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Dyslexia: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
41. Levinson Medical Center For Learning Disabilities The Levinson Medical Center is dedicated to resolving misconceptions of dyslexiaand related attention deficit and anxiety disorders. http://www.dyslexiaonline.com/ | |
42. The Reading Foundation Canadian learning clinics provide intensive, oneon-one remedial programs in reading, spelling, comprehension and math. Offers services for learning disabilities including dyslexia. http://www.readingfoundation.com |
43. Levinson Medical Center For Learning Disabilities The Levinson Medical Center is dedicated to resolving misconceptions of dyslexiaand related attention deficit and anxiety disorders. http://www.dyslexiaonline.com/home.html | |
44. Dyslexia Information Page: National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stro dyslexia information sheet compiled by the National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke (NINDS). http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/dyslexia/dyslexia.htm | |
45. Dyslexic.com: Helping People With Dyslexia Make The Most Of Their Abilities Software for dyslexia, talking computers, text to speech synthesis, speechrecognition, and TextHelp. http://www.dyslexic.com/ | |
46. North Kent Dyslexia Association Local affiliate of British dyslexia Association offers details of their help line. http://www.nkda.org.uk/ | |
47. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgibin/jhome/6124 dyslexia Adults Link - dyslexia adult - dyslexic adults - dyslexic dyslexia - information, help, contacts, books, articles, organisations, research,etc., for adults who are or may be dyslexic; dealing with spelling http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=6124 |
48. Child And Youth Health Dyslexia - Coping With It Tips for teens include how to help yourself, why exercise is important, getting support for school projects, and building selfesteem. http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=243&np=293&id= |
49. Dyslexia Online Journal The dyslexia Journal Online exists to publish articles about dyslexia forpsychologists, academics, teachers and other professionals working in the field http://www.dyslexia-adults.com/journal.html | |
50. Dyslexia Support Software Special educational software for people with dyslexia, spelling, reading and numeracy problems. http://www.spellwell.abelgratis.co.uk/ | |
51. Information And Training About Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshops and training for teachers, parents, and private therapists in Davis dyslexia Correction and Davis Learning Strategies programs. http://www.dyslexia.com/train.htm | |
52. What Is Dyslexia dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, dyslexia is a neurologicallybased, often familial, disorder which http://www.dys-add.com/define.html | |
53. Neuroscience For Kids - Dyslexia Definition, information, facts, and references about dyslexia. Includes brainscans illustrating how the brain has to work harder in people with dyslexia. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/dyslexia.html | |
54. Dyslexia Research Institute Woodland Hall Academy, Tallahassee, Florida organization providing diagnostictesting, academic and tutorial programs, advocacy and adult education. http://www.dyslexia-add.org/ | |
55. The Dyslexia Solution Presents Reading From Scratch Because brain scans have finally pinpointed the CAUSE of dyslexia, and if youremove the cause, Join our e-mail list for newsletters from dyslexia.org! http://www.dyslexia.org/index.shtml | |
56. Dyslexia Research Trust A charity established to support research into the nature and causes of developmentaldyslexia and to help children with visually impaired dyslexic problems http://www.dyslexic.org.uk/ | |
57. Dyslexia My Life > Dyslexia And Learning Information Site A personal experience of being dyslexic. Information on dyslexia and promotionof the book dyslexia my life . http://www.dyslexiamylife.org/ | |
58. Dyslexia Association (Hong Kong) The Association was established in September 1995 and its two main aims are to increase awareness of specific learning difficulties and provide support to those affected by them. http://www.dyslexia.org.hk/ | |
59. UK Mirror Service: HENSA Unix Request www.hensa.ac.uk/dyslexia/www/archive.html More results from www.hensa.ac.uk SofDesign dyslexia TrainingSpecial programs for dyslexics and information regarding dyslexia. http://www.hensa.ac.uk/dyslexia.html | |
60. Dyslexia Wales: Welcome To Dyslexia Wales Details of a course which helps solve learning problems encountered by dyslexics. Contact information. http://www.dyslexiawales.com/ | |
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