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81. WildAid The World Conservation Union s Red List of threatened species They remainone of the most critically endangered species on the planet. http://www.wildaid.org/index.asp?CID=3&PID=352 |
82. Animals (Harpers.org) Nov 21, Maine s wild Atlantic salmon was placed on the endangered species list, Workers at the Miami Seaquarium made turtle stew from an endangered http://www.harpers.org/Animal.html | |
83. Dog-Eared Publications, Nature Books For Children - Fun, Educational Children's DogEared Publications creates action-packed nature and environmental books for The return of wolves is largely due to the 1973 endangered species Act. http://www.dog-eared.com/wild/wolves/wolves.html | |
84. Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board One Natural Resources 2004 endangered AND threatened species LIST. The Board revises the list of protected Viola conspersa Dog Violet. LICHENS. 1 threatened. threatened http://dnr.state.il.us/espb/datelist.htm | |
85. Animal Facts Cost of raising a mediumsize dog to the age of eleven $6400. About 20% ofall endangered and threatened species are harmed by grazing. http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Games/animal_facts.htm | |
86. CRS Report: 98-32 - Endangered Species List Revisions: A Summary Of Delisting An Twentytwo species have been downlisted from endangered to threatened status . In 1973, the FWS listed the Utah prairie dog as endangered under the ESA http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/Biodiversity/biodv-18b.cfm | |
87. Threatened Species - Eastern Barred Bandicoot The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is one of Victoria s most endangered mammals. Page Top threatened species Index Eastern Barred Bandicoot Action http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/dse/nrenpa.nsf/FID/-2A203D75272F4D714A256809000A7B43?O |
88. Leatherback Sea Turtle - Bagheera all eight species of sea turtles are now threatened or endangered. Can youthink of any other endangered species in a similar situation? http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_turtle.htm | |
89. Open Spaces Magazine - The Endangered Species Act: Thirty Years On The Ark By Je Those species found to be threatened or endangered are added to the list of Critical habitat designation has become the tail that wags the dog of http://open-spaces.com/article-v5n3-davison.php | |
90. Threatened And Endangered Species: Black-Footed Ferret Mustela Nigripes Factshee Dog towns provide habitat for other rare species such as mountain Adobe Acrobatdocument threatened and endangered species Blackfooted Ferret (28.5KB) http://www.mt.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/ferret.html | |
91. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; Establishm species listed as endangered or threatened are afforded protection primarily The range of the ferret coincides with that of three prairie dog species http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/2000/October/Day-13/e26349.htm | |
92. Digging Dog: Trilliums By Frederick W. Case, Jr. And Roberta B. Case Most trilliums offered today were collected in the wild. threatened andendangered species of all wildlife should be protected by law, http://www.diggingdog.com/pages2/bookpages.php/B-016 | |
93. IMPACT Press: Article: "Endangered Species" -- Dec.-Jan. '02 As of midNovember, 1274 species were listed as endangered or threatened under More than 200 species have been observed on or near prairie dog colonies. http://www.impactpress.com/articles/decjan02/endangered12102.html | |
94. Animal Info - Species Index A Animal Info Index by species Name (Common and Scientific Names) Ass,Abyssinian wild or African wild or Nubian wild or Somali wild Atele Arachnoide http://www.animalinfo.org/specaind.htm | |
95. Endangered Species Lindsay McKenna Limited works to protect endangered species. African wilddogs illustrate leadership and teamwork in action http://www.lindsaymckennalimited.com/aboutlmck/wildlife-endangered-species.html | |
96. Cinamour Entertainment: SAVING THE ENDANGERED SPECIES Dog Wars The Pit Bull Tragedy While man s best friend is not endangered, thiscutting endangered species Productions joins bison rescuer, Mike Meese, http://www.cinamour.com/endangered.html | |
97. Head Hawaii Case /head dogs have been trained to sniff out foreign species of plants, Under the 1973Endangered species Act (PL 93205), Hawaii has attempted to protect its http://www.american.edu/projects/mandala/TED/hawaii.htm | |
98. Turner Endangered Species Fund - An Introduction BlackTailed Prairie Dog California Condor Chiricahua Leopard Frog The TurnerEndangered species Fund protects imperiled species and habitats on over http://tesf.org/tesf/map/ | |
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