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61. Searchers And References general REFERENCES SEARCHERS. Don t know the meaning of a word or phrase? Download For an allpurpose look-up site check out Free Online lookups from http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/ref.html | |
62. Boa, V0.91beta, By Paul Phillips Psp@well.com *** Introduction DNS lookups. Writing a nonblocking gethostbyaddr is a difficult and not very enjoyable If users are allowed to server HTML from their home directories, http://www.boa.org/0.92/readme-0.91.txt | |
63. Electronic Reference Sources: Directories (Rutgers University Libraries) Includes general information plus statistics and information on services Reverse Phone Directory A variety of reverse lookup options on one page. http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/e_ref_shelf/refdirect.shtml | |
64. RFC 2517 (rfc2517) - Building Directories From DNS: Experiences From WWWSe RFC 2517 Building directories from DNS Experiences from WWWSeeker. In general, building a directory from registry data will not open any new security http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2517.html | |
65. Academic Computing Services web publishing, file service, email and general UNIX computing for the for public directory service, lookups, authorization, and authentication. http://acs.berkeley.edu/ | |
66. LOOKUP MAPS (hash, SQL) AND ACCESS LISTS EXPLAINED performs a lookup for an email address in an LDAP directory. In general LDAP lookups are similar to SQL lookups except for the low level LDAP/SQL http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.lookups | |
67. Free Software Directory: Anti-Spam Black Hole The GNU general Public License, Version 2 or later - 2004-06-21 Anti-spam application Performs lookups in RBL spam-blocking lists http://gnu.digitaltrust.it/directory/email/spam/ | |
68. RFC NNN Directory browsing in DFS currently requires at least an RPC (to lookup the This optimization handles the general case of smallish directories more http://www.opengroup.org/tech/rfc/rfc89.0.html | |
69. SGI TPL View (fastrm) Since this reduces the number of directory lookups needed with deeply It s therefore pos sible to use fastrm outside of INN as a general fast file http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?coll=fw&db=man&fname=/usr |
70. Fastrm Since this reduces the number of directory lookups needed with deeply nested It s therefore possible to use fastrm outside of INN as a general fast file http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/inn/docs-2.3/fastrm.html | |
71. USPS - Redirect To Http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp For integrating ZIP Code Lookup capabilities into your web site or application Preserving the Trust Inspector general Web Page Inspector general http://www.usps.com/zip4/ |
72. County Tyrone Directory 1902 Lookup Family History Local History County Tyrone Directory 1902 lookup « on Sunday 21 November 04 1726 GMT (UK) » Wales general, = Anglesey, = Anglesey Lookup Offers http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,21176.0.html | |
73. Link : 1818 Birmingham Trade Directory Family History Local History 1881 1901 Census lookups of your ancestors. Fun and easy to use. Recommended. Author, Topic Link 1818 Birmingham Trade Directory (Read 321 times) http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,28208.0.html | |
74. Finding People: Web People Finder Tools For Use By Professionals In Construction Includes white pages, email searches, and reverse lookups for phone numbers, Online directory of people-finding sites. Also lists sites for accessing http://www.constructionweblinks.com/Resources/Finding_People/finding_people.html | |
75. Miscellaneous General Setting For Cern_httpd Server s home directory is specified via ServerRoot directive. httpd performs a reverse DNS lookup to find out the remote DNS hostname for the client http://www.w3.org/Daemon/User/Config/General.html | |
76. QRZ.COM Total number of USA Licensed Amateurs by Class As of May 14, 2000 Novice 49329 Tech/+ - 334254 general - 112, . Read More (83 Comments) http://www.qrz.com/ | |
77. Lotus Domino Admin: Creating General Address Book Then be sure to add the new address book to your Directory Assistance (help can be found in If you just want to do mail lookup (no authentication), http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Lotus_Domino_Admin/Q_21484024.html | |
78. Cyndi's List - General U.S. Sites A worldwide directory of links to library homepages and webbased OPACs (Online Public For the owners of the state census lookup lists though no one is http://www.cyndislist.com/genusa.htm | |
79. AD General Information: Active Directory & Network Administration: Best Web Link Home Best Web Links Active Directory Network Administration . AD general Information AD general INFORMATION http://searchwin2000.techtarget.com/bestWebLinks/0,289521,sid1_tax285730,00.html | |
80. PLA: Private Investigator Resources Canada 411 Directory Lookup This site will look up businesses and residences in Canada. If you d prefer to make a general comment about phonelosers.org, http://www.phonelosers.org/pi.html | |
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