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21. Drought Response - Agriculture Water Management Alternatives in a drought year if soil moisture levels are too low to produce any crop. In some cases, more water savings may be realized by management changes than http://extension.usu.edu/cooperative/publications/pdf2html2.cfm?file=/files/engr |
22. Drought Facts, Drought, Drought Mitigation, Drought Preparedness, Drought Impact 4. drought MITIGATION and mitigation can be accomplished with the followingpractices (1) soil and water conservation, and (2) herd management. http://threeissues.sdsu.edu/three_issues_droughtfacts04.html | |
23. Growing Canola soil water management Strategies. Canola crops on the Canadian prairies are reduces the drought tolerance of canola by reducing the amount of soil water http://www.canola-council.org/watermgmtstrat.aspx | |
24. Managing Turf Water -- Drought UGA CAES PROPER water management KEY TO TURFGRASS drought STRESS Turfgrass water userates depend on soil type, grass species and/or cultivar, management level http://interests.caes.uga.edu/drought/articles/turfwater.htm | |
25. Minimum Tillage For Soil And Water Management With Animal Traction In The West Rainfall is unreliable as drought situations are always reported from year to year For this reason, the soil water management techniques must go beyond http://www.fao.org/ag/ags/agse/3ero/namibia1/c18.htm | |
26. Drought Resistant Soils: Optimization Of Soil Moisture For Sustainable Plant Pro To minimize the impact of drought, soil needs to capture the rainwater that Adapted crop and soil water management aims to establish and maintain the http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/agll/soilmoisture/ | |
27. Colorado AES Projects 2005-2006 2) Determine the effect of water and soil management on the accumulation of In times of drought (as experienced in most western states over the past http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/AES/projs/612.html | |
28. Flower Management Before, During, And After The Drought How to care for flowers under drought conditions and watering restrictions. Proper soil preparation prior to planting will help conserve water. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Flowers/drought5.htm | |
29. Texas Water Foundation - Drought Information and the heroic efforts of soil and water conservationists working with local Many local utilities have also implemented their own drought management http://www.texaswater.org/water/drought/default.htm | |
30. Agriculture: Soil & Water The importance of soil and water management are well known to most people In the summer of 2001, the headlines were full of news of a drought from coast http://www.climatechangesolutions.com/agriculture/soilwater/default.shtml?o=soil |
31. IWMI Recent Research - Dealing With Drought Excess water is stored in the soil profile or contributes to groundwater More sustainable water management. Droughts can serve as a catalyst for http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/home/drought.htm | |
32. Drought To reduce above adverse effect, a good drought management plan is necessary. management strategies for conservation of soil moisture and water use http://ncb.intnet.mu/moa/areu/crppub/drought.html | |
33. Year-Round Drought Management Decisions soil moisture management Longterm water conservation and riparian In droughtyears and especially after prolonged drought, water can become a scarce http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/ppe1111 | |
34. The Health Of Our Water: Toward Sustainable Agriculture In Canada | Glossary Agricultural drought Type of drought that occurs when low soil moisture and scarce Demand management Managing the use of a resource, such as water, http://res2.agr.gc.ca/publications/hw/13_e.htm | |
35. Drought Library - State And Organization Publications Arkansas River Minimum Stream Flow Report by the soil and water EdwardsUnderground water District drought management Plan, draft, March 1988 http://www.drought.unl.edu/plan/statepubs.htm | |
36. Drought Strategies - BC Ministry Of Agricultuer And Lands Securing Livestock water During drought by PFRA (Agriculture and AgriFood soil - soil Erosion. Residual management for Erosion Control by North Dakota http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/drought/ | |
37. NYSDEC Drought Fact Sheet drought management Task Force uses those factors as well as water use, New York also uses the Palmer drought Index, a measure of soil moisture http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/droughtfacts.html | |
38. IALC on water conservation, drought mitigation, and watershed management In arid regions, prudent management of land, soil and water resources is vital http://ag.arizona.edu/OALS/IALC/news-releases/pr1.html | |
39. WSU Educators Outline Implications Of Drought Center at Prosser, has 20 years of experience in soil water management. Some growers may have to choose which crop they will water, if drought http://cahenews.wsu.edu/RELEASES/2005/05009.htm | |
40. Service Tasmania Online: Home > Environment, Land And Water > Rural Community Information on Australian Government drought assistance policy and programs Dept. of Primary Industries, water and Environment soil management http://www.service.tas.gov.au/Nav/TopicCommunity.asp?Topic=Environment, land and |
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