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         Differential Equations Activities:     more detail
  1. Computer Science Research Activities In Asia: Software Technology And Patents, Cim, Scientific Computation And Differential Equations, Computer And Mathmatics Modelling, And System Simulation by David K. Kahaner, 1993-09-30
  2. Computing the Electrical Activity in the Heart (Monographs in Computational Science and Engineering) by Joakim Sundnes, Glenn Terje Lines, et all 2006-09-15
  3. Inverse Problems: Activities for Undergraduates (Classroom Resource Materials) by Charles W. Groetsch, 1999-12-02
  4. Methodology for stochastic modeling (Technical report / U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity) by Herbert E Cohen, 1985
  5. Technical report / U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity by Herbert E Cohen, 1985

41. Program On Geometric Partial Differential Equations - IMS
GEOMETRIC PARTIAL differential equations (3 May 26 Jun 2004). Organizers ·Confirmed Visitors · Overview · activities · Membership Application
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Scientific aspects
(3 May - 26 Jun 2004)
Organizers Confirmed Visitors Overview Activities ... Membership Application Organizers Co-chairs
  • Xingwang Xu (National University of Singapore) Paul Yang (Princeton University)
  • Weiyue Ding (Beijing University) C. S. Lin (Chung Cheng University) Man Chun Leung (National University of Singapore) Peter Pang (National University of Singapore) Gang Tian (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Neil S. Trudinger (Australian National University)
Confirmed Visitors Overview Combining geometric insights and analytic techniques together has generated many fruitful ideas and surprising results. The advances of the analytical results on nonlinear partial differential equation have helped to accelerate research on differential geometry for the last forty years. On the other hand, geometry has provided subtle and elegant equations for investigation. Major milestones in geometry include the resolutions of the Calabi conjecture, the positive mass conjecture and the Yamabe conjecture, the application of Ricci flow initiated by Richard Hamilton, the Monge-Ampere equations, and more recently the study of the fourth order Paneitz operators as well as the fully nonlinear equations related to the sigma curvature.

42. Institute For Mathematical Sciences (NUS) - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equat
Invariant nonlinear partial differential equations in Klein geometry Nonlinear partial differential equations are widely used to model many problems in
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Workshop on
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations:
Analysis, Computation and Applications
3 - 6 May 2005
...Jointly organized by
- Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore
- Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Online Registration Organizers
  • Weizhu Bao, National University of Singapore Ping Lin, National University of Singapore Jian-Guo Liu, University of Maryland and National University of Singapore Zhouping Xin, Chinese University of Hong Kong

43. Valladolid / Applied Mathematics / Begoña Cano Urdiales
Numerical integration of partial differential equations, avoiding order reductionin time. Teaching activities. Research activities.
Research Activities
Begoña Cano Urdiales
-Geometric numerical integration.
-Numerical integration of partial differential equations, avoiding order reduction in time.
- I. Alonso-Mallo, B. Cano and J. C. Jorge, 'Spectral-Fractional Step Runge-Kutta Discretizations for Initial Boundary Value Problems with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions', Mathematics of Computation 73 (2004), p. 1801-1825.
- B. Cano and A. Durán, 'A technique to construct symmetric variable-stepsize linear multistep methods for second-order systems', Mathematics of Computation 72(2003), p. 1803-1816.
- B. Cano and A. Durán, 'Analysis of variable-stepsize linear multistep methods with special emphasis on symmetric ones', Mathematics of Computation 72(2003), p. 1769-1801.
-I. Alonso-Mallo and B. Cano, 'Spectral/Rosenbrock discretizations without order reduction for linear parabolic problems', APNUM 41 (2002), p. 247-268.
- B. Cano, A. M. Stuart, 'Under-resolved simulation of heat baths', J. Comput. Phys. 169 (2001), p. 193-214.
Old department reports

Research ...

44. Linear Differential Equations
Four possible cases of indicial equation. Special differential equations, including 3.3, 200301-28 000000, M, Change to scheduled activities.
Linear Differential Equations
Academic year: 2005-2006 Local Key Hemis Key Base Key Credit Points Lecturer Mr Barrie Davies Coordinator Mr Barrie Davies Delivery Mode Campus - Semesterised Release Status A Materials Normal Level Notional Study Hours Standard Hours Scheduled Activities Lecture = 24, Tutorial = 6. Min Student Numbers Max Student Numbers Prereq Named Postreq Named None Coreq Named None Excluded Combinations None Dependancies None Prereq Statement Students should have knowledge of elementary calculus. Ass Weight Exam Ass Weight Con Ass Weight Other
This unit is about analytical methods of solving ordinary differential equations.
To extend students' knowledge of ordinary differential equations, and introduce a range of analytical solution methods.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students should be able, at threshold level, to: Solve ordinary differential equations in terms of complementary function plus particular integral. Solve ordinary differential equations in terms of series. Solve ordinary differential equations using Laplace transform methods.

45. ScienceDaily Books : Elementary Differential Equations
Buy Elementary differential equations Books cheap. preventing them from makingnew proteins the molecules primarily responsible for cell activities.

46. ScienceDaily Books : A First Course In Differential Equations With Modeling Appl
A solution manual for a differential equations text is a bit superfluous, use the systems for illegal or unethical activities such as identity theft,

47. Speaking Invitations
SPEAKING INVITATIONS AND OTHER NOTABLE activities Rutgers University in May2003 and at the conference Partial differential equations and Applications
From the Department Head Promotions and Awards Academic Visitors ... Newsletter 2003
Professor Douglas Arnold was recently elected to a three-year term on the Council of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), SIAM's main policy-making body. He is also a member of a number of scientific advisory boards. As many of our readers are aware, since September 2001, he is serving as the Director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications which is associated with our department.
In October 2003, Professor Arnold was a ncm2 Distinguished Lecturer (ncm2 is the Network for Computing and Mathematical Modeling, a Canadian initiative based in Montreal). The title of his lecture was "From Exact Sequences to Colliding Black Holes: Differential Complexes in Numerical Analysis". In January 2004 he spoke at the Oxford University Colloquium on "Stable and Unstable Discretization of Partial Differential Equations".

48. School Of Mathematics Newsletter 05
Notable activities of the Faculty. Some of our colleagues have been kind enough to an international conference on differential equations, to be held in
Search U of M U of M Home
Department Head
Welcome and Promotions ... 2004 Newsletter Number 11 University of Minnesota Newsletter Spring 2005 Notable Activities of the Faculty Some of our colleagues have been kind enough to update us on their recent activities. We know that many of our other colleagues have significant achievements and we hope to report on those in future newsletters. Professor Mark Keel gave an invited Mini Course at the Summer School and Workshop on Nonlinear Wave Equations, co-sponsored by the Wolfgang Pauli Institute and the Erwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics in Vienna during July 2004. He also gave invited lectures on nonlinear waves at a number of conferences in Europe and North America. Professor Walter Littman is a co-organizer of a conference on Control Methods in PDE-Dynamical Systems to be held in Snowbird (Utah), July 3-7, 2005. The conference is intended for two distinct research communities in partial differential equations (PDE): (1) the PDE-control community, which is focused on the study of control-theoretic properties of PDEs (e.g., well-posedness, interior and boundary regularity, controllability, stabilization, and optimization); and (2) the PDE-dynamical systems community, which is focused on the long-time behavior of solutions (e.g., global attractors and their geometric, topological, and structural properties). The main goal is to develop mutual stimulation and joint interactions betweenresearchers in these two areas. For more information see Notices of the A.M.S., Nov. 2004, p.1296.

49. Scientific Activities: Mathematics
Dynamical systems Coupled slow and fast ordinary differential equations were Partial differential equations and global analysis the influence of small

Department of Mathematics
Gideon Schechtman, Head
The William Petschek Chair of Mathematics

Algebraic geometry: Study was continued on integration on p-adic analytic spaces. It was shown that every smooth p-adic analytic space can be provided with an algebra of locally analytic functions which includes all analytic ones, satisfies the uniqueness property, and contains local primitives of all closed one-forms with coefficients in the algebra. It was also shown that this algebra contains a full set of local solutions of any unipotent differential equation and, as a consequence, one constructs the parallel transport of the local solutions along a path.
Automorphic forms: First, work was continued on the boundedness in vertical strips of L-functions that appear in constant terms of Eisenstein series; one question studied was whether the boundedness is really a product of complex function theory. Second, topics were explored about how Riemann's zeta function, and its generalizations, depends on Riemann's original ideas.
Banach spaces: The geometry of finite and infinite dimensional normed spaces and maps between them is investigated, particularly the classification of Banach spaces under Lipschitz and uniform homeomorphisms, and under Lipschitz and uniform quotient maps. Some new tight isomorphic embedding results, particularly for finite dimensional subspaces of Lp, were obtained.

50. Benasque: PDE 2005
Partial differential equations, Optimal Design and Numerics As a referenceand in order to orient the daily activities, a global address to all
Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics
2005, August 28 September 9
Profs. Giuseppe Buttazzo (U. Pisa ;
Enrique Zuazua
The workshop is intended to provide a fruitful atmosphere for discussions and joint research work on themes involving partial differential equations and their applications to shape optimization, optimal control problems, singularities in fracture mechanics and fluid dynamics, and numerical analysis. The work will be focused on new research trends in the fields above, in order to stimulate collaborations among participants by means of various activities on the basis of a daily programme (talks, seminars, minicourses, discussions, ...) The activity is mainly intended for young scientists as PhD students and post-docs, and will be held thanks to the participation of a number of world leader mathematicians. The daily schedule will be flexible to better fit the needs and interests of participants. As a reference and in order to orient the daily activities, a global address to all participants will be delivered every morning and afternoon by some scientific leaders of the activity. A preliminary list of confirmed invited scientists participating in the activity includes:
L. AMBROSIO (SNS Pisa, Italy), V. CASELLES (Pompeu Fabra), G. DAL MASO (SISSA Trieste, Italy), J. P. PUEL (U. Versailles, France), J. RAUCH (U. Michigan, USA), T. SOUGANIDIS (U. Texas, USA).

51. ESF - Spectral Theory And Partial Differential Equations (SPECT)
Spectral Theory and Partial differential equations (SPECT) Further informationabout activities being supported by the SPECT Programme are available on

52. Coursework And Related Activities:
I taught courses of calculus and ordinary differential equations at the Universityof Puerto Rico . differential equations (Math 3350/8355), 2 classes,
  • I taught algebra, geometry, and analysis to junior high and high school kids in Romania
I taught courses in all branches of mathematical analysis at the University of Timisoara Romania Some courses were at the undergraduate and some at the graduate level.
q Real analysis: The course followed the book Real and Complex Analysis by Walter Rudin, and was at the level of Math 8236 Analysis I and MATH 8240 Analysis II at UNO, plus some topics in MATH 9230 Theory of Functions of Real Variables.
q Complex analysis: The course followed the book Real and Complex Analysis by Walter Rudin, and was similar to MATH 8276 Complex Variables at UNO.
q Functional analysis: The course followed the book Functional Analysis by Walter Rudin, it is not offered at UNO.
I taught Calculus I, II, and III at the University of Kansas I taught a problem solving course for gifted junior high school students, in the summer of 1995. The course was offered as part of the “Talent Identification Program”(TIP) a program organized by Duke University on the Campus of the University of Kansas . The course dealt with Problem Solving Techniques. It was very intensive (7 hours of mathematics every day), thus becoming a challenge even for experienced instructors. The book used was

53. Petr Girg
functions of several variables);; Mathematical Analysis III (Tensor Analysis);;Partial differential equations. ELearning activities and related talks
Ing. Petr Girg, Ph.D.
tel.: +420-377 632 644
fax.: +420-377 632 602
Date of birth March 25 1974 Qualification
  • PhD., Západoèeská univerzita, Plzeò.
  • Ing., Západoèeská univerzita, Plzeò. Teaching activities ...for students..
  • Mathematical Analysis I (Differential and Integral Calculus for functions of one variable);
  • Mathematical Analysis II (Differential and Integral Calculus for functions of several variables);
  • Mathematical Analysis III (Tensor Analysis);
  • Partial Differential Equations.
  • E-Learning Activities and related talks
  • (project manager);
  • IX-Setkání uèitelù matematiky všech typù a stupòù škol, Srní, Czech Republic 11-13 Nov 2004
  • Scientific activities Publications
  • existence, multiplicity and bifurcation of solution of resonant nonlinear boundary value problems of ODE and elliptic PDE ( Numerical Experiments
  • quasilinear differential equations;
  • semilinear differential equations with periodic nonlinearity. Languages knowledge
  • English (very good);
  • 54. CMC Activity Center : Modeling : Models : CMC–Nature Gateway
    Cell Migration Knowledgebase Consortium activities Migration Meetings sperm cell using partial differential equations on a free boundary domain
    You are reading this message because you cannot see our css files. Please read our explanation of accessible NPG websites
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    CMC Activity Center
    Modeling - Activities
    • to develop a set of integrative modeling frameworks for testing hypotheses concerning the effects of component properties (i.e. molecules) on system operation (i.e. cell migration behaviors) initial focus will be on molecular components such as extracellular matrix adhesion factors and their receptors, soluble growth factors and their receptors, cytoskeletal elements, motor proteins, and signaling pathway intermediates
    Collaboration and Release Policy
    Models in Development by the Consortium
    Last Updated August 2005 Process Modeling Method / Application Status / Publication Contact (Collaborators) Cell migration Physico-chemical 1D model of crawling nematode sperm cell using partial differential equations on a free boundary domain Mogilner and Verzi 2003. A Simple 1-D Physical Model for the Crawling Nematode Sperm Cell. J. Stat.Phys., 110: 1169-1189.

    55. CMC Activity Center : Modeling : Models : CMC–Nature Gateway
    sperm cell using partial differential equations on a free boundary domain to external force in endothelial cells using differential equations
    You are reading this message because you cannot see our css files. Please read our explanation of accessible NPG websites
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    CMC Activity Center
    Modeling - Activities
    • to develop a set of integrative modeling frameworks for testing hypotheses concerning the effects of component properties (i.e. molecules) on system operation (i.e. cell migration behaviors) initial focus will be on molecular components such as extracellular matrix adhesion factors and their receptors, soluble growth factors and their receptors, cytoskeletal elements, motor proteins, and signaling pathway intermediates
    Collaboration and Release Policy
    Models in Development by the Consortium
    Last Updated August 2005 Process Modeling Method / Application Status / Publication Contact (Collaborators) Cell migration Physico-chemical 1D model of crawling nematode sperm cell using partial differential equations on a free boundary domain Mogilner and Verzi 2003. A Simple 1-D Physical Model for the Crawling Nematode Sperm Cell. J. Stat.Phys., 110: 1169-1189.

    56. Internet Links In Algebra, Analysis, Geometry And Differential Equations
    Boston University differential equations Project Internet differentialequations activities Links to ODE Notes ODE page at
    Internet links in Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Differential Equations
    Web links in Calculus
  • Calculus (S.O.S. Mathematics - UTexas, El Paso)
  • Multi-Variable Calculus , Connected Curriculum Project, Duke University
  • Math Forum-Calculus
  • Calculus Page at UToronto, Scarborough
  • Calculus - Math Archives
  • Various lecture notes by D. Ramakrishnan (Caltech)
  • Notes by D. Sloughter (Furman)
  • Notes by G. Cain and J. Herod (Georgia Tech).
  • Notes by R. Noren (Old Dominion)
  • Google directory on Calculus
  • Calculus page at
    Web links in Differential Equations
  • Boston University Differential Equations Project
  • Differential Equations , Connected Curriculum Project, Duke University
  • Math Forum-Differential Equations
  • Kepler's Laws
  • Differential Equations (S.O.S. Mathematics - UTexas, El Paso)
  • Internet Differential Equations Activities ...
  • ODE page at
    Web reviews of Linear Algebra etc
  • Vector product: a short blurb and another one , as well as a Java tutorial
  • Professor Gilbert Strang's Linear Algebra course on the web (taught at MIT).
  • Trigonometry at SOS Math
    Web links in Differential Geometry
  • some cool graphics: GANG web page in Norway Visual Geometry Plane curves ... Alfred Gray
  • Lecture notes in DG on the net: Curves and Surfaces in R by Nigel Hitchin, go to the bottom of the page for links;
  • 57. Fields Institute - Thematic Program On Partial Differential Equations 2003-04
    Specific activities that we are planning for the year long thematic program include Short Course on Hamiltonian Partial differential equations
    September 20, 2005 Home About Us NPCDS/PNSDC Mathematics Education ... Search
    Thematic Program on Partial Differential Equations
    August 2003 - June 2004
    2003 Program Visitor Information 2004 Program Hotels and Housing ... List of Attendees Organizing Committee:
    W. Craig (McMaster)
    N. Ercolani (Arizona)
    C. Sulem (Toronto Scientific Committee:
    L. Bronsard (McMaster)
    W. Craig (McMaster)
    N. Ercolani (Arizona)
    R. McCann (Toronto)
    M. Sigal (Toronto)
    C. Sulem (Toronto) J. Toth (McGill ) C. E. Wayne (Boston)
    Mailing List
    To receive updates on this program please subscribe to our mailing list at
    Overview of the Program:
    The thematic program on PDE will be focused principally on problems that stem from questions in applied mathematics and in mathematical physics. The particular choice of subject matter is dictated by a choice of active topics of research that are of particular current interest, and the mathematical taste of the Scientific Committee. As mentioned in the introduction, we are planning the fall semester of the program to be focused on elliptic and parabolic systems of partial differential equations arising in mathematical theories of super-conductivity and of phase transition phenomena in the physics of materials. The winter semester will be focused on

    58. Research Activities In Pure Mathematics At UIC
    Research activities in Pure Mathematics the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Harmonic analysis; differential equations; mathematical biology and
    Research Areas
    Pure Mathematics
    Algebra, Finite Groups, and Representation Theory
    Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry


    Geometry and Topology
    Paul Fong (Emeritus), Ph.D. Harvard University, 1959. Group theory; representation theory of finite groups. Ju-Lee Kim , Ph.D. Yale University, 1997. representation theory of p-adic groups. Richard G. Larson , Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1965. Applications of Hopf algebras to control theory and data mining; structure of Hopf algebras and quantum groups; applications of algebra to computer science. David E. Radford , Ph.D. University of North Carolina, 1970. Hopf algebras; quantum groups; invariants of knots, links and 3-manifolds. Mark Ronan , Ph.D. University of Oregon, 1978. Groups; geometry. Stephen Smith , Ph.D. Oxford University, 1973. Finite group theory; combinatorics; computer science; algebraic topology. Bhama Srinivasan , Ph.D. University of Manchester, 1960. Representation theory of finite groups of Lie type; symmetric functions.
    Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
    A.O.L. Atkin

    59. Research Activities In Applied & Financial Mathematics At UIC
    Research activities in Applied Financial Mathematics at the Department ofMathematics, Mathematical fluid dynamics, partial differential equations.
    Research Areas
    Neil Berger (Emeritus), Ph.D. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 1968. Elasticity, fluid mechanics. Jerry Bona , Ph.D. Harvard University, 1971. Fluid mechanics; partial differential equations; numerical analysis; mathematical economics; oceanography. Susan Friedlander , Ph.D. Princeton University, 1972. Mathematical fluid dynamics, partial differential equations. Floyd Hanson , Ph.D. Brown University, 1968. Computational stochastic control; stochastic manufacturing systems; computational finance; scientific supercomputing; stochastic bioeconomics; asymptotics; industrial mathematics; numerical analysis. Melvin Heard , Ph.D. Purdue University, 1967. Partial integro-differential equations. Charles Knessl , Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1986. Asymptotic and perturbation methods; stochastic models; convection-diffusion problems; analysis of algorithms; financial mathematics. Anton Leykin , Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 2003. Algebraic Analysis; Computer Algebra; Computer Science; Industrial Mathematics. David Nicholls , Ph.D. Brown University, 1998. Numerical Analysis and Applied PDE.

    60. Differential Equations Course Information
    differential equations arise naturally to model dynamicalsystems Such activities include playing computer games, reading email,......Course 333/DEinfo.htm
    MATH 333: Differential Equations General Course Information Spring, 2005
    Course Description:
    Differential equations arise naturally to model dynamical systems such as occur in physics, biology, and economics, and have given major impetus to other fields in mathematics, such as topology and the theory of chaos. This course covers basic analytic, numerical, and qualitative methods for the solution and understanding of ordinary differential equations. Computer-based technology will be used.
    Attendance: Learning mathematics is greatly enhanced through active participation in mathematical discussions and small group activities. To fully take advantage of these modes of learning, it is paramount that you attend all classes. For this reason you will be expected to attend and be on time for each class meeting. A student who misses a class meeting will be held responsible for the material covered and any assignments or announcements that were given.
    Computer Use: This classroom is equipped with computers for student use. During a class period computer usage is restricted to students enrolled in the course. In addition, usage of the computer by enrolled students is limited to activities related to current class discussions and found appropriate by the instructor. In that inappropriate computer use during class by a student can be distracting to other students, as well as to the instructor such use is prohibited during class. Such activities include playing computer games, reading e-mail, conversing in a chat room, surfing the web, working assignments for other courses, or any other activity which distracts the student, or other students from the work of the course.

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