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161. Muscular Dystrophy Association | Diseases Neuromuscular diseases in the MDA Program. The pages in this section will introduceyou to the diseases in MDA s program. Follow any of the links below to http://www.mdausa.org/disease/ | |
162. Center For Inherited Neurovascular Diseases (CIND) Research to determine which genes are responsible for selected forms of neurovascular disease. http://www.cind.org | |
163. AVMA Public Health Information Publications and links from the American Veterinary Medical Association on MadCow Disease , psittacosis, rabies and other human/animal interaction topics. http://www.avma.org/pubhlth/default.asp | |
164. Allergic Diseases Department, Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minn. Provides general information, specialty clinics, patient information and how to make an appointment. The patient care section lists amenities, an education center, financial aspects and travel and lodging information. Located in Rochester, Minnesota. http://www.mayoclinic.org/allergy-rst/ | |
165. Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical Terms Acquired immunodeficiency disease Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Allergy and Infectious diseases, National Inst. Allergy desensitization http://www.medterms.com/script/main/alphaidx.asp?p=a_dict |
166. Virtual Children's Hospital: Paediapaedia: Neonatal Chest Disease Index USAMRIID EducationUS Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious diseases Ft. Detrick, Maryland.USAMRIID Home navigation button. Education Training - Collage of USAMRIID http://indy.radiology.uiowa.edu/Providers/TeachingFiles/PAP/NeonatalChestDisease | |
167. Salk Institute For Biological Studies The Salk Institute is a private, nonprofit, research organization dedicated to fundamental research in biology and its relation to health, studying such challenging problems as the organization and operation of the brain, the control of gene activity, and the molecular origins of cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. http://www.salk.edu/ |
168. Dr. Koop - Disease Reference Health Encyclopedia diseases, Injury, Nutrition, Poison, Tests Procedures,Special Topics, Surgery and Symptoms Reference. http://www.drkoop.com/ency/93/diseidxa.html | |
169. Gladiolus Diseases diseases and treatments, from University of Minnesota Extension Service. http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/DG1154.html | |
170. Plant Disease Central Detailed descriptions of crop diseases commonly occurring in the western corn belt. Crops covered include, corn, sorghum, wheat, soybean, dry bean, sugar beet. University of Nebraska Lincoln. http://pdc.unl.edu/ | |
171. Home Page Nonprofit, natural healing website promoting the works of Dr. Richard Schulze and Dr. John Christopher. http://acereader.4t.com/ | |
172. Genealogy Quest: Genealogical Research Assistance - Diseases Features a glossary of archaic medical terms used in vital records and documents. http://www.genealogy-quest.com/glossaries/diseases1.html | |
173. Dog Info - Alphabetical Index AZ index of VetInfo s dog healthcare information area. Chronic activehepatitis (chronic canine inflammatory hepatic disease CCIHID http://www.vetinfo.com/dogindex.html | |
174. Northshoregeneralpediatrics.com - Northshoregeneralpediatrics.com North Shore Hospital's General Pediatrics Practice, serving both private and clinical patients. Our web site offers advice on childhood diseases and general parenting tips. http://www.northshoregeneralpediatrics.com | |
175. Cat Info - Alphabetical Index index of VetInfo s Cat healthcare, disease and disorder information pages. Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) Feline rhinotracheitis http://www.vetinfo.com/catindex.html | |
176. Baron Budd, PC Dallas law firm, focusing its practice on diseases caused by asbestos and other toxic substances. http://www.baronandbudd.com/ |
177. National Foundation For Infectious Diseases NFID supports research into the causes, cures, and prevention of infectious diseases and sponsors public and professional education programs. Virtual library, factsheets, vaccine research conference information, National Coalition for Adult Immunization. http://www.nfid.org/ | |
178. Lorantis Ltd Researching the mechanisms of immunosuppression and tolerance, to develop new medicines for immunological and inflammatory diseases. http://www.lorantis.co.uk/ | |
179. Plastic Cosmetic Reconstructive And General Surgery Info. Diseases And Treatment CIVOC. PLASTIC COSMETIC GENERAL SURGERY and INFO on diseases. Cosmetic SurgeryIndex Abdomen Acne Scar Removal Breast Ear Eye Eyebrow Lift http://www.civoc.com/ | |
180. Bayer Animal Health: Protect Animals, Benefit People Provides information about companion and farm animals. Organized in four sections, gives advice on how to prevent and to treat diseases. http://www.animalhealth.bayer.com | |
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