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         Drug Enforcement:     more books (100)
  1. CG leases Navy ships, fights drug war: law enforcement teams utilize unique type of boarding. : An article from: Coast Guard Magazine by Brian Leshak, 2006-02-01
  2. Protection against Habit-Forming Drugs: A Survey of Law Enforcement and Other Activities of the United States Treasury Department in Dealing with the Narcotics Problem. May 1940. by United States. Department of the Treasury., 1940
  3. Measuring the deterrent effect of enforcement operations on drug smuggling, 1991-1999
  4. Federal officials laud Oregon's drug courts.(Crime)(Law enforcement: The U.S. drug czar views efforts against methamphetamine.): An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR)
  5. Without A Badge: Undercover in the World's Deadliest Criminal Organization by Jerry Speziale, 2003-05-01
  6. Get it straight : the facts about drugs (SuDoc J 24.2:D 84/21) by U.S. Dept of Justice, 1996
  7. Illegal Drug Use in the United Kingdom: Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement
  8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND PUBLIC HEALTH LAW: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior</i> by LORRAINE GREEN MAZEROLLE, 2001
  9. DOGS IN DRUG DETECTION: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior</i> by CARL A. NEWCOMBE, 2001
  10. Community Drug Resistance: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior</i> by ROBERT C. DAVIS, ARTHUR J. LURIGIO, et all 2001
  11. Policing Places With Drug Problems (Drugs, Health, and Social Policy) by Lorraine A. Green, 1995-12-26
  12. Hunting Marco Polo: The Pursuit of the Drug Smuggler Who Couldn't Be Caught by the Agent Who Wouldn't Quit by Paul Eddy, Sara Walden, 1991-05
  13. Dead on Delivery: Inside the Drug Wars, Straight from the Street by Robert M. Stutman, Richard Esposito, 1992-06
  14. Drug diversion investigations by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, ... Congress, second session, August 6, 1998 by United States, 2000

121. Untitled Document
Organization dedicated in assisting law enforcement with tips by putting up a cash reward at every level; drug kingpin, street corner dealer, drug production facilities, and drug shipments.

122. Pharmaceutical Diversion Education
Services in the area of education on prescription drug abuse. Awareness education for health professionals, law enforcement, and regulatory officials. Talks include diversion in the health facility, rx abuse in the workplace, and prevention tips for health professionals who encounter the prescription drug seeker. (Miamitown, Ohio)
Show Me More Information Ignore This Warning RxDiversion Pharmaceutical Diversion Education About Commander Burke The Scope of the Rx Abuse Problem Health Care Professionals ... Drug Diversion Control in Health Facilities Welcome to! Pharmaceutical Diversion Education is designed to assist a wide range of the population in understanding the potential abuse and addiction that can be associated with prescription medication. Year after year, Drug Enforcement Administration statistics indicate that pharmaceuticals are almost 30% of the overall drug problem in the United States, running a close second only to cocaine abuse. However, until recently, law enforcement, health care professionals, and the general public have placed little emphasis on this huge problem. The illegal diversion of prescription drugs occurs in a variety of ways, by all segments of our population, in all neighborhoods, and in all workplaces. Its abuse is often overlooked by the thinking that if a doctor prescribes the drug, and a pharmacist dispenses the medication, it can’t be abused. Understanding that the top prescription drugs of abuse are every bit as addictive, abused, and valuable as illicit drugs, is sometimes difficult to comprehend. Pharmaceutical Diversion Education (PDE) can offer extensive education in the area of prescription drug abuse. PDE offers training for health care professionals and their staff, law enforcement, and anyone responsible for reducing the incidents of drug abuse in the workplace. Private consulting work is also available in these same areas. PDE not only offers education on the problems of prescription drug abuse, but can help you identify the problems, and formulate prevention programs.

Illicit drugs, prescription and overthe-counter medications, and inhaled substances - their impact on impaired driving - and the drug recognition expert training program for law enforcement.

124. LEAP: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition - Homepage
Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.
Current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition.
Anyone can join us as a "Friend of LEAP"
"Dedicated to our brother, Constable Gil Puder , a good cop and a fearless fighter for sensible drug policy."
LEAP Mission Statement
Get The Myths

War On Drug Clock Get The Facts
truth: the Anti-Drugwar
HOME About LEAP Audio/Video ... Who We Are

125. U.S. FDA / Center For Food Safety And Applied Nutrition
Run by the Food and drug Administration. Program areas covering production and hazards, biotechnology, food additives, cosmetics, pesticides, dietary supplements, foodborne illnesses, labeling, import and export, and inspection and enforcement. Page Lists history of the facility and meeting times.

FDA Home Page
Search Help
Prior Notice
... Food Facility Registration Overview Overview and History
FDA and the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition CFSAN Activities Other FDA Internet Sites Other regulatory agencies
with responsibilities for foods FDA Documents FDA Dockets Guidance Documents FOIA Requests Laws Enforced by FDA ... Videos on the Web Interacting with CFSAN Comment on Proposed Regulations E-Mail and Phone Numbers Public Meetings / Advisory Committees Report Problems to FDA ... Toll Free Information Line
Recent News

126. Network Environmental Systems, Inc. - A Professional Environmental Heath And Saf
Training in hazardous waste, bioaerosols, and clandestine drug laboratory safety for law enforcement. Course information and schedule.
Our Business Is Protecting Your Business What's New: Law Enforcement Clan Lab Resources
2005 NES Brochure

2005 CSA Brochure

CSA Newsletter
On-line Clan Lab Recertifier

Network Environmental Systems, Inc. ( NES ) is a nationally recognized leader in health, safety and environmental consulting and training . We provide industrial hygiene consulting services involving indoor air quality, water damage and mold, asbestos, occupational exposure to known or potential hazards, OSHA compliance and other occupational safety and health concerns. We deliver environmental compliance expertise on issues including water quality, and air and waste management. NES offers training on a broad range of environmental health and safety issues, and trains thousands of law enforcement personnel to respond to clandestine drug laboratory sites safely and effectively. Our focus is on helping business and government agencies protect employees and the environment in a way that makes business sense.

127. Home
Proactively problem solving illicit drug trafficking within the DuPage County, so as to achieve maximum operational effectiveness.
Warning to Club Drug Users

Warning to Parents About Club Drugs

MDMA Fast Facts

About Rave Clubs
... PowerPoint Rave Drug Presentation LINKS: DEA ( Drug Enforcement Administration) Drug Conversion/Pharmacists Awareness Bruce Talbot Drug Recognition
Our Mission DuPage County Metropolitan Enforcement Group (DUMEG) is a county-wide management approach linking local, county, and state police agencies to pro-actively combat illicit drug trafficking within the DuPage County. DUMEG is dedicated to serving our communities in such a manner as to bring credit upon DUMEG, the participating agencies, and the parent agencies of the assigned sworn officers. To demonstrate our commitment to these communities, and our policy board, we subscribe to the following values: DUMEG, as professional law enforcement officers, commit to the fair and impartial treatment of all individuals, placing the highest emphasis on respect for fundamental human rights. DUMEG is committed to maintain a welcoming environment of inclusion through which communication is open to all in facilitating solutions to problems of mutual concern. We therefore solicit and support input from all employees, partnership agencies, and policy board members.

128. NJ Drug Recognition Experts
Trains law enforcement agencies to recognize the side effects of various substances. Includes bylaws, news, and a message board.
Meeting schedule for 2005, dates are Feb.24, May 26, Sep. 29 and Dec. 29. All meeting will be held at 10:00am at the Middlesex Fire Academy in Sayreville. The Drug Recog nition Expert program and procedures were initially developed in the1970's by the Los Angeles Police Department. This procedure trains officers to use a standardized twelve-step evaluation process that allows the officer to determine whether the suspect is under the influence of drugs, and to determine the category of drug that is causing the observable impairment. The twelve-step procedure also allows the officer to rule in or out many medical conditions, such as illness or injury, which may be contributing to the subject's impairment. While the DRE procedure's main objective is driving under the influence (DUI) enforcement, the procedures have been applied in probation and parole, drugs in the workplace issues and other areas where accurately identifying the drug- impaired individual is relevant.

129. Welcome!
Coalition of law enforcement agencies, community organizations, and citizens organizing National Night Out, an annual crime and drug prevention event. Includes membership information, event registration, and photos.
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130. Norchem Drug Testing
Offers premium drug testing for a broad variety of law enforcement, social services, and employment organizations.

phone Toll Free: 800.348.4422, phone 928.526.1011, fax 928.526.1777
Mailing Address: PO Box 70,000, Flagstaff, AZ 86004-7000
Shipping Address: 1760 E. Route 66, Suite, 1 Flagstaff, AZ 86004

131. Northeast Counterdrug Training Center - Drug Law Enforcement Training
Providing free training, lodging and meals to drug law enforcement officers in the Northeast United States. Various 35 day courses available.
Privacy and Security Statement Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Privacy and Security Statement Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

132. Fern Gulch Canine Services
Provides certified drug detection dogs to schools, corporations, drug rehabs, law enforcement, and concerned parents throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
About Us Our Dogs Services Clients ... Home
Fern Gulch Canine Services provides certified drug detection dogs to law enforcement, school districts, and corporations. Confidential residential searches are also available. The dogs are trained to respond to the odors of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and their derivatives.
Web Design by Graphix Factory Inc.

133. Downey Police Department
Provides recruitment and wage information, Neighborhood Watch program and crime information, links to other law enforcement related agencies, and the D.A.R.E. (drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Includes information about the patrol, detective and administrative divisions of the force.
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134. Kansas City Star 07/20/2005 States’ Drug-enforcement Leaders
States’ drugenforcement leaders fear cuts in funding. By KEVIN MURPHY and LAURABAUER The Kansas City Star. Missouri and Kansas officials are trying to

135. :: MCPC ::
Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney's Office has served as the lead agency in representing every municipality in Macomb County to unite law enforcement, education and community leaders in a partnership to ensure safe, drug free environments for youth.

136. Justice & Youth Grant Programs Home Page
Information on state and federal grants offered to cities and towns, nonprofit agencies and state agencies for the purposes of law enforcement, crime prevention, youthoriented drug, gang and violence prevention.
Welcome to the Home Page! The Policy Development and Planning Division . These state and federal grants to nearly 250 grantees, which include cities and towns, non-profit agencies, and other state agencies, are for the purposes of law enforcement; crime prevention; youth-oriented drug, gang, and violence prevention; and improvement of criminal justice information systems in the state. Additionally, the Justice Planning and Grants Management Unit supports a wide range of state-level human service and criminal justice policy initiatives. The following is a comprehensive list of and topic areas. Each associated link gives a brief description of the program, the application process and the required reporting forms.

137. Drug And Explosive Detection Canine Training For Law Enforcement Officers.
drug and explosive detection, scent discrimination, and law enforcement dog training.
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138. Saluda Police Department
Meet the force, find out about drug and law enforcement, or check out the Kid's Corner.
Created by Hwynet 2002

139. Yolo County Sheriffs Aero Squadron Homepage
Volunteer squad provides aerial support for law enforcement, including surveillance, drug eradication, photography, and searchand-rescue.
Who are we? Welcome to the Website of the Yolo County Sheriff's Aero Squadron, which is part of Crime Prevention Inc., a nonprofit public purpose corporation. The purpose of this squadron is to cooperate with and assist the legally constituted Sheriff's Department of Yolo County, in the state of California. The Aero Squadron functions under the direction of the Sheriff of Yolo County. The Aero Squadron is composed of approximately 50 volunteer members who are interested in aviation and committed to assist in the cause of law enforcement in Yolo County. Our missions include drug interdiction/eradication, search and rescue, aerial surveillance, crime scene photography, general photography for law enforcement purposes, backup for ground units, assist with high speed pursuits, and generally any requests that come from ground officers. Financial support for the Squadron comes from its volunteer members as well as contributions we receive from members of the community who wish to support our continued efforts. For more information regarding financial contributions, please contact Wendy Lawson at

140. Maury County Association Of School Resource Officers, Inc.
Provides support, training and education for school resource, drug abuse resistance education (DARE) and other youth based law enforcement officers in and around the greater Maury County area in middle Tennessee.
To Contact Us: President
Deputy Jason Young
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1491
Columbia, Tennessee 38402 Phone:
(931) 380-5733 Ext. 206 M.C.A.S.R.O. (The Maury County Association of School Resource Officers) is a 501(c)(3) (Not for Profit) Organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and a Non-Profit Corporation chartered in the State of Tennessee. Our members are made up of youth based law enforcement officers, school administrators and Educators throughout the United States. The National Association of School Resource Officers, Inc. (NASRO) trains our members. Mission We provide guidance and support to the Law Enforcement Officers assigned to Public County Schools in and around the Greater Maury County Area. This support includes fiscal assistance, activities and program evaluation. We strive to obtain an excellence in law enforcement for each officer assigned as School Resource Officers, Drug Abuse Resistance Education Instructors and other Youth Based Law Enforcement Officers, so they may better serve the children of our communities. Vision "Working together for a safer learning environment in all Public Schools and institutions"

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