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61. Changemakers.net Is A Web Guide To The Rapidly Growing Profession Cultivation without careful management will damage the soil, To Phiri thelink between quality of life and quality of soil and water is inextricable. http://www.changemakers.net/journal/00march/zaidman.cfm | |
62. Sahelian Farming soil and water management Techniques for Plant Resources Conservation in the Because of frequent droughts and land degradation, it is more and more http://www.agroecology.org/cases/sahelianfarming.htm | |
63. Landscape Design For Water Conservation In response to drought and limited water resources a number of new landscapingideas have evolved water Conservation in Landscape Design and management. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG027 | |
64. Coping With Drought In The Landscape Because of Florida s sandy soils, plants may experience drought stress after onlya few water management Practices During drought. General Practices http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG026 | |
65. Gray Watering -- Drought UGA CAES Longterm irrigation with high-sodium water can cause soil problems. Please contact drought@arches.uga.edu or Jennifer Cannon at (229) 386-3802 http://interests.caes.uga.edu/drought/articles/gwlands.htm | |
66. Soil And Water Management & Crop Nutrition: MTC - Other Scientific Meetings 2005 soil and water management Crop Nutrition soil System Sciences programmesection, SSS10 soil water erosion on rural areas. http://www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/d1/mtc/05-other.html | |
67. Landscape Drought Survival Sandy soil does not hold water long enough for the grass to take full advantageof the water New growth is less droughttolerant and less cold-tolerant, http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/waterres/drought/landspsurv.htm | |
68. IWMI Publications And Output - Research Report Series Valuing Nutrients in soil and water Concepts and Techniques with Examples This report analyzes the evolving watermanagement institutions and their http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/pubs/rrindex.htm | |
69. Drought Management Decisions - Fall In drought years and especially after multiple years of drought, water can becomea scarce drought management Decisions Fall - Current Document http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/ppe1088 | |
70. Dictionary Page CO.UK - Agriculture drought Policy Commission, National dryland farming Irradiation Irrigation Irrigation return flow Irrigation water management http://agriculture.f.dictonarypage.co.uk/ | |
71. Water Portal | Links Its mission mandate concerns food security and fight against droughts anddesertification results. soil and water management and Crop Nutrition http://www.unesco.org/water/water_links/Water_Issues/Water_and_society/Water_and | |
72. Drought Advisory For Vegetable Production When prolonged drought conditions occur, plan to conserve water and to manage Table 2. Relationship of Available waterHolding Capacity and soil Texture http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/disaster/drought/dro-13.html | |
73. Drought Management For Cotton Production Continue applying 0.75 to 1.0 inch of water at the first sign of drought stressbefore Tillage and Residue management. Many soils in the Southeast form http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/disaster/drought/dro-17.html | |
74. Jacobs, Faculty , The University Of Arizona Department Of Soil, Water And Enviro Associate Professor and Specialist, Department of soil, water and Environmental Jacobs, K. and R. Pulwarty, (2003), water Resource management Science, http://ag.arizona.edu/SWES/people/cv/jacobs.htm | |
75. Rice Water Management water Stress Effects, water management Systems, and Irrigation Requirements water requirement for soaking the land depends on the initial soil moisture http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/regionalSites/sriLanka/docs/doaTechSheets/Ri_w | |
76. CEGIS Application of Agro Ecological Zones Database in drought management soil serieswise NIR could be helpful for farmers for the management of irrigation http://www.cegisbd.com/projects/aezweb.htm | |
77. Guelph Water Management Group: Publications And Theses Guelph water management Group in the Geography Department at the drought planningand water allocation an assessment of local capacity in Minnesota. http://www.uoguelph.ca/gwmg/pubs.htm | |
78. Pakistan Water Gateway - Articles - Drought And Water Management Strategies drought and water management strategies The Dawn, By Dr Sardar Riaz A. Khan,4/11/2002. Pakistan is suffering from a severe drought for the last three years http://www.waterinfo.net.pk/artdwms.htm | |
79. ISWS - Illinois Drought Illinois EPA Division of Public water Supplies drought Report (August 4, 2005, soil Moisture Summary (biweekly, water and Atmospheric Resources http://www.sws.uiuc.edu/hilites/drought/ | |
80. Online Edition Of Sunday Observer - Business Treating sea water, diverting rivers and effective water management have been EM compost builds up water retention capacity in soil and keeps alive http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2001/10/07/fea13.html | |
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