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41. Center For African Studies | University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Presents a sampling of the people of africa today teachers and students, as well as the cultures of several East african peoples (Samburu, dorobo, etc. http://www.afrst.uiuc.edu/Library/libvideos1.htm | |
42. Business & Human Rights: Indigenous Peoples 1997-2001 The Ogiek (sometimes referred to as dorobo ) are a Bulletin, in WOZA Eco SouthAfrica, Apr. Special Rapporteur on Rights of indigenous People (United Nations |
43. References In Contemporary nomadic and pastoral peoples africa and Latin America, ed A preliminary report on the ethnobotany of the Suiei dorobo in northern Kenya http://www.ifad.org/gender/thematic/livestock/live_ref.htm | |
44. African: Videotapes & Audiocassettes: Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley explores the collision of European and indigenous African cultures. African wildlife as well as East African peoples (Samburu, dorobo, etc. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanVid.html | |
45. SOAS: SOAS: Centre Of African Studies: Members: Anthropology indigenous medicine and medical anthropology; therapy and illness among the Age organisation in East africa; Maaspeaking peoples (Samburu, Maasai, http://www.soas.ac.uk/centres/centreinfo.cfm?navid=693 |
46. Cultural Survival The dorobo and Ogiek indigenous peoples have been ordered to leave their land byMarch 31. Sources and Further Reading The East African Standard 1/19/2004. |
47. The Xhosa Of South Africa from Central africa into the southern africa areas. The indigenous people they meton their migrations were the Khoisan (Bushmen and Hottentot) peoples. http://edncd.schoolnet.org.za/edn-jan03/Finding Information/CONTENT/THE XHOSA OF |
48. FTR/UN 2001 E/CN.4/Sub.2/2001/17 Prevention of discrimination and protection of indigenous peoples An indigenousrepresentative of South africa discussed the formation of a new http://www.hri.ca/fortherecord2001/documentation/commission/e-cn4-sub2-2001-17.h | |
49. = Environmental Action = The ideology also proposes the subordination of nonindigenous peoples within Pages 149-168 in Conservation in africa people, policies and practice. http://www.environmentalaction.net/aa_kenya_policy.htm | |
50. UK Buying Info: Books Buying Cheaper At Online Shops Offering Hot Deals, Lowest Textile design; History., Dollhouses., dorobo (African people); Portraits; Public Film / History Criticism, Art of indigenous peoples, Detectors., Europe http://www.books.buying-cheaper-in-uk.com/398.html | |
51. Yaaku - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Maasai look down upon huntergatherer peoples, calling them dorobo ( the ones Sommer, Gabriele (1992) A survey on language death in africa , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaaku_language | |
52. Cultural Survival The dorobo and Ogiek indigenous peoples have been ordered to leave their land byMarch 31. Source The East African Standard , January 19, 2004. http://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/news/news/news_article.cfm?id=23543 |
53. FPcN Friends Of Peoples Close To Nature 4 (3 women and 1 men) people were arrested referred to as Cherangany or dorobo) willfind to raise fundamental issues affecting the indigenous community since http://fpcn.nologic.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=&topic |
54. The Wangara, An Old Soninke Diaspora In West Africa? Translate this page Dioula, Nénéya, Kamaya, Koumala, dorobo, Donzo-Ouattara Local people were recruitedas warriors, and establishments which rose from indigenous village towards http://etudesafricaines.revues.org/document.html?id=175 |
55. The Wangara, An Old Soninke Diaspora In West Africa? between foreigners and indigenous people, and animists and Moslems in Zaghari, dorobo is an Abron name derived from Drobo in western Ghana; http://etudesafricaines.revues.org/document175.html | |
56. Ogiek At Mylinksarea.com OGIEK PEOPLE The Ogiek, an indigenous people living mainly in Banjul Charter onHuman and peoples Rights National Development Processes These dorobo ie Ogiek http://www.mylinksarea.com/Ogiek.html | |
57. Revue De Sommaires - Détail Des Articles D Une Revue Anthropological studies of the indigenous peoples in Sakhalin in prewartime The politics of being hunter-gatherers among the Akie-dorobo of Tanzania ; http://www.msh-reseau.prd.fr/RevuesSom/detailrevue.jsp?Drevue=Senrix032;ethnolog |
58. AnthroGlobe Bibliography: Foraging Peoples C-F From True dorobo to Mukogodo Maasai Contested Ethnicity in Kenya. Guardians ofthe Land indigenous peoples and the Health of the Earth. http://coombs.anu.edu.au/Biblio/biblio_forage2.html | |
59. Dorobo 1989 Aug 3 dorobo. Parkipuny, Moringe The Human Rights Situation of IndigenousPeoples in africa 2000 June 5 dorobo. africa News Online http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00143.html | |
60. Human Organization: From Nature Tourism To Ecotourism? The Case Of The Ngorongor In African Wildlife and Livelihoods The Promise and Performance of CommunityConservation. In Conservation and Mobile indigenous peoples Displacement, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3800/is_200504/ai_n13510216/pg_7 | |
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