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61. Drug Rehab Education drug education is an important topic for children of all ages. Therefore funding from companies such as yours enable us to educate children by providing http://www.addictionca.com/education.htm | |
62. Drug Education And Awareness drug education Awareness If you want to know how to keep kids off drugs, purchase one of these great titles drug WARS WHO WILL CRY FOR THE children? http://www.crimeprevent.com/docs/drug_education.htm | |
63. SAN FRANCISCO / Church's Drug Program Flunks S.F. Test / Panel Of Experts Finds A free antidrug program that teaches children concepts from the Church of Today, Narconon drug rehabilitation centers and anti-drug education programs http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/10/02/BAGN292 |
64. Drugscope - Current Projects Background paper Review of drug education materials for children and Young This paper reviews available drug education resources for children and young http://www.drugscope.org.uk/about/project_hometemplate.asp?id=27 |
65. National School Drug Education Strategy drug education for school children should cover all drugs not just illicit drugs - and include substance misuse. States/Territories support a holistic http://www.dest.gov.au/archive/schools/publications/1999/strategy.htm | |
66. Narconon Drug Prevention And Education: An Effective Approach drug education and Prevention that is effective and gets results. drug education with children. Our study of student questionnaires has shown us in kids http://www.drug-prevention.org/narconon_presentations2.htm | |
67. Talking With Kids: Resources children Now uses research and mass communications to make the well being of The American Council for drug education is a substance abuse prevention and http://www.talkingwithkids.org/local.html | |
68. YES Resources: Drug Abuse Resistance Education This programme is designed to enable children and young people to avoid illegal drugs, A drug education programme in Te Reo Maori for Years 78. http://www.police.govt.nz/service/yes/resources/dare/ | |
69. Dare We Admit It? Drug War Is A Bust With Our Children. In short, we poorly educate all children and abandon the kids most in need of our help. We can turn around drug education by abandoning the just say no http://www.drugsense.org/kw/dare.htm | |
70. Tackling Drugs : Drug Education Forum The drug education Forum is based at The Mentor Foundation (UK). promotes the provision of effective drug education for all children and young people. http://www.drugs.gov.uk/Links/UKandNational/D-J/DrugEducationForum | |
71. Tips For Parents On Keeping Children Drug Free-- Pg 6 Familiarize yourself with drug education in your child s school. Depending on the drug education conditions at your child s school, you may want to http://www.ed.gov/parents/academic/involve/drugfree/tips_pg6.html | |
72. Reduce Drug Abuse And Use Among Youth And Young Adults Fact Support for the DARE (drug Abuse Resistance education)26 program must to Police do not teach children about sex education, hygiene or dental care, http://www.csdp.org/edcs/page10.htm | |
73. SYNDISTAR Inc. Educational Publishers This book introduces children to 10 imaginary creatures Nicotineadon, Amphetidon, Cannabisaur, drugosaurs! A drug education Activity Book http://www.syndistar.com/browse/drugs/drug_prevention/pbda113.html | |
74. Reaching Youth With Effective Drug Education - Freedom Magazine - Scientology In drug education program with a different approach is reaching thousands of Âeducation was thought by some to convey that children and adolescents are http://www.freedominla.org/issue06/page12.htm | |
75. How Can We Enable Children To Live A Drug-free Life? I Want My children To Grow Up drug Free, But Where Can I Get Help? Parents Resource Institute for drug education (PRIDE) 40 Hurt Plaza, Suite 210 http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content/drug_free.html | |
76. Studies Find Drug Program Not Effective The drug Abuse Resistance education logo DARE To Keep Kids Off drugs is on Then, researchers followed the children s behavior for several years. http://www.welcomehome.org/cohip/PAGES/DRUG_WAR/DARE/DARE-USA.HTM | |
77. ABLE - Association For Better Living And Education drug education to Save our children and Communities Narconon staff are intimately familiar with the horrors of drug addiction, for many were themselves http://www.able.org/narconon_education.html | |
78. Wrong Messenger For Drug Education - 4 August 1998 Wrong messenger for drug education. By Catherine Clark. Natick TAB So the parents of children in Y camps in suburban Boston should not assume this is http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Narconon/sources/media/tab040898.htm | |
79. What Can Parents Do To Help Their Children Be Drug Free The antidrug education that children are getting in school today only begins to counter the street-level education they can pick up from their peers and http://www.yic.gov/drugfree/whatparent.html | |
80. Drug Education < Resources < Health Promoting Schools | ACTivatED The drug education Project for School Communities in the ACT has been developed from Life education programs focus on providing children with a detailed http://activated.decs.act.gov.au/hps/resources/drugeducation.htm | |
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