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81. Darke County, Ohio, Sources Lookups Most lookups are currently done informally on the the Darke Co. History of the East Side School, Jackson, Ohio, School, and Mississinawa Valley School http://www.calweb.com/~wally/darke/lookups.htm | |
82. Finding People In And Around Conservation The ConsDir is a directory of people involved professionally with the Addresses.com Email locator and business finder, Area/mailcode lookups, etc. http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/misc/people/ | |
83. Lewis County Look-up Volunteers Obituary Lookup Volunteers Washington - for Obituaries ONLY Important resources include census data, vital records, city directories, etc. http://www.drizzle.com/~jtenlen/walewis/lookup.html | |
84. Colorado School Of Mines Alumni And Friends to and care about Colorado School of Mines and its mission. Check Searchable Online Directory of Alumni lookups by name, class year, maiden name, http://csmaa.mines.edu/ | |
85. People & Places And How To Find Them You can also get map and email lookups on this site. American Directory cost) and indicate the name of your high school and the year of your graduation. http://atgbcentral.com/email.html | |
86. Lincolnshire Look-up Exchange I have Kelly s Directory of Lincolnshire for 1913 for lookups. I am williung to do lookups from the Lincolnshire Poor Law Index Part 1 - Settlement http://home.wi.rr.com/lincolnshire/lincs.html | |
87. Reference Tools Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers NCES Search for Public schools, This site provided by the National Center for Education http://www.lib.wayne.edu/resources/reference_tools/guide.php?id=10 |
88. Registration - Los Angeles Times The good news is that spending on directory assistance can be virtually Verizon subscribers in Washington, DC, get five free lookups per month, http://www.latimes.com/business/yourmoney/sns-yourmoney-0320spending,1,2144741.s |
89. Directories From the Internet Public Library, University of Michigan School of Information. Includes a reverse phone lookup. Internet 800 Directory Search by http://library.boisestate.edu/reference/directories.htm | |
90. Worcestershire Look Up Exchange attention please use the words Worcestershire lookups in your subject line. Littlebury s Directory for Worcester, Malvern, Droitwich, Pershore and http://freespace.virgin.net/isabel.easter/Wrcs.html | |
91. BCK2SKOL Lesson 27: WWW, PART 2: THE URL AND SEARCH ENGINES Both the directory names and the file name may be *long* and complicated, although not (people lookups, school and company lookups, publications, etc. http://www.sc.edu/bck2skol/fall/lesson27.html | |
92. General Reference: Directories Features such as Yellow Pages, Reverse Lookup, and International links are This page provides links to online phone directories from around the world http://www.ferris.edu/library/VirtualRefDesk/General/phone_Dick.html | |
93. Lake Hazel Middle School acronyms, abbreviations, and definitions, reverse lookups Biographical Dictionary Columbia Encyclopedia Google Subject Directory High School Hub http://lhms.meridianschools.org/librarylinks.html | |
94. Reverse Telephone Number Search, Reverse Directory, Reverse Phone REVERSE DIRECTORY LOOKUP. Look it up here to find a subscriber by their area code and telephone number using one of many different services! http://www.shoppingagents.net/ReversePhoneLookup.html |
95. San Mateo County Genealogy - Lookup Help City, Year, Name of School, Lookup Volunteer Lookup Volunteer Email Directory. Nancy Pratt Melton, *** currently on vacation, June 2005 *** http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sanmateo/smlookup.htm | |
96. Santa Clara County Genealogy - Lookup Help Santa Clara County, genealogy, volunteer, lookup, help, research. Old school yearbooks or class pictures with names? An old family Bible with Santa http://www.sfgenealogy.com/santaclara/sclookup.htm | |
97. St. Joseph County, MI Lookup Page If you request a lookup, please thank your volunteer for their time. RobinsonÂs 1967 Rural Directory, St. Joseph County, Michigan http://members.tripod.com/~tfred/stjolookups.html | |
98. People Searching: Discover How To Find People. Government Employee Lookup, GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE LOOKUP Provides a few ICQ Email Directory, ICQ EMAIL ADDRESS FINDER - Find the email address of a ICQ http://www.researchingtools.com/peoplesearch.html | |
99. [Super] UPDATED LINKS: School Directory 2005-06 The Oregon School Directory is widely used by educators and the public to quickly and easily locate information The web address for the Zip+4 Lookup is http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/pipermail/super/2005-May/000200.html | |
100. Duneland School Corporation Department Of Media & Technology Quick Reference Lin Duneland School Corporation EMail Directory. ~ ~Back to Top~ ~ Zip Code Lookup Service Easy to use! Put in a Zip Code and get the location. http://www.duneland.k12.in.us/programs/mediatech/links.html | |
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