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81. ONLamp.com: A Day In The Life Of #Apache DNS lookups take as long as they take. So you want to avoid forcing Apache This means that every resource requested from that directory generates two or http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/apache/2004/08/19/apacheckbk.html?page=last&x-maxdep |
82. PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL Backend Directories When the backend needs to find out about a type, is does a lookup of a system table. There are include directories for each subsystem. http://www.postgresql.org/developer/ext.backend_dirs.html | |
83. Genealogy CD List Genealogical CD lookups by Volunteers. Directory of the Province of Ontario 1857 with a Gazeteer. 205, Virginia Genealogies, ~ http://loricase.com/CDs/cdlist.html | |
84. Converting Standard Sun Config Files To Sendmail Version 8 If you want to do similar lookups with v8, you need to define the following INSTALLATION/TESTING ISSUES The sendmail.hf file in the src directory should http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/converting.sun.configs.html | |
85. TUNING In the descriptions that follow, unsafe directory means a directory that is Version 8 of sendmail ignores them when doing canonification lookups (that http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/doc8.12/op-sh-4.html | |
86. Horticulture Links misc Resource Links Zip Code Lookup, Thesaurus, Dictionary, Contractors Directory Internet Directory for Botany - http//www.botany.net/IDB/ http://prohort.ifas.ufl.edu/Links.htm | |
87. Faces Archive - Mailing List - 1991: Patch #14 For Faces V1.4. Fixes some bug (I can t recall what) attached to doing NIS lookups If one creates a directory edu in the faces directory, it does http://www.cs.indiana.edu/ftp/faces/mailing_list/1991-html/0021.html | |
89. [Gzz-commits] Gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu Mastert... The data lookup model in loosely structured systems is not very efficient DOLR s main +directory service. DOLR stores pointers to data items throughout http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gzz-commits/2003-10/msg00001.html | |
90. Open Translation Engine Changelog 0.7.8 - Words Are Now Objects Of BumbleBee WWL supernode, server and client added in /wwl directory Code ie those used mainly for offsite lookups, now are listed (inside parans) http://www.ibiblio.org/dbarberi/ote/stable/docs/changelog.txt | |
91. RCS $Id README,v 1.66 2004/03/22 224912 Axel Exp $ TkInfo tkinfo in the tkinfo directory. If the node (dir)Top shows up with a listing Index lookup bugs fixed; index lookups now match against the current info http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel/tkinfo/README-tkinfo-2.8.txt | |
92. Internet  Internet Misc. Utilities SafeSite Internet  Internet Misc. Utilities http://www.safesite.com/category.php[action]browse&i=110&id=163&f= | |
93. Print - Inside Win2K NTFS, Part 1 Active Directory Connected Home Desktop Exchange Outlook The reissued lookup causes name parsing for \documents\column.doc to continue on the http://www.windowsitpro.com/Articles/Print.cfm?ArticleID=15719 |
94. Telephone Links Free Online Lookupssomething called Melissa Data has a bunch of Pay Phone Directorythousands of payphone numbers listed by state/city/address. http://www.dvorak.org/phonelinks.htm | |
95. 4. Examples An operation lookup is called on directory vnode DV and file name X. When the operating system wants to lookup an entry in a directory with Nentries, http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix99/full_papers/zadok/zadok_html/node4.html | |
96. Pine Technical Notes: Behind The Scenes If Pine doesn t have permission to create the lookup file with the PCPine will look for a file named MAILCAP in the same directory as the PINERC file, http://www.washington.edu/pine/tech-notes/low-level.html | |
97. |&s=product.date_released|DESC[SiteID]driverguide Driver Guide free downloads - freeware and shareware Internet http://drn.digitalriver.com/category.php[action]browse&i=110&id=163&f= | |
98. Linux NETMEETING HOWTO The second URL form, calltoserver/alias , causes a directory lookup on LDAP Use this form to perform a directory lookup based on Email address. http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/NetMeeting-HOWTO.html | |
99. ONLamp.com: A Day In The Life Of #Apache If you use a hostname, Apache will have to do a DNS lookup in order to This means that every resource requested from that directory generates two or http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/apache/2004/08/19/apacheckbk.html | |
100. What's New? MAR 31 1954 Farm Directory surnames MN; Bios from Miscellaneous Sources; APR 16 - New lookup! Also see pic of Margaret Brennan Jackman. http://www.celticcousins.net/paloalto/panew.htm | |
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