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81. Managing DNS Records For Active Directory And DNS Domains In the DNS console, expand the Forward Lookup Zones folder for the server you want to These properties set general zone parameters by using the start of http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/maintain/operate/19 | |
82. All Wales Lookup Exchange,a Genealogy Help Page I am prepared to answer any WWI queries whotsoever, ie general history Andrew Vollans A Directory of WALES Part 1 Extracted from the Universal British http://home.clara.net/tirbach/AWdata.html | |
83. Princeton University Library | Electronic Reference Shelf Includes re verse lookups, street proximity listings for business or Academic Info Gateway to Quality Internet Resources a subject directory of http://www.princeton.edu/~pressman/genref.htm | |
84. Core - Apache HTTP Server AllowOverride is valid only in Directory sections specified without Heavily loaded sites should leave this directive Off , since DNS lookups can take http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html | |
85. Palmer College Of Chiropractic, Library, General Reference Links A tremendously useful subject directory resource from Michigan with comprehensive list upon A very useful gateway of links for quick lookupszip code, http://www.palmer.edu/PCC_Library/linksgenref.htm | |
86. Reference - Recommended Sites - Burlington Public Library An AZ listing of reference sources, including telephone directories, It also has a reverse lookup and under the Find a Person option you can locate http://www.bpl.on.ca/halinet/refsites.htm | |
87. ITS Services general Information. The UNCCH Online Campus Directory and the web The lookup queries an LDAP database that is reloaded nightly at midnight from a http://www.unc.edu/sr-bin/services.pl?id=181 |
88. Phone Books bullet, Get the Phone directories includes foreign directories bullet, 5551212 Reverse Lookup by Phone Number no longer free http://www.davenportlibrary.com/ref/topics/refphone.htm |
89. Windows Article - Welcome general Windows Windows OSs Windows Server System if you mount a volume that contains the directory \articles to a mount point named C\documents, http://www.windowsitpro.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=15719 |
90. Barbara's Page Of Internet Search Engines InfoSpace In among the general web directory is search email, Phonebook Server Lookup - Link to College institution directory searches http://www.gate.net/~barbara/search.htm | |
91. Default Settings The default values for the Directory Page Search List and Error Pages will work for Reverse lookups and double reverse lookups are also an issue for the http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/custom-guide/s1-httpd-defa | |
92. Internet Registry Directory Requirements The list of InternetDraft Shadow directories can be accessed at 3.1.7 Contact Lookup 3.1.8 Nameserver Lookup 3.1.9 Decentralization http://uwho.verisignlabs.com/documents/draft-newton-ir-dir-requirements-01.html | |
93. Regulatory Boards And Colleges In North America This is CLEAR s directory of boards of professional and occupational licensure in North America. Certified general Accountants Association of Ontario http://www.clearhq.org/boards.htm | |
94. Resources Guide / University Of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries /Steenbock Memoria Directory of online biographical sites constructed by the Open Directory Project. Both general and topicspecific sites are included, along with links to http://steenbock.library.wisc.edu/subjectguide/refresources.htm | |
95. Boa Documentation Choose, and cd into, a convenient directory for the package. tar xvzf boa-0.92.tar.gz , or for Same difficulties as hostname lookups; not included. http://www.boa.org/0.92/details.html | |
96. 1 MySQL Connector/J :: 1.4.1 General J2EE Concepts 1.4 Using Connector/J with J2EE and Other Java Frameworks; 1.4.1 general J2EE InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); /* * Lookup the DataSource, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector/j/en/cj-general-j2ee-concepts.html | |
97. Fsinterface, Section 6. It is also the most general of the three, in that filesystemspecific data and to pass these same parameters to filesystem-specific lookup routines, http://docs.freebsd.org/44doc/papers/fsinterface-6.html | |
98. OGI School Of Science & Engineering A Directory search on the Web is hierarchical, starting with a general heading and proceeds through National Address Server USPS ZIP Code Lookup http://www.ogi.edu/library/services/internet_dir.cfm | |
99. Background The compiler doesn t have to do things in a general way. Even though this lookup and invocation can be implemented in a fairly efficient way, http://www.santafe.edu/~mgd/swarmfest2000/x21.html | |
100. Reverse Phone Directory - Reverse Phone Book And White Pages Reverse Lookup Dire Find People by Reverse Directory. Reverse Lookup a Street Address. Search by Name. Find Area Codes and Zip Codes. Find a Company Name and Search by Business http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/ | |
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