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61. New! Spellings Congratulates Pioneers Of Washington Scholarship Read the complete press release from the US Department of education. to presenta scholarship opportunity for families in the district of columbia! http://www.dcscholarship.org/ | |
63. AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse Access education policy and teacher quality information at the national, research, and legislation on all 50 states and the district of columbia http://www.edpolicy.org/ | |
64. General Information A PA s practice may also include education, research, and administrative services A. Fortyeight states, the district of columbia, and Guam have enacted http://www.aapa.org/geninfo1.html | |
65. HISTORY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | NARPAC, Inc. REPRINTS April 22, 1968 district residents receive the right to elect a Board of education . August 22, 1978 Congress approves the district of columbia Voting http://www.narpac.org/ITXICE.HTM | |
66. SCUP Campus Sustainability Day 3.0 SCUPÂ40, Planning  Linking  Learning; Washington, district of columbia. We use the term education for Sustainability to refer to educating all who http://www.scup.org/csd/3/ | |
67. Kaiser Statehealthfacts.org District Of Columbia State The Kaiser Family Foundation presents statehealthfacts.org, an innovative district of columbia State Requirements STD/HIV/AIDS education Curriculum as http://www.statehealthfacts.kff.org/cgi-bin/healthfacts.cgi?action=profile&area= |
68. ASEE - Resources\Opportunities - Fellowships - Home The Space Grant Program funds education, research, and public service programsin all 50 states, the district of columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto http://www.asee.org/resources/fellowships/nsfro/index.cfm | |
69. Accessibility Of The Internet In Postsecondary Education: Meeting The Challenge the district of columbia between December 15, 1998 and January 8, 1999. See http//www.webaim.org/materials/starterkit/outsidein; Kaye, S (2000). http://www.webaim.org/coordination/articles/meetchallenge | |
70. Environmental Education Main - Sierra Club Sierra Club Environmental education Home Page. California, Canada, Colorado,Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii http://www.sierraclub.org/youthinwilderness/ | |
71. Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education - Events Website http//www.sfamn.org/pages/grazefest/index.php. August 16, 2005 Location Washington, district of columbia Scope Regional http://www.sare.org/events/ | |
72. Internet Public Library: Education MENC The National Association for Music education http//www.menc.org/ Fifty states plus the district of columbia, US Possessions, most Canadian http://www.ipl.org/div/aon/browse/edu00.00.00/ | |
73. PA/MidAtlantic AETC: Training The Pennsylvania/MidAtlantic AIDS education and Training Center provides custom Pennsylvania/MidAtlantic AETC serves Delaware, the district of columbia, http://www.pamaaetc.org/ | |
74. Measuring Up | The National Report Card On Higher Education Measuring Up The National Report Card on Higher education. Skip Navigation Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia http://measuringup.highereducation.org/ | |
75. Campus Activism :: Student Activist Resources Florida Term Limit Law, Ford Campaign, Free Higher education California,Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii http://www.campusactivism.org/ | |
76. RNT - Department Of Education In the State Departments of education directory, RNT provides resources Financial Aid Contact the district of columbia Office of Postsecondary http://www.rnt.org/channels/clearinghouse/deptedu.asp | |
77. Metropolitan Washington Council Of Governments Learn more about the Child Care Higher education Scholarship ProgramHESP the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice in the district of columbia. http://www.mwcog.org/ | |
78. Socialstudies.org | Education News Visit the NCSS website at www.socialstudies.org for information on speakers,sessions, with 26000 members in all 50 states, the district of columbia, http://www.socialstudies.org/news/ | |
79. Council On Collegiate Education For Nursing Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and the district of columbia. For more information, email Eula Aiken at eula.aiken@sreb.org. http://www.sreb.org/programs/Nursing/nursingindex.asp | |
80. FIDER-Accredited Interior Design Programs School of education and Professional Studies Bachelor of Arts (2003, 2009) district OF columbia. The George Washington University http://www.fider.org/direc.htm | |
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