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101. Johns Hopkins Infectious Diseases Information on infectious diseases including hepatitis, STDs, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, research, education, and epidemiology. http://hopkins-id.edu/ | |
102. Chronix Biomedical, Inc. - Products Addressing The Human And Veterinary Chronic Identifies sentinel nucleic acid expression profiles for use in developing assays associated with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of chronic diseases and catastrophic illnesses. Includes company history, staff and a list of current research projects. http://www.chronixbiomedical.com/ | |
103. CSIRO Australia Australia's national research organization for animal health, developing the country's capability to quickly diagnose exotic (foreign) and emerging animal diseases. http://www.csiro.au/page.asp?type=division&id=Animal Health |
104. Ask The Doctor: The Neurology And Neurosurgery Forum At Med Help Online medical forum, questions and answers about neurological diseases and conditions. Located at Cleveland Clinic Foundation. http://www.medhelp.org/Forums/neuro/ | |
105. Digestive System Diseases List of resources organized by diseases provided for physicians and patients. List is developed by Karolinska Institute Library of Stockholm. http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c6.html | |
106. You've Got What? -Â Index You ve Got What? index of general topics and specific conditions - infectiousdiseases - Communicable Disease Control Branch, Department of Health. http://www.dh.sa.gov.au/pehs/Youve-got-what/youve-got-what-index.htm | |
107. Surviving Liver Diseases This publication deals with Liver, Liver diseases, in particular hepatitis, and liver transplant. http://www.megazettepress.co.uk/surviving_liver_diseases.htm | |
108. Helpline For Kidney Diseases A free site for patient education and guidance regarding ailments of kidney, prostate, and urinary disorders. Online self diagnosis or submission of the problem to multiple experts who can reply by email. http://www.geocities.com/urologyhelpline | |
109. Page Not Found Or Moved Database of fungal pathogens on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Search by pathogen, host or recording authority. http://www.landcare.cri.nz/science/nzpddb/ | |
110. Neal Chamberlain PhD. Medical Microbiology, Osteopathic Medicine A website containing information on the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. Lecture notes, laboratory notebook, computerized clinical cases, and most common causes of infectious diseases file. http://www.kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/ | |
111. Accurheum.com Dedicated to the accurate diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases, live chat with healthcare professionals, up to date rheumatology news, links to information and a message board. http://www.accurheum.com |
112. AgingEye Times - Home Page Current information on aging eye diseases like cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and dry eyes. http://www.agingeye.net/ | |
113. MedlinePlus: Thyroid Diseases Overviews; Thyroid Disease (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney diseases http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/thyroiddiseases.html | |
114. Ask The Doctor: The Neurology And Neurosurgery Forum At Med Help Interactive medical question and answer format about all neurological diseases and conditions. Includes an archive of articles. http://www.medhelp.org/perl6/neuro/ | |
115. Medical And Health Information And Tools From Mayo Clinic - MayoClinic.com mental health, children, drugs related to medicine and illness and diseases . Find a disease or condition Select your topic by first letter http://www.mayoclinic.com/ | |
116. Try A New Life With Us : Welcome! Explanations of and treatments for common and rare eye disorders. http://www.freewebs.com/drali2020 | |
117. Wildlife Diseases - Sustainable Resource Development links to descriptions of wildlife diseases in Alberta, Canada. A completeIndex also is provided. Note Many of these documents are in PDF and require http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/diseases/ | |
118. Health Alliance, LLC - Highest-quality, Lowest-cost Products And Services For Ch Providing healthcare products and services for chronic diseases. http://www.healtha.com | |
119. IMMUNE DEFICIENCY FOUNDATION National, nonprofit organization to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases through research and education. http://www.primaryimmune.org/ | |
120. Vegetables (ACIS) Researchbased, desert crop production information on all aspects of vegetable growing including management, pests and diseases, irrigation, and economics. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/ | |
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