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61. 30th Meeting Of The Ramsar Standing Committee
A significant area of work for the africa Team has involved working with countries, Since COP8, three countries have acceded to the Convention djbouti,
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 30th Meeting of the Ramsar Standing Committee Agenda paper SC30-2 th Meeting of the Ramsar Standing Committee
Gland, Switzerland, 13-16 January 2004 Agenda item 4 DOC. SC30-2 Report of the Secretary General Actions requested: The Standing Committee is requested to review the report of the Secretary General on the progress of the Convention since the 29th meeting of the Committee, and to advise the Secretariat as appropriate. Introductory remarks
1. Since taking office on August 1, my priority has been to examine the basic operations of the Secretariat, including the budget allocation and expenditures. Clearly much work was already in the pipeline, and I have simply watched the processes unfold, while trying to restrain the number of missions paid for from Core funds. As for this present Standing Committee meeting, I have simply allowed previous processes to be followed in terms of the arrangements and preparation of papers, etc. 2. The process of securing COP9 agreements with Uganda have been also a priority, with the MoU being signed in late October. Discussions on COP9 will be held in the framework of the COP9 Subgroup, preceding Standing Committee.

62. > Comment Appelle T-on Un Etat Qui Ne Respect Rien?
Translate this page After the collapse of Berlin wall, they cried France abandoned africa! NO!I said louldly! pourtant djbouti est un el dorado , un pays d atraction ,
Help Search Member List Calendar Full Version: Comment Appelle T-on Un Etat Qui Ne Respect Rien? Forums Société et Culture Dona del fuego Thursday 21 July 2005, 13:34 Bonjour,
Comment se fait il qu on ne parle quasi pas de la honte dont s est couvert notre cher pays?
N oublions pas que le silence est approbateur....c est vraiment scandaleux.
C est dure a admettre mais notre pays est un etat voyou incapable de respecter ses propres ENGAGEMENTS.
Nabad galyo. doudou Thursday 21 July 2005, 13:39
Ely Thursday 21 July 2005, 15:00 Bonjour,
Comment se fait il qu on ne parle quasi pas de la honte dont s est couvert notre cher pays?
Personnellement, je ne suis pas silencieux, je suis choque et, franchement, je ne sais pas comment y reagir.
Pour respecter un droit, ne serait-ce, la convention enternationale sur le droit des refugiers, et les regles elementaires de l'asile ainsi que le droit somali et le "Xeer Cissa" qui cheris le scro-saint du droit d'asile et de protection, il faut etre competent et eclaire. IOG et sons system ne sont ni l'un ni l'autre. Ils sont la facade d'une dicture abject et inhumaine. En plus, IOG est un leche bote de Meles qui prefere sacrifier la dignite hunmaine et l'honeur du pays afin que son comparse MELES PUISSE LUI RENDRE LA PAREIL quand il faut.
Ce que tout le monde oublie ce que dans le club sanguinaire des dictateurs de la corne, on se rend service. Tu me rend les miens et je donne les tiens. Sauf que cette fois-ci, IOG s'est foure le doight la ou il le faut. Il est dans la mire des organismes internationaux et est devenu la honte et paria de la palnete. Fugure toi que meme le petit jopurnal de mon quartier qui a du mal situer le continent africain sur le map de la terre a parle "...Of a tiny republic of Djibouti..." returnant des demandeurs d'asile a leur boureau.

63. USAID Telling Our Story: Sub-Saharan Africa
List of USAID Stories from the the SubSaharan africa region. djbouti.Photo Caption. Rural Djibouti Enters Cyberspace - 08/05; Video Encourages

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64. Security Council Roundup 2001 - Global Policy Forum - UN Security
The Council sent missions to West africa and the Great Lakes region, with amultifaction peace conference in Arta, djbouti, in the middle of 2000,
about GPF What's New Newsletter Sitemap ... *Opinion Forum
Key Elements of the Security Council's Work
for 2001 Includes Afghanistan, Terrorism, Africa,
and the Continuing Middle East Violence
UN Documents (SC/7266)
January, 2002
Security Council - 2001 Round-Up Adopts Comprehensive Anti-Terrorism Strategy; Sends West Africa, Great Lakes Missions; Monitors Kosovo, East Timor Progress In the shadow of the 11 September attacks on the United States, terrorism and the question of Afghanistan loomed over the Security Council's agenda in 2001. Throughout the year, however, the Council also focused on a global range of unstable situations, notably the long-term conflicts in Africa and the continuing violence in the Middle East. In addition, the significant progress in Kosovo and East Timor was closely monitored. The Council once again demonstrated its interest in holding open debates on issues that have an impact on global peace and security. This year, the discussions addressed: civilians in armed conflict; women, peace and security; small arms and light weapons; conflict prevention; and HIV/AIDS. On the day after the terrorist attacks, members broke tradition by standing in unison to adopt a resolution condemning them, expressing sympathy with families of the victims and the host country. Council members also expressed their readiness to combat all forms of terrorism in accordance with Charter responsibilities.

Money talks in africa, certainly Meles has plenty of it to do what ever he wants . djbouti is gambling with our pilots thier faiths are still in the hand
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66. CHOOMTI TRAVELLERS ~ Other Indian Ologies Page
Indian culture Indian Politics Other Indian Ologies infected areall African countries (except Algeria, Botswana, djbouti, Egypt, Eritrea,
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67. Davids Medienkritik: That's Not Fair! / Das Ist Nicht Fair!
After all, President Rau in africa repeated the mantra of Germany s appeasement djbouti is a hellhole, A LOT is going on there that we don t hear about.
Davids Medienkritik
That's Not Fair! / Das ist nicht fair!
(Deutsche Version am Ende des Beitrags That's simply not fair! Germany doesn't deserve this: German president warned of assassination plot German President Johannes Rau has cancelled a stopover in Djibouti on the last phase of his east African tour after German security services warned him of an alleged assassination plot by Islamists. Instead, he's flying back to Germany, direct from Tanzania. Rau's office said German intelligence agencies had a tipoff that terrorists had wanted to target Rau as a representative of a Western nation. Germany is no threat to terrorism! After all, President Rau in Africa repeated the mantra of Germany's appeasement policy: In Tanzania on Tuesday, Rau had said terrorism could only be tackled effectively by combating root causes such as poverty and inequity via policies of development. "...only be tackled effectively by combating root causes..." - the German government isn't even able to tackle the root causes of economic misery in Germany , much less poverty and inequity in Africa and the rest of the world. And if Germany and all the do-gooders of this world in fact would succeed by some magic formula to get rid of poverty and inequity everywhere, how would that keep Al Qaeda from suicide-bombing infidels? After all, suicide bombers are promised

68. Order Book Part 1
Questions to the Secretary of State for culture, Media and Sport communities toreturn home to djbouti; and what assessment he has made of the project.
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The Questions Book
Part 1: Written Questions for Answer on
Wednesday 21 April 2004
Indicates a Question for Oral Answer.
Indicates a Question not included in the random selection process but accepted because the quota for that day had not been filled.
[N] Indicates a Question for Written Answer on a named day, i.e. the Member has indicated under S.O. No. 22(4) the day on which he wishes the Question to be answered. [R] Indicates that a relevant interest has been declared. Questions for Oral or Written Answer beginning on Wednesday 21 April 2004 (the 'Questions Book') Part 1: Written Questions for Answer on Wednesday 21 April 2004 This paper contains only Written Questions for answer on Wednesday 21 April of which previous notice has been given in the Notices of Questions paper. They are arranged in alphabetical order of answering Department. For other Written Questions for answer on Wednesday 21 April of which no previous notice has been given, see the Order Paper.

69. Order Book Part 1
Mr Adrian Sanders (Torbay) To ask the Secretary of State for culture, (g) the Democratic People s Republic of Korea, (h) djbouti, (i) Dominica and (j)
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The Order Book
Part 1: Written Questions for Answer on Thursday 30 July 1998 Here you can browse the Written Questions for answer on Thursday 30 July of which previous notice has been given in the Notices of Questions paper. They are arranged in alphabetical order of answering Department. For other Written Questions for answer on Thursday 30 July, of which no previous notice has been given, see the Order of Business. For Written and Oral Questions for answer from Friday 31 July, see Part 2 of this Paper Notes:
Indicates a Question for Oral Answer.
Indicates a Question not included in the random selection process but accepted because the quota for that day had not been filled.

[N] Indicates a Question for Written Answer on a named day, i.e. the Member has indicated under S.O. No. 22(4) the day on which he wishes the Question to be answered. [R] Indicates that a relevant interest has been declared.

70. Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili
Translate this page Le MGF sono praticate soprattutto in africa e in alcuni paesi del Medio Oriente In alcune culture si pensa che i genitali possano continuare a crescere
Cerca in in CHI SIAMO SOSTIENICI APPELLI CAMPAGNE ... SHOPPING Amnesty -> Home Educazione Formazione Mainstreaming ... Workshop Kit: Bambini -> Mutilazioni Educazione
Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili Il fenomeno Cosa sono le Mutilazione Genitali. La pratica Hannah Koroma, Coordinamento Donne della sezione ghanese di Amnesty International Le conseguenze psicologiche Gli effetti psicologici delle mutilazioni sono più difficili da studiare di quelli fisici. Le testimonianze raccolte parlano di ansia, terrore, senso di umiliazione e di tradimento, che possono avere effetti a lungo termine. Alcuni esperti suggeriscono che lo shock e il trauma della operazione possono contribuire a rendere le donne "più calme" e "docili", qualità molte apprezzate nelle società che praticano le mutilazioni genitali. Le motivazioni della pratica I motivi che portano a praticare le mutilazioni sessuali possono suddividersi in cinque gruppi. Identità culturale Identità sessuale : la mutilazione viene ritenuta necessaria perché una ragazza diventi una donna completa. La rimozione della clitoride e delle piccole labbra - "parte maschile" del corpo della donna - sono indispensabili per esaltare la femminilità, spesso sinonimo di docilità ed obbedienza.

71. Khaleej Times - Online
Panama, Congo, Algeria, Central africa, Egypt, djbouti, Kuwait, Bennin. We intend to start a sociocultural association in Abu Dhabi for the Indian
KT INSTAVOTE Is the Arab world soft on the Palestinian cause?
Yes No Can't say THE U.A.E.



24 Carat
Dhs. 35.25
22 Carat
Dhs. 33.00
My E-mail is: Subscribe Unsubscribe 29 September 2002. 22 Rajab, 1423. In This Section Zayed receives letter from Qatar Amir DSS has revitalised business: Mohammed Mohammed pays surprise visits to DNRD, DTCM offices First phase of Jenin project nears completion Shaikh Abdullah arrives in Damascus Israelis killed over 3,000 Palestinians in two years Three arrested for burglary Walkathons to focus on healthier heart Need for proper lifestyle to check cardiac diseases Seminar on current strategies 70 countries may take part in Quran contest Work begins on Dubai airport access roads MSF slams silence over Afghan 'war excesses' Dubai introduces virtual policing with difference LEGAL VIEW Indian expatriate is author at 24 Pak expats to have free mail delivery service Opera stars to stage Dubai show in Feb. DSF delegation in Lebanon for festival promotions Workshop on food pollutants Varsity library getting bigger Dubai set to receive over four million tourists Dubai attractive destination for French visitors Emirates' economy class voted the best Shaikh Mohammed to launch e-TQM college Deadline for Rashid award entries Zayed receives letter from Qatar Amir THE President, His Highness Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, has received a letter from the Amir of Qatar, His Highness Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, dealing with relations between the countries. The letter was delivered to Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Shaikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan by Qatari Ambassador to the UAE Abdullah Al Uthman.

72. Paradox Interactive Forums - The Official History Of The British Empire, 1835-19
efforts over much more diverse cultural, industrial and New Guinea, the Bonin Islands,djbouti and others Canada, Australia, the Pacific and africa was scarcely

73. USM Modular Furniture | E-mail
Please select, Design development - culture - art Cyprus, Czech Republic,Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire), Denmark, djbouti, Dominica

The force, which is supposed to have 3500 troops from South africa, into powerafter thousands of Somalis met in the djbouti resort of Arta in 2000.
PEACE NEGOTIATIONS WATCH Monday, July 7, 2003 (Volume II, Number 26) Contents: Armenia/Azerbaijan Trubnikov, Blanchemaison discuss Karabakh, Dniester issues French ambassador, Russian foreign minister exchange views. Burundi Burundian rebel group shells African Union peacekeepers Attack in retaliation for aid to Burundian army in earlier clash. Burundian rebel group sends its first fighters to cantonment camp Groups following guidelines of cease-fire agreement in some respects. Chechnya Over 1,000 separatist rebels still active in Chechnya general 1200 separatists from 75 groups have not accepted amnesty offer. Acting Chechen president says all refugees from wartorn province will return home by September Refugee return to precede elections on October 5. Suspected Chechen suicide bombers kill at least 16 at Moscow rock festival Bombing follows official declaration of date for presidential elections. Congo ROUNDUP: Congo welcomes Kabila's move to name power-sharing cabinet Presidential decree named 36 ministers in new cabinet. DR Congo rebels arrive in Kinshasa to take up transition govt posts Government will lead country until democratic elections in 2 years.

75. HILARY MAGAZINE - The Horror Of FGM - Food For Thought
A crosscultural and cross-religion tradition that provides the young female djbouti, Ghana, the Ivory Coast and Nigeria have outlawed the practice of
The Horror of FGM. I recently travelled to Africa for three weeks. During my stay I became quite friendly with some of the local girls my age... North America's Most Popular Online Women's Magazine Since 1995 COVER FASHION FEATURE TRAVEL ... CONTACT
The Horror of F.G.M.
120 million: The estimated number of women and
young girls around the world who have undergone
some form of female genital mutilation.

- Time magazine, April 1999 By Emma Fauset I recently traveled to Africa for three weeks. During my stay I became quite friendly with some of the local girls my age. In confidence after a few drinks one night, two of them explained to me the ancient ritual, which they had endured - Female Genital Mutilation. I was so taken back by this horrible ritual which was preformed on their bodies that I did some of my own research on it when I returned home to Canada, and to my surprise FGM occurs worldwide (even in the USA and Canada). "The elimination of clitoral sexuality
is a necessary precondition for the
development of femininity"

- Freud FGM, three letters with a deadly meaning. A cross-cultural and cross-religion tradition that provides the young female victims with family honor, protection against spells, cleanliness and insured virginity. Female Genital Mutilation once was thought to be only preformed in remote villages of foreign countries around the world, but modern statistics have proven otherwise. FGM is preformed by Muslims, Coptic Christians, Indigenous groups, Protestants, Catholics and at this very moment there is an estimated 8-10 million females at risk in the Middle East and Africa, and about 10 thousand in the United States.

76. BBC News | AFRICAN | Somalia: Should Foreign Countries Broker Peace?
If President Guelle and the people of djbouti stood up for the pay back and If any outsider gets involved it should be the African nations that have
low graphics version feedback help You are in: Talking Point: Debates: African Front Page ... AudioVideo Tuesday, 25 April, 2000, 11:38 GMT 12:38 UK Somalia: Should foreign countries broker peace?
Since the fall of the former dictator Siad Barre in 1991 Somalia has been riven by ethnic conflict between competing clans. Some regions of the country have split away and declared autonomy with greater or lesser degrees of international recognition. The Djibouti government is in the process of organising its third attempt to broker peace in Somalia but several factions and self-declared autonomous regions are refusing to attend. Should Djibouti bother to try to bring peace to Somalia? Should Somalis be left to sort out their own problems? Is interference by foreign countries in the internal conflict of another nation ever justified? Or does the international community have a moral duty to try to bring peace? A selection of your emails will be broadcast on Focus on Africa during the 1705 edition on Saturday. Certainly, the involvement of Djibouti to bring peace to Somalia is a laudable one. That said personally, I do not subscribe to the International countries brokering peace in Somalia as antecedents would show. The last time the world (USA) tried to enforce peace in that war-torn country their sons were senselessly killed by the various warlords/factions. Hence, let foreign countries give Somalia and its warlords a wide berth for once bitten twice shy. It is an internal matter and it should be so solved.

77. Djibouti Conference Final General Report - No Peace Without Justice
Although the practice of FGM is deeply rooted in the culture of the country Ms Linda Osarenren, InterAfrican Committee - Dr Emad Mamoun Abdeen, Sudan

78. Ethiopia
ADB AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PO Box 5794 Tel 6113-78 Fax 61-11-66 COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA - djbouti BRANCH PO Box 187 Tel 35-21-02
    P.O. Box: 5794
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    P.O. Box: 5515
    Tel: 51-42-00
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    P.O. Box: 5515
    Tel: 51-42-00 Fax: 51-14-41 NATIONAL BANK OF ETHIOPIA P.O. Box: 5550 Tel: 51-74-30 Fax: 51-54-88 FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEPT. P.O. Box: 5550 Tel: 51-88-00 Fax: 51-45-88 ADDIS TRADE CREDIT ENTERPRISE PLC P.O. Box: 24687 Tel: 55-03-05 Fax: 55-11-55 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK P.O. Box: 5794 Tel: 61-13-78 Fax: 61-11-66 P.O. Box: 1900 Tel: 51-11-88 Fax: 51-16-06 P.O. Box: 3480 Tel: 51-23-00 Fax:
    Regional Branches
    ASSELA P.O. Box: 187 Tel: 31-13-15 Fax: AWASSA P.O. Box: 27 Tel: 20-01-43 Fax: BAHIR DAR P.O. Box: 285 Tel: 20-03-85 Fax: DESSIE P.O. Box: 92 Tel: 11-23-74 Fax: DIRE DAWA P.O. Box: 385

79. Violence Against Women
ADDRESSING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN SOUTH africa REFLECTIONS ON STRATEGY AND Our board of trustees and staff are multicultural with a rich diversity of Last updated September 12, 2005 Contents: Websites dealing with Violence Against Women Links to Other Voices Speaking Out on Violence Against Women (particularly media's role) News and Information SUDAN : GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE PREVALENT IN DARFUR, SAYS UN REPORT The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign FEMALE GENITAL CUTTING AMONG THE SOMALI OF KENYA AND MANAGEMENT OF ITS COMPLICATIONS Nigeria : Violence Against Women Must Stop ADDRESSING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA : REFLECTIONS ON STRATEGY AND PRACTICE DJIBOUTI : WOMEN FIGHT MUTILATION UGANDA : Rape rampant in largest northern IDP camp MALI : Excision and early marriage violate girls' human rights Stopping the Silence about Intimate Violence: Laying a Foundation for Peace Lifetime Television' Annual Event: Stop Violence Against Women Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Legislation Not Unfamiliar
Images of sexual abuse and humiliation in Abu Ghraib. The Marginalization of Feminist Perspectives in the Media and Public Discourse: As Illustrated by Media Coverage of the Femicides in Ciudad Juarez. Normalizing Function of the Mass Media: Cosmetic Foot Surgery
to WIFP home page Websites dealing with Violence Against Women Grrl Survivors for survivors of sexual violence Grrl Survivors is a sister site with the survivor activist Grrl Activistas. It aims to provide supportive information to male and female survivors of rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse.

80. Biotechnology Products And Services On GlobalSpec
Paul, MN Acambis Inc. Cambridge, MA American Peptide Co., Inc. Sunnyvale, CA AmericanType culture Collection Manassas, VA AnaGen Technologies, Inc.

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