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81. Christina School District - CHRISTINA NEWS FORTYFIVE delaware TEACHERS RECEIVE NATIONAL BOARD certification Top honor brings total to 205 in First State . (Dover, De. http://www.christina.k12.de.us/en2/news_special/2003/1202_DOE_PressRelease.htm | |
82. Licensure - Frequently Asked Questions Listing of frequently asked questions concerning teacher licensure. of State Directors of teacher Education and certification (NASDTEC) standards http://www.ncpublicschools.org/licensure/lifaq.htm | |
83. Penn State College Of Education Instructional I Pennsylvania Instructional I teacher certificates are issued to all undergraduate Are admitted to a specific major and/or teacher certification program http://www.ed.psu.edu/edservices/certification/Instructional1_cert.html |
84. Teacher Certification And State Education Departments certification sites for teachers! National Association for Alternative certification (NAAC) Seeks to expand the options available for teacher http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/certification/ | |
85. Interstate Reciprocity Or Using A Teaching Certificate From Another State This certificate is valid for two years, during which time the teacher must satisfy delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/teachrecother.htm | |
86. Archived: Promising Practices: The Induction Of New Teachers The delaware teacher induction program provides mentor teams within schools The fouryear-old program offers newly certified teachers an opportunity to http://www.ed.gov/pubs/PromPractice/chapter5.html | |
87. Employment Opportunities The delawareUnion Educational Service Center is a non-profit service agency Qualifications Ohio Special Education teacher s certificate/license in the http://www.duesc.org/human_resources/employment.php | |
88. Delaware Legislative Requirements For Educating LEP Students delaware offers ESL certification/endorsement for teachers, as outlined in A Study of Programs and Demographics. Does the state of delaware offer http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/reports/state-legislation/de.req.htm | |
89. 2000 Distinguished Alumni 1999 · delaware Tech, Educational Technology Introductory Certificate 1986 2000 delaware teacher of the Year for Marketing Education http://www.dtcc.edu/terry/pages/2005alumni.htm | |
90. DSU Education Department Curriculum In Occupational Vocational Teacher Education A certification program for current teachers of trade and industrial education ++ Occupational courses may be taken at delaware Technical and Community http://www.desu.edu/colleges/cess/education/curricoccvotech.php | |
91. Delaware State University History The State College for Colored Students, now known as delaware State A threeyear normal course leading to a teacher s certificate was initiated in 1897. http://www.desu.edu/dsu/history.php | |
92. Untitled Document exception, delaware; the following states offer (ancient, apparently) Greek The grade level for which teachers of these subjects are certified differs; http://www.apaclassics.org/education/teachcert.html | |
93. Delaware Becomes 2nd State For Salary Supplement To School CCC Holders (7/14/200 delaware Adds Salary Supplement for School CCC Holders the same amount provided to teachers who hold a Master teacher certificate from the National http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/04-archive/Delaware.htm | |
94. ECS Results DE, delaware Early Childhood Assistance Program(ECAP), Teachers must have Teachers in public schools must have a certification with early childhood http://www.ecs.org/dbsearches/Search_Info/EarlyLearningReports.asp?tbl=table11 |
95. Legislative Action Focus Reports Most SREB states offer incentives for teachers to pursue certification from the delaware set a salary bonus of 12 percent annually for teachers who earn http://www.sreb.org/scripts/Focus/focus1.asp?Code=15 |
96. [Dickinson College] Education Department Students seeking teacher certification must take EDUC 461 EDUC 462 rather than Students not seeking teacher certification but seeking the minor in http://www.dickinson.edu/departments/educ/certification.html | |
97. Wesley - Education - Bachelor's Degree The program requires that each teacher candidate complete two (2) content The Department of Education and at Wesley received certification in October http://www.wesley.edu/academics/education/education_bach.html | |
98. State Support And Incentives The delaware Department of Education (DDOE) will use NBPTS Candidate Subsidy BSD National Board Certified Teachers facilitate local support meetings. http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Delaware |
99. Meet The New NBCTs I am proud that so many of delaware s teachers have received their The success of National Board Certified Teachers plays an important role in improving http://www.nbpts.org/nbct/praise.cfm | |
100. Teach NYC - Reciprocity Certified teachers with three years or less teaching experience delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana. Kentucky http://www.nycenet.edu/TEACHNYC/ExperiencedTeachers/reciprocity.htm | |
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