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Drug Education For Parents: more books (47) | ||
61. Info For Teachers And Parents on eHarold.net to assist teachers and parents work with children to help All Life education s drug education resources for primary and secondary http://www.eharold.net/home/info.html | |
62. Tackling Drugs : A Croydon Parents' Guide (Entry 98032407) To disseminate accurate and objective information about drugs to parents To understand the context within which drug education in schools is delivered. http://www.drugs.gov.uk/Campaign/Awards/98032407 | |
63. AEGiS-MMWR: Attitudes Of Parents Of High School Students About AIDS, Drug, And S To determine parents attitudes about AIDS, drug, and sex education and parents role For drug education, parents indicated that teachers (251 (42%)), http://www.aegis.com/pubs/mmwr/1992/MM4112-201.html | |
64. DARE Increases Drug Risk For a better alternative to DARE, see the drug education website www.safety1st.org A Colorado DARE officer got a student to turn in his own parents, http://www.fcda.org/dare.html | |
65. Talking With Kids: Resources The American Council for drug education is a substance abuse prevention andeducation agency that Cool parents, drugFree Kids A Family Survival Guide. http://www.talkingwithkids.org/local.html | |
66. Parents And Carers Parent and caregiver involvement is seen as pivotal to drug education because Information for parents on the National School drug education Strategy http://www.drugstrategy.central.sa.edu.au/19_parentinfo/ | |
67. Center For Alcohol And Other Drug Education - Office Of Parent Services - The Ge Click here to return to the Parent Services home page Throughout this year,the Center for Alcohol and other drug education (CADE) has continued to http://gwired.gwu.edu/parents/index.gw/Site_ID/23/Page_ID/1486 | |
68. News You Can Use : July 23rd, 2004 - College Parents Of America Photo College parents of America President, Jim Boyle President s Column Archives.American Council for drug education Plans Targeted Outreach Program for http://www.collegeparents.org/cpa/news-2004_07_23.html | |
69. US TX: Yet Another Test For Students Plano ISD will begin using a new drug education program for students. In SouthlakeCarroll, parents of all students in extracurricular activities must http://www.mapinc.org/newsssdp/v05/n1237/a14.html | |
70. Information For Parents The Bullying Online website provides help and advice for parents tackling The drug education Team provides information and training on Basic drug http://www.wiganmbc.gov.uk/pub/educ/parents_index.htm | |
71. Child Abuse Prevention, Child Abuse Education, Relationship Of Parental Alcohol Child abuse prevention, child abuse prevention education, state laws, What characteristics do parents with alcohol and other drug problems and parents http://www.childabuse.com/fs14.htm | |
72. The Daily Free Press Online In essence, American drug education has been effectively selling the idea of drug When parents sit down and honestly discuss the effects of drugs and http://www.dailyfreepress.com/news/2005/02/23/Opinion/Staff.Edit.Parents.Vital.I | |
73. DARE Welcome to the DARE UK Website Drugs Abuse Resistance education. and students,teachers, parents and other members of the community. http://www.dare.uk.com/ | |
74. NIH Press Release - New Action-Oriented Drug Education Materials Now Available T New ActionOriented drug education Materials Now Available to parents, Teachers,and Students. The National Institute on drug Abuse (NIDA), the National http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/oct96/nida-31.htm | |
75. Drug Education, Screening And Counseling Program drug education, Testing and Deterrence Program Consent Form Notification ofparents. Athletic Officials may notify the student athleteÂs parents or http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/athletics/POL09.00.2.php | |
76. Life Education Australia Life education Australia s mission of excellence in drug education understandingand positive interaction between parents and their children, http://www.life-educationaustralia.com.au/ | |
77. Flametree Provides support, advice and chat for working mothers. Includes advice on teens, caring for aging parents, sex education, drugs awareness and coping with stress. http://www.flametree.co.uk | |
78. Drug Abuse And Substance Abuse Information | Partnership For A Drugfree America Obtain pertinent drug Abuse and Substance Abuse Information for the PartnershipFor a drugfree Share experiences with other parents and caregivers. http://www.drugfree.org/ | |
79. BBC NEWS | Education | Parents 'not Advising On Drugs' Twofifths of parents are leaving their children s education on drugs to schools,a survey says. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4722205.stm | |
80. The Benevolent & Protective Order Of Elks Of The USA Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, drug education, Scholarships, Antlers drug educationQuiz Welcome to the drug Awareness Program s online resource center. http://www.elks.org/drugs/default.cfm | |
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