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41. National Association Of Independent Schools (NAIS) - Resources & Statistics - The school s formal drug education program, Freedom from Chemical Dependency The middle and upper school guidance counseling program promotes social and http://www.nais.org/resources/isprogram.cfm?ItemNumber=142862 |
42. ClayGate 371.4-.9 : Student Guidance & Welfare ; School Discipline ; Special Edu 371.4, European Council of International schools guidance Counseling Links 371.78409941, school drug education Program Links http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/371_4.htm | |
43. Education In Manchester - Guidance On Pupil Exclusions - Section 2 repeated possession/use of an illegal drug whilst on school premises In suchcircumstances, it may be necessary to contact the education Welfare Service http://www.manchester.gov.uk/education/exclusions/section02.htm | |
44. Select A Division School Board Superintendent Communications Alabama High school Graduation Exam General Information, guidance Services drug Abuse, Security, 221-4108. drug education, drug education, 221-7233 http://www.mcpss.com/websites/MCPSS/MCPSS/Default.asp?PN='Directory'&ShowNav='' |
45. Welcome To The Guidance Channel! The PRIDE survey, for instance, shows that school age youth use drugs most Parents Institute on drug education 20022003 Survey (www.pridesurveys.com) http://www.guidancechannel.com/default.aspx?M=a&index=1389&cat=7 |
46. CHHCS Grant Alert: Office Of Safe And Drug-Free Schools Â- School-Based Student US Department of education schoolBased Student drug-Testing Programs Provide one-on-one guidance about healthy eating and physical activity http://www.healthinschools.org/grants/ops365.asp | |
47. Social Studies School Service Middle Grades Guidance Catalog Social Studies school Service, August 7, 2005 Feelings and selfawareness;Career awareness; Character education; drug education; Family; Divorce http://catalog.socialstudies.com/c/@_dxlcD2lGpluc/Pages/midguidecat.html | |
48. Social Studies School Service Middle Grades Guidance Catalog Social Studies school Service, August 8, 2005 Feelings and selfawareness;Career awareness; Character education; drug education; Family; Divorce http://catalog.socialstudies.com/c/@vhZVvkzeBUdwU/Pages/midguidecat.html | |
49. HEALTH FOR ALL CHILDREN 4 GUIDANCE ON IMPLEMENTATION IN SCOTLAND 2005 guidance to support implementation in Scotland of Royal College of To achievethis, 99% of schools are now providing drug education for school pupils, http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2005/04/15161325/13312 |
50. Supporting Pupils: A Study Of Guidance And Pupil Support In Scottish Schools: Pa It describes how local authorities support schools to develop guidance provision . numerous school sessions on drug education, sex education and sessions http://www.scotland.gov.uk/library5/education/spgss-09.asp | |
51. Drug/Alcohol And Treatment Resources NFIA is a national drug education, prevention, and policy center founded in 1977 Community Leaders, College Presidents, High school guidance Counselors, http://www.metrokc.gov/health/atodp/links.htm | |
52. CASAT - Publications Journal of drug education, 19, 373384. Fisher, GL, Jenkins, SJ, Bancroft, MJ Kraft, Elementary school guidance and Counseling, 22, 291-298. http://casat.unr.edu/publications.html | |
53. US Department Of Education Guidance Materials This Department of education guidance explains the school and LEA January 2,2003 Safe and drug Free school Grant guidance 2/7/2003 PDF 184kb http://www.nsba.org/site/view.asp?TRACKID=&CID=1167&DID=31597 |
54. John L Romano, Educational Psychology (CEHD) Journal of drug education, 27, 245258. Romano, JL (1997). Stress and copingA qualitative Elementary school guidance and Counseling, 31, 273-282. http://education.umn.edu/EdPsych/Faculty/Romano.html | |
55. TeacherNet, Drugs In spring 2004, the DfES produced revised guidance to schools on drug education.The document provides guidance to schools on all issues related to drugs http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/behaviour/drugs/ | |
56. Www.love4life.us Sober homes for women recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction. education, quality housing, and moral and spiritual guidance enhance their reentry to society. Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. May not work for all browsers. http://www.love4life.us |
57. Wired For Health - National Healthy Schools Programme - Guidance The National Healthy school Standard guidance has been removed pending itsreplacement in the PSHE (including SRE and drugs education); Healthy eating http://www.wiredforhealth.gov.uk/cat.php?catid=970 |
58. Wired For Health - Drug Use And Misuse - Key Documents drug education Curriculum guidance for Schools, SCAA/DfEE, 1995. Available fromDfES Publications www.dfes.gov.uk Tel 0845 6022260 Fax 0845 6033360 http://www.wiredforhealth.gov.uk/cat.php?catid=895&docid=7301 |
59. Tackling Drugs : Drugs: Guidance For Schools drugs guidance for Schools (05/04/2004) Author DfES. Provides guidance on allmatters relating to drug education. Back to List http://www.drugs.gov.uk/ReportsandPublications/YoungPeople/1081175511 | |
60. HDA: Press Release: Guidance On Implementing Drug Ed In Healthy Schools guidance on implementing drug education in healthy schools. The National HealthySchool Standard (NHSS) has launched a new resource offering guidance on http://www.hda.nhs.uk/html/about/press/09072003.html | |
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