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41. Center For Problem-Oriented Policing The Problem Analysis Triangle Situational crime prevention on problemorientedpolicing, crime mapping, drug markets, and crime prevention. http://www.popcenter.org/aboutCPOP.html | |
42. Links National Association of drug Court Professionals www.nadcp.org www.ncpc.org Offersinformation about crime prevention, community building and http://www.communityjustice.org/links.html | |
43. School Safety And Security, Crisis, And Gangs Hot Links crime prevention Coalition of America High Technology crime InvestigationAssociation IPRC Street drug Terms Database http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources/links.html | |
45. National Night Out: About Us a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;; Generate support for, http://www.nationaltownwatch.org/nno/about.html | |
46. Stop Drugs.org - Your Safety National Directory of drug Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment and prevention Programs National crime prevention Council; Less crime 28.8k Modem 56k Modem http://www10.org/cdrom/papers/489/AL1.html | |
47. Prevention Institute: A Public Health Approach To The Violence Epidemic In The U The percentage of inmates in prison for a drug crime rose from 9 percent in American Bar Association. The State of Criminal Justice An Annual Report. http://www.preventioninstitute.org/violence.html | |
48. OVC TTAC: Training And Technical Assistance Related Links www.nacvcb.org/. National Association of crime Victim Compensation Boards National Training and Technical Assistance Center for drug prevention and http://www.ovcttac.org/taResources/links.cfm | |
49. UN HABITAT:Safer Cities Links UNODCCP, UN Office for drug Control crime prevention International Associationof Police Chiefs http//www.theiacp.org/international http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/safercities/links.asp | |
50. Substance Abuse Resource List www.nfhs.org national federation of state high school association www.odccp.org - United Nations Office for drug Control and crime prevention - see http://www.fawco.org/global_concerns/substance_abuse/abuse_resources.html | |
51. Taking A Stand BC crime prevention Association www.bccpa.org. crimestoppers drug and AlcoholAbuse. Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse www.ccsa.ca http://www.takingastand.com/links.shtml | |
52. SF AIDS Fdn: Support Proposition 36: Substance Abuse And Crime Prevention Act California Association of Alcoholism and drug Abuse Counselors CaliforniaPsychiatric Association Californians for crime prevention http://www.sfaf.org/policy/prop36.html | |
53. YCWA | Links To Outside Resources www.crimeprevention-intl.org; International Police Association www.ipa-usa.org www.nvc.org; National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and drug Information http://www.ycwa.org/tips/links.htm | |
54. The Benefits And Costs Of Drug Use Prevention Model schoolbased drug use prevention programs can reduce lifetime cocaine the social costs of cocaine use in terms of health, crime, and other costs. http://www.rand.org/publications/RB/RB6007/ | |
55. National Inhalant Prevention Coalition courts, crime prevention, law enforcements, victims, juvenile and drug The National Association of State Alcohol drug Abuse Directors site http://www.inhalants.org/links.htm | |
56. Campus Crime Links International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators The HigherEducation Center for Alcohol and Other drug prevention http://www.securityoncampus.org/schools/links.html | |
57. Schoolviol.htm At the beginning, drug use and vandalism were the same. Law Enforcement Unitedin Calling for crimeprevention Investments in Kids http://www.fightcrime.org/reports/schoolviol.htm | |
58. MGSF - Parent's Page National crime prevention Council http//www.ncpc.org http//tagv.org Websiteprovides violence, gun, and drug prevention education to teens, parents, http://www.dps.state.mn.us/strikeforce/documents/contacts/links.htm | |
59. The Ad Council : American Diabetes Association (Org) Community drug prevention, crime prevention (Adults), Disease prevention The American Diabetes Association is the nation s premier voluntary health http://www.adcouncil.org/orgs/american_diabetes_association/ | |
60. PREVENTION - INTERVENTION - AWARENESS MATERIAL Please Contact A Association for Native American children of Alcoholics www.nanacoa.org on alcoholism drug Dependence www.ncadd.org; National crime prevention http://www.section6.wnyric.org/ChemAware/material.htm | |
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