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41. Congressional Conference On Civic Education: District Of Columbia Resource Guide Email kmazzaferri@dcbar.org The district of columbia Bar Street Law ispractical, participatory education about law, democracy and human rights. http://www.representativedemocracy.org/ResourceGuide_DC.htm | |
42. The University Of The District Of Columbia the only public institution of higher education in the district of columbia . education, across the continuum, is central to the development of the http://www.universityofdc.org/detail.php?sid=1&aid=1 |
43. The University Of The District Of Columbia The seeds of higher education for the district were planted in 1851 when Myrtilla In 1969, the district of columbia Teachers College, the city s oldest http://www.universityofdc.org/detail.php?sid=1&aid=11 |
44. Center On Education Policy: Topics: No Child Left Behind Act The Center on education Policy has analyzed the fiscal year 2005 in thisreport is based on a survey of 47 states and the district of columbia, http://www.ctredpol.org/nclb/ | |
45. U.S. Education Spending: 1999-2000 Current expenditures for public education in 1999Â2000 totaled about $324 billion . In 1999Â2000, the 50 states and the district of columbia spent an http://www.policyalmanac.org/education/archive/doe_education_spending.shtml | |
46. District Of Columbia district of columbia Rolin Sidwell Deputy Director State education Office.http//dmv.dcgov.org/citizen/seo/index.htm http://www.ecs.org/html/statesTerritories/stateinfo.asp?state=DC |
47. User Agreement The Council for Higher education Accreditation (CHEA) database lists Web siteis operated by CHEA from its offices in the district of columbia, USA. http://www.chea.org/search/default.asp | |
48. District Of Columbia Email philliar@cse.org. district of columbia Chapter of the Black Alliance for EG West, An Analysis of The district of columbia education Tax Credit http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools/district.cfm | |
49. District Of Columbia School Choice Email ldrummer@alec.org AppleTree Institute for education Innovation district of columbia Chapter of the Black Alliance for education Options (DCBAEO) http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/SchoolChoice/DC.cfm | |
50. United Association For Labor Education The United Association for Labor education (UALE) includes university faculty, Our members hail from 40 states plus the district of columbia, http://www.uale.org/ | |
51. Brown Vs. Board Of Education - Myths Versus Truths Oliver Brown initiated the suit against the Topeka Board of education. Sharpe (district of columbia). Thurgood Marshall was the NAACP attorney for the http://brownvboard.org/mythsandtruths/ | |
52. Links To Education Resources - Education In The US: InfoUSA research and legislation from the 50 states and the district of columbia.http//www.edpolicy.org/. education Resource organizations Directory http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/educ/edlinks.htm | |
53. Eastern LINCS - District Of Columbia State Portal Adult education. University of the district of columbia. The district of columbia sState education Agency, Adult education works with many local community http://www.easternlincs.org/DCsite/default.htm | |
54. Daily EducationNews start my day by driving through the district of columbia past the embassies education Archaeologists trying to trace how life of Viking raiders http://www.educationnews.org/daily_educationnews.htm | |
55. Homeschool: HSLDA-Home School Legal Defense Association: HSLDA links to outside news items on home education are for informational purposes California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, district of columbia http://www.hslda.org/ |
56. DCPL: MLK: Adult Literacy Resource Center Adult Basic education English as a Second Language Reference Collection ComputerAssisted ©1998 2002 by the district of columbia Public Library http://www.dclibrary.org/mlk/literacy/ | |
57. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) Website http//www.citymuseumdc.org/ State Director of Children with Special Health Office of Special education for district of columbia Public Schools http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list_by_territory.cfm?territory_cd=dc |
58. Civic Report 32 | Effects Of Funding Incentives On Special Education Enrollment Effects of Funding Incentives on Special education Enrollment Twentyninestates (plus the district of columbia) had high-stakes testing and 21 states http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_32.htm | |
59. World Education - Projects By Region - District Of Columbia World education provides training and technical assistance in literacy, district of columbia. Center for Adult English Language Acquistion (CAELA) http://www.worlded.org/weiinternet/Projects/ListProjects.cfm?Select=State&ID=DC |
60. Order Reports And Books From Editorial Projects In Education Latest K12 educational insight and information on developments and education examines what all 50 states and the district of columbia are doing to http://counts.edweek.org/products/special-reports/ | |
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