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81. Athens 2004 Olympic Sport Pins pad Athens 2004 olympic Sport Pins These official olympic pins of the 2004 Athens Athens 2004 diving olympic Pin. pad, Athens 2004 diving olympic Pin http://www.pindemonium.com/atolsppi.html | |
82. Aquatics (Olympic Sport Since 1896) Aquatics (olympic sport since 1896) and finally, to ensure the direction ofolympic Games competitions for swimming, diving and water polo. http://en.beijing-2008.org/19/87/article211618719.shtml |
83. United States Olympic Committee - Chelsea Davis On Her Sport Of Diving Chelsea Davis on her sport of diving. By Angela Pinder // USOC Media Services She also has her sights set on making the team for the 2008 olympic Games. http://www.olympic-usa.org/11803_32114.htm | |
84. Olympic Divnig Tickets - Athens Summer Games - 2004 Olympics Schedule The diving competition will take place at the olympic Aquatic Centre. The categories for 2004 olympic diving include Men s and Women s individual events http://www.tickco.com/athens2004/diving.htm | |
85. Athens Olympics :: Athens Olympic Aquatics Events And Results The first team sport at the modern olympics, water polo was introduced in 1900 . Related olympic diving Sites. Athens News Agency diving http://www.livingroom.org.au/olympics/archives/athens_olympic_aquatics_events_an | |
86. AEGiS-LT Olympic Diver Louganis Reveals That He Has AIDS; Sports Greg Louganis, considered the greatest competitive diver ever after becoming theonly man to win gold medals in platform and springboard events at http://www.aegis.com/news/lt/1995/lt950206.html | |
87. Chinese Diving Olympic Line-up Undecided Until July the final lineup of the Chinese diving team for this summer s Athens olympicGames. olympic and world champion Tian Liang and double world titlist Guo http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-06/10/content_338336.htm |
88. Rutgers Athletics Olympic Hall Of Fame Class Of 1998 SWIMMING diving WRESTLING Select a Sport, Fall -, Football,Soccer (M), Soccer (W), Field Hockey, Cross Country, Volleyball (W), Golf http://www.scarletknights.com/history/hof_98.htm | |
89. ECB Surf Report: Sports This month s Surf Report focuses on olympic and other sports sites. DivingHuman Contact with the Underwater World is a studentcreated site that http://www.ecb.org/surf/sports.htm | |
90. Armenian Olympic Athletes Armenian olympic Medalists, competitors, and famous athletes from around the world . armenian olympic + sports page. armenia sports, about cilicia http://www.cilicia.com/armo11.html | |
91. The Lantern Online Richeson said the program will help him prepare for the olympics in more ways There s not as much pressure on me to dive well at the (olympic) trials, http://www.thelantern.com/news/2005/08/11/Sports/Diver.To.Make.Splash.Abroad-966 | |
92. Canadian Olympic Committee We want athletes to strive for excellence in life as well as sport. Annie Pelletier, an olympic bronze medallist in diving, is the COC s new Manager, http://www.olympic.ca/EN/newsletters/1e.shtml | |
93. Olympics: Athens 2004 olympics Poll. What s your favorite summer olympic sport? Louganis s HeadacheThe terrifying diving accident of Seoul s 1988 games http://www.factmonster.com/spot/04olympics.html | |
94. International Programs - Canadian Interuniversity Sport CIS promotes particiaption in world university sport and raise the profile Dziver, an assistant to olympic coach Michel Larouche at CAMO diving Club in http://www.cisport.ca/e/international/story_detail.cfm?id=311 |
95. TheSabre.com - Olympic Sports Message Board olympic sports Message Board to move from top 15 program in Men s Swimming/Divingto get up where Auburn is? Just curious because UVA seems to easily http://www.thesabre.com/message_board/olympicsports/2005/June/16/4611.php | |
96. Search The Digital Student Hoosier divers headed to olympics Section sports Byline Matt Glenesk / IDSSummary Every four years US olympic hopefuls from across the nation gather for http://www.idsnews.com/search.php?sport=22&summary=on&sort=headline&page= |
97. Saudi Aramco World : Indexes : Subjects diving in the Southern Red Sea, Bjurström, E., JA 91 3240 ARABSÂsports.The Arabs and the Olympics A SummaryÂSoccer, Saudis and Seoul, Clark, B., http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/index/Subjects.aspx | |
98. CBC.ca The Olympics A history of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Canadian Ron Bensimhon jumped off thethreemetre springboard during a synchronized diving competition on Aug. http://www.cbc.ca/olympics/ |
99. CBC.ca - Athens 2004 - CBC Sports: Security Tightened After Canadian Fan Leaps I Olympics organizers have increased security at all sports venues after a However, after the incident, one of the Chinese divers landed on his back on http://www.cbc.ca/story/olympics/national/2004/08/17/Sports/athens-security04081 | |
100. Athens Olympics 2004. ABC Sport. Home of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation s (ABC) Athens Olympics 2004 Chantelle Newbery won the nation s first diving gold since Dick Eve in 1924 http://www.abc.net.au/olympics/default.htm | |
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