dyslexia, the center is a model for the organization and delivery of professional services to students with dyslexia, to psychologists and teachers, and to schools. http://www.mtsu.edu/~dyslexia | |
131. Index Dedicated to the study and treatment of individuals with specific language disability. http://www.dyslexiasd.org/ | |
132. Dyslexia - Learning Disabilities Association Of America The Learning Disabilities Association of America helps people with learningdisabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals. http://www.ldanatl.org/aboutld/parents/ld_basics/dyslexia.asp | |
133. Child And Youth Health Dyslexia - What Is It? Explains what happens in the brain, signs and symptoms, what doctors can do to diagnose and treat it, and other causes. http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=243&np=293&id= |
134. TIME.COM A TIME cover story Why some children struggle so much with reading used to bea mystery. Now researchers know what s wrongÂand what to do about it. http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101030728/scparents.html |
135. Dyslexia  Introduction. British Channel Fours site on dyslexia, published together with a TV series on dyslexia. On symptoms, causes, education, and research. Covers both childhood and adult dyslexia. http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/D/dyslexia/index.html | |
136. World Dyslexia Network Foundation International dyslexia information about multilingualism, and books. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/wdnf/ | |
137. What Is Dyslexia dyslexia is a term that has been loosely applied to reading disabilities. All disciplines would probably agree that dyslexia is evidenced by persons of http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content3/dyslexia.html | |
138. Archives Of DYSLEXIA@JISCMAIL.AC.UK dyslexia Resourcesdyslexia Learning Disabilities Resources a prepreparatory boarding schoolfor boys with dyslexia and related language disorders, and The Greenwood http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/dyslexia.html | |
139. Frewen College UK independent coeducational day and boarding school for children aged 7 to 17 with dyslexia, dyspraxia, or Aspergers Syndrome. http://www.frewencollege.co.uk/ | |
140. Dyslexia, Leaning Disabilities, Literacy Resources Learning Disabilities, dyslexia and Literacy Web Site Greenwood Institute dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities Literacy Annotated Bibliography http://www.greenwoodinstitute.org/resources/resindex.html | |
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