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81. Killer Coke to get schools in the district of columbia to remove sodas and junk food, Boston Independent media Center, International campaign against Killer http://killercoke.org/ | |
82. Otitis Media With Effusion In Young Children According to the National Center for Health Statistics, otitis media is the most Children s National Medical Center Washington, district of columbia http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?rid=hstat6.chapter.23362 |
83. NASA Teach Resource Center Network Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia, Maine, Maryland, Teacher Center/NASARegional Teacher Resource Center Brandywine school district 3401 Green http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/magellan/trc.html | |
84. Struggle For Progress. All sponsors of a bill that would overturn a district of columbia law would be schools is too strongly affected by overly negative media portrayals. http://blogs.salon.com/0003197/ | |
85. District Of Columbia Public Schools Schools - District Elementary, Middle, And H Basic information about this school comes from the National Center for Education district Of columbia Public schools school information district Of http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/dc/district_profile/1 | |
86. American Association Of School Administrators - Government Relations mostly religious, schools in the district of columbia. In Florida the 1stdistrict Court of Appeal ruled August 16, 2004 to uphold the Leon County http://www.aasa.org/government_relations/other/07_30_01_voucher_supporters.htm |
87. The District Of Columbia Youth Opportunity Initiative A Visit To Two YO Sites The Latin American Youth Center Youth Opportunity Site, a program servingoutof-school youth the district of columbia received school-to-Work funding. http://www.aypf.org/tripreports/2002/tr110602.htm | |
88. Princeton University Library | E-journals Center for Black Music Research columbia Jurist Pub. Co. Graduate Schoolof Business and Public Administration Cornell University. http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/browse_zd.asp?index=Publisher&key=Univers |
89. Latin American Youth Center in the district of columbia to begin charter schools to the district of LAYC begins renovation of the art and media house, a new unique social http://www.layc-dc.org/aboutus/history.html | |
90. Norfolk Public Schools The official website for Norfolk Public schools, Norfolk, VA. test on thebook s content on a school computer at the schoolÂs media Center. http://www.nps.k12.va.us/ | |
91. Featured Computer Schools In District Of Columbia (DC) - Computer Training Schoo A directory of Computer Schools in district of columbia (DC). Our featured ComputerSchools in New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Washington DC http://www.computertrainingschools.com/search/DC/ | |
92. Technology Counts 2001: Looking Beneath The Numbers To Reveal Digital Inequities This page shows district of columbia s data in three major areas Libary/mediacenters. 90.4. Percent of instructional computers that are (2000) http://counts.edweek.org/sreports/tc01/states/tc01state_data.cfm?slug=35dc_data. |
93. GW In And Of DC Youth Center on an Upward Bound program for students of different culturesand languages in the district of columbia Public Schools. GW News Center http://www.gwu.edu/~dcbook/universityinthecity.html | |
94. The George Washington University and professional students from all 50 states, the district of columbia and120 countries. Center for Instructional Design Development (CIDD) http://www.gwu.edu/ | |
95. Washington Parks & People Overlooking Meridian Hill Park, the Josephine Butler Parks Center is an 18000 sq ft, a visitor center, a media center, an afterschool program, http://www.washingtonparks.net/parkscenter.html | |
96. Campus Activism :: Student Activist Resources Canadian Federation of, Canadian Federation of, Center for Inquiry O Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia, Florida, Georgia http://www.campusactivism.org/ | |
97. NCCP | National Center For Children In Poverty The National Center for Children in Poverty identifies and promotes strategies that California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia http://www.nccp.org/ | |
98. The District district Officer Dies After Bike Ride OverHydration Cited as Factor (Post More Than Half of DC Schools Targeted for Help (Post, May 4, 2005; Page B03) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/metro/dc/ | |
99. About The Silha Center For The Study Of Media Ethics And Law Learn about the Silha Center for media ethics and law. Monographs on subjectspertinent to Silha Center research are posted, and there are links to http://www.silha.umn.edu/about.htm | |
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