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61. MY TEACHERS PAGE This web site has numerous special and general Education Links. This site isfrom the special needs Education (SNE) project, an Internet service http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/teacher.html | |
62. American Red Cross- Medical Concerns Tips for People With special needs Concerns. general Information EmergencyHealth schools, day care centers, for other family or household members. http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/beprepared/mobileprogs.html | |
63. Learning Support For Disabled Students: Chapter 10.3 The identification of students with disabilities and special needs, The discreteneeds of disabled students are flagged up specifically in most of the http://www2.glos.ac.uk/gdn/disabil/overview/ch10_3.htm | |
64. Sunshine School For Children With Special Needs - Bequia The SUNSHINE school for children with special needs grew out of a small schoolfor deaf children funded by the Bequia Mission of Canada. http://www.hwcn.org/~aa462/beqsunss.html | |
65. Resources For Disabled Or Special Needs People In The Detroit Metro Area People who are disabled or have special needs will find information relevant to them It is their mission to work collaboratively with schools, families, http://detroit.about.com/od/disabledspecialneeds/ | |
66. Feature Many premier schools in the country deny admission to disabled children in violation More and more experts in special needs education are now advocating http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr2000/fdec2000/f011220001.html | |
67. DRC Education Campaign - Schools England And Wales When do schools need to take action? schools have a duty to all disabled pupils and Do the school s general plans take account of the need to make http://www.drc-gb.org/education/knowyourduties/schoolsenglandwales.asp | |
68. The Child With General Learning Disability - Mental Health And Growing Up - The The child with general learning disability Mental Health and Growing Up. they have a more severe disability, they may need to go to a special school. http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/info/mhgu/newmhgu10.htm | |
69. MossRehab ResourceNet - Resources For The Disabled (Physically And Mentally Chal Mobility Limited videos for people with special needs. disabled DealerMagazine - national resource for buying and selling adaptive equipment online http://www.mossresourcenet.org/resources.htm | |
70. Inside Higher Ed :: College And The Disabled Student Fewer disabled students went on to college than were expecting to. The highschool environment can lead special needs students to believe they can not http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2005/07/29/disabled | |
71. Homeschooling Children With Special Needs Christian Homeschool Forum s Homeschooling Your special needs Child compiled by Greenwood Institute s Home Schooling for Learning disabled Students is a http://www.geocities.com/Athens/8259/special.html | |
72. A School Zone - Special Education Page Tons Of Links. Federation for Children with special needs Web Site Projects of special SchoolsPrincipal s Association of South Australiaconference information, etc. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6097/special.html | |
73. ArmeniaNow.com - Independent Journalism From Today`s Armenia Most of the disabled children study in special schools not because their parentshave Unlike in Yerevan, where children with special needs are being http://www.armenianow.com/eng/?go=pub&id=246 |
74. School Nursing Services For Special Children school Nursing Services for special Children. By Phil Stinson, Esq. Parents ofchildren with special needs are often confronted with problems relating to http://www.tracheostomy.com/parent/school_nursing.htm | |
75. Statement Welcome To The University of Reading special needs Office. special arrangementsfor examinations can be made by your school Disability Representative on http://www.rdg.ac.uk/SpecialNeeds/statement.htm | |
76. Dentistry For The Disabled Child And Adult If your city has a dental school, call the department of Pediatric Dentistry, Most severely disabled people need some type of special help to cooperate. http://www.our-kids.org/Archives/dentistry_disabled.html | |
77. Disabled Children This factsheet is aimed at parents whose children with special needs are The Carers and disabled Children Act 2000 examines the needs and rights of http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/D019988.html | |
78. Enriched And Innovative Instruction: Gifted And Talented, Learning Disabled To provide students who are simultaneously gifted and learning disabled with both High school Students who need the more intensive support of a special http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/enriched/gtld/ | |
79. Article | Vouchers Do Help Disabled Students Because of their special needs, disabled students are more likely to lack good It also claims that McKay schools aren t serving disabled students well http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/_tampatrib-vouchers_do_help.htm | |
80. Special Needs After 16: Priorities For Development special education is an established part of the school system in the UK, Education suitable for those who have special needs after the period of http://www.scre.ac.uk/spotlight/spotlight8.html | |
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